The diyAudio First Watt M2x

All the daughter boards are quiet in my build, when everything is hooked up for proper listening etc.... The "noise" I was referring to was under what are sure to be extreme conditions? Listening to the outputs with headphones on the bench? But yes, I'd hazard a guess that if there was still some tuning to be done overall, that you might hear a "noise" difference between daughter boards in the speakers.

I was under the distinct impression that the FW amps did in fact have shielded edcors (see pic). Maybe someone can 100% confirm this—pictures may lie? It was actually the basis of importance to try it for me—plus education and exploration—but of all the things I did—it made the most significant difference.


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Joined 2006
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Just finished, and installed the IPS7 cards with LM4562 dual opamps. The wonderful @MarkJohnson sent me a set of his boards.

Not hard to build as M2x daughter cards go.

Of course, I tend to like whatever boards I just put in, but these are terrific. I have some different songs that emphasize bass, treble, layering, and detail. I liked everything about this one. I’m having trouble writing this post because the music keeps taking my attention.

I ventured out and ordered IPS6 cards (a first for me). Now I need to wade into get matching. More fun to come!

Thanks @MarkJohnson!
Joined 2011
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Congratulations Bones13! It's great to hear your IPS7 build went together smoothly, and I'm thrilled that you really like the way they sound. Member pfarrell absolutely loved these cards too (review in #3494 of this thread). He installed OPA134s in his IPS7s, while you installed LM4562s, and both of you were happy with the sound. I think that's terrific news; it suggests that builders may not need to horse around, swapping in lots of different opamp types, to get delightful results.

Good on Ya! Best wishes for similar or greater success, on your IPS6 build!

Have a lot of work ahead of me, got to start somewhere.
Heat sinks are 6" x 7.25", so 6"x 14.5 inches per board.
My plan is to build each case 10" wide x 14.5" deep.
Which leaves my with 9.7" by 14.5" to stuff things into.
Looks good on paper anyway.
Also, I was gifted some IPS7 and IPS6 boards, THANKS P.
Going to make the ISP7 boards first as they just seem to be the sound I could live with or start with.
Have the Mu metal ordered for the Edcores
Denis, thank you for the reference to the fact that Edcors were shielded in the original FW. That way it is part of the NP design and should really be followed for the best results.

Little update:
I made a full iron shielding case with 22ga steel sheet and that does not produce the desired results. The sound seems to be gone like it's magnetically shortening the edcor. Actually I have no clue WTH is going on with that. I may post some pics later. I have a V2.0 in mind that will be less 'intimate' with the edcor but I am having too much fun listening to mess around with sheet metal today.:D

At the moment I am stuck with the TUCSON and OPA604 due to the freedom it affords me with PS voltage since it can take +/- 24VDC. My voltage gets up to +/-30VDC at startup and settles down to +/-25V when the amps gets up to full bias. Meaning it would be close to killing other opamps with lower max supply voltage even after taking off the daughter board zener voltage drops.
Only other option is the ips7.
Hi. I was going to make Norwood daughter boards for my M2X, but when re-checking the parts I noticed that I made a mistake and bought 39pF capacitor instead of 39nF for C4.
I could source locally 33nF or 47nF capacitors, but not 39nF at the moment.
How critical is the value of C4 in Norwood? What could be the acceptable variance?

Joined 2019
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@gratuku - I remembered reading a bit about the material choices available for shielding the Edcor. I checked my notes and couldn't find all references, but this may help.

steel vs. mu metal DIYAudio M2 - Google Search

qwertyl's experience seems to indicate steel may not be the best choice even without the other issues you may have run into re: implementation "intimacy". :D Further discussion follows in that area of the thread re: material choices. It flies well above my head. I think there was additional discussion in the M2 thread re: both material choices and how to safely implement the shielding. Post 1438 has a link to other discussion also. Thanks for posting the results. Good luck!
I have upgraded my M2X mono blocks with new silent toroid's. The old had some mechanical hum that got me frustrated. Then I also added an IEC with filter (2A type). I made REW distortion measurement to check if new transformer had any influence on distortion pattern. What was most obvious was that 50Hz peak had disappeared and rest look about the same as with old toroid. Before I had a 50Hz peak that was almost 10dB higher than 100Hz peak (but that was still quite low and not audible). So shielding of power transformer works and also shielding of Edcor. 100Hz peak is more than 105dB down which is very low I think. I also think all other harmonics than 2nd and 3rd are down at a level that you can consider them almost "non existing"?
The amp outputs 4.7V RMS into a 6.8R load during measurement (1 kHz). That is a lot more than I usually play. Toroid is also 100% mechanical silent now. If I put ear down to it I can hear very little if I concentrate on hearing it and there is no other noise in the room. So I think operation was successful.
It also shows that M2X can be extremely silent with no hum at all (mechanical and electrical).


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I'm only shipping to USA-based, enthusiastic, eager, highly motivated builders who send me a copy of their Mouser invoice, showing they've already bought all components. It's in the original messages about IPS6&7.

But the good news is, anybody and everybody can take the Gerber CAD files I saved here on diyAudio, and send them off to a PCB fab. You can ask the fab to ship your boards anywhere in the world. Even people who haven't already bought all components, can order boards themselves. Even people outside the USA.

I always get price quotes from 30 different fabs, using the wonderful website pcbshopper dot com (tell it: qty=10 boards, layers=2, size= 35mm X 40mm, your choice of color; I chose black). For my August 2020 purchase of IPS6 and IPS7, the two fabs that looked best (to me) were "JLCPCB" and "Elecrow" but you may prefer another. Get the quotes and find out!

I am sure that diyAudio members in Scandinavia and Northern Europe would be very grateful if someone who lived nearby, would order a bunch of boards and then re-distribute them to other members. Sort of like a mini-GroupBuy. One person does all the work and everybody else does no work; they just send a PayPal payment.