TABAQ TL for Tangband

Thanks Jeff! I've used a tilt of 5 degrees. Good idea about the filter. As soon as I got the BSC I'll try the two different setups. See what works best.

Thanks Kissabout. I'm already enjoying the music! Maybe I also just needed to get used to the sound from these beauties, but I'm going to try the BSC anyway and as Jeff already suggested, just try what works best.
Hi Bjohn,
I recently made the second pair of Tabaq box again with 25mm MDF. This time i used your
Guidance for a bigger Tabaq.i.e. 178 and port size I used a 4 inch Full range which i was previously using in the original Tabaq Box. I noticed the SPL did increase than the previous one, the low mids are more open, But i miss the deep low grunt that the original Tabaq offered. Any suggestions? I made sure the line geometry is correct, no air leaks. How much stuffing should i do?
On experiment ,i notice that the more i stuff,the bass becoming more deep,Is there any suggested quantity of stuffing?

Ps. I place the Tabaq against the wall,and no BSC
It does not make sense to me. Which driver are you using?

For information I have enclosed some examples of stuffing. The cross section is smaller than your loudspeaker but you can see that increased stuffing damped the low bass a little.



  • Stuffing TABAQ TB 4 Inch (1).pdf
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Hi Bjohn,
Its a generic Taiwan import driver. It's called as Dainty in India. No Ts parameters, but it performed extremely well in the original box Tabaq version. I fixed the same driver in the new box. The sound is much more open, and i would like to know if there's any simulation for stuffing with this cross sectional area. Thanks in Advance
Hi Bjorn,
Thanks for the pdf. I have used the same dimensions i.e .171sq cm large Tabaq. It requires a BSC to achieve perceivable bass,But this larger version plays very loud,with peaking upper mids and highs. That being said, i liked the bass of the Tabaq much more. Hence,i dismantled the box , Cut it again to reduce the width. It is now back to original dimensions,and as usual,i get that deep gruntling bass again. For 4 inch,i feel the original Tabaq is the best version, subjectively ,since i have heard both extensively.
Hi perceval,

Look into the pdf by Bjorn in post 3327, In page 2, there's a simulation with increased csa. . Bjohn has given this simulation sometime back in a older Post. I used that and did the Tabaq with larger volume. But finally, I am back to the original Tabaq with Csa
indeed, the original design is simple, small and great sounding. AFter building the tabaq, i stopped using subwoofer for music. Tabaq gives the most natural bass for music listening. i did a frequncy sweep test and monitored the airflow at the vent by means of a small paper ribbon pasted on one side of the vent. i noticed the airflow was maximum( greater amplitude of vibration of the paper ribbon) at 55 hz.
Because the TABAQ design is tuned to 55Hz.

For most music, that is enough, but for more involved music, like electronic, it often dips below that.

Boz Scaggs “Thanks to you” is another.

Still, the TABAQ to me is the most satisfying design when it comes to bass extension using a 3” or 4” driver, and with the right driver and filter, quite satisfying with upper extension too!
I did.
It was suitable for the design, but the drivers have a break up that brought a lot of distortion.
I forgot the frequency it was, but I remember it was annoying to my ears.
Found it in the sb10 thread.
There is a distortion bump at 3.8kHz.
It may or may not annoy you.

The SBAcoustics 3” SB10PGC21-4 / Fiberglass driver

That's a shame, because the parameters looked good.

Is it the peerless element that is top contender now or has any other element
arrived recently which has great bang for the buck ratio?