The Black Hole......


Joined 2003
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Well, look who wrote it.


"Raising the bar for Loudspeaker Knowledge...." is an Audioxpress article about a Voice Coil issue containing an article named "Raising the bar for rub and buzz defect detection..." which in turn is about AP testing it seems - has noting to do with Purify.

In the same VC issue, there seem to be an article "Some Speaker Problems That Needed Solving.." - is that the one you are trying to refer to?

I don't have access to Voice Coil so I don't know what it contains. Is it the same blurb as on the Purify homepage article that we are discussing but in that case the authors are named?

"Raising the bar for Loudspeaker Knowledge...." is an Audioxpress article about a Voice Coil issue containing an article named "Raising the bar for rub and buzz defect detection..." which in turn is about AP testing it seems - has noting to do with Purify.
In the same VC issue, there seem to be an article "Some Speaker Problems That Needed Solving.." - is that the one you are trying to refer to?
I don't have access to Voice Coil so I don't know what it contains. Is it the same blurb as on the Purify homepage article that we are discussing but in that case the authors are named?


That link got copied wrong. This is it.
Some Speaker Problems That Needed Solving - PURIFI

The Voice Coil article is the same one as on the PurFi web site (it says so).
"...This article was originally published in Voice Coil, August 2021..."

Why don't you call him and ask him if he approves of his own article?
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The Purifi blogs are official blogs of the company.

So they carry the imprimatur of Bruno Putzey and Lars Risbo. So they can be ascribed to both. Fair enough.

But the delivery presented in those blogs is easy to recognise. It is mainly Bruno. You can watch him on quite a few videos, one of which I produced and lasted well over an hour.

Bruno Putzeys YouTube

I ask myself, would Bruno have considered what I did as plagiarising? I think not.

The most important thing about those statements (they were not questions) was the clarity struck me. Because it is what I am trying to do in my dealing with a particular (and very deeply technical) measurement issue that I am trying to solve right now. It is a particular measurement method that is turned around making the DUT work in reverse and making the other part of the test the DUT. Yes, it is novel and if it works it will be a hoot.

How many people here believe that amplifiers sound different?

Or, as Earl Geddes has said, amplifiers only make up 10%?

PS: I have arranged for fifty+ drivers (might be near a hundred when we finish) from Purifi. I could email and ask Claus there if Bruno is the blog author? I am pretty sure of the answer, but then we would know for sure.
IDK, the whole Purifi blurb quoted here sounds like mumbo jumbo, at least it now has the context. Still evocative, leading statements with no answers. So no free pass to the original authors. Do I need to go read the rest of the article? Please say no.

*And to be fair, most of the stuff surrounding Purifi has sounded like mumbo jumbo... like just about everyone else.
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This is indicative of something else: This is stuff actually takes a great deal of mental effort (not intelligence, but that is required too) to understand the topic at hand. I am not trying to sound superior, only that I have a deeper need and want to understand this 'stuff' which is anything but blurb.

It relates to something of a new (a word looked down upon here) and novel (pretty much means the same thing) understanding of what they call "Force-Factor Modulation" and maybe this will

Their demonstration that AM distortions are worse than FM distortions is pretty stunning. It's in there with the other blogs. They all need to be read. I think FFM is going to become, for good or for bad, a new buzz-word in the coming decade? We shall see.
This is stuff actually takes a great deal of mental effort (not intelligence, but that is required too) to understand the topic at hand. I am not trying to sound superior, only that I have a deeper need and want to understand this 'stuff' which is anything but blurb.

Ok, now can you please write some equations? I was just told today that everybody can do that.
Here is a measurement of a zero-feedback RIAA phono stage I designed: What you are looking at is a 100KHz square wave and near flat at 1MHz, that's not bad.

Yeah, you are right, anybody can do it.
What's your point?

Joe, one more thing.

Some here have a sick compulsion to disparage and ridicule others.
These psycopaths deserve our pity, but not our time.

If there has been one thing that I have learned in my life, it is this:

having worked with a number of highly accomplished scientists,
I have found that the more intelligent a person is, the more humble they are,
because they understand how little they know.


Joined 2003
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That link got copied wrong. This is it.
Some Speaker Problems That Needed Solving - PURIFI

The Voice Coil article is the same one as on the PurFi web site (it says so).
"...This article was originally published in Voice Coil, August 2021..."

Why don't you call him and ask him if he approves of his own article?

Him? Who? If it is the same article it is still not signed by anyone. And I stick with that this is not Bruno speak form what I have read form him before. But it is on his site so he is to blame anyway....

The funny thing is that the statement we are discussing is not in that article that you corrected the link to ;-D

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Joined 2014
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Do I need to go read the rest of the article? Please say no.

Won't take you long as it's a blog post rather than an AES article. But the conclusion that BL non linearity causes IMD which is more audible than low frequency HD remains.

What I can't find is the interview where it was admitted that the fancy surround seems to make more difference than anything else.

Personally as someone who fit 15" woofers into their living room I am pleased that the issues with long stroke drivers are being addressed audible or not.