The "Elsinore Project" Thread


Been reading your listening impressions. Thank you for sharing and it's nice to know that you are finding the Elsinore's really enjoyable to listen too. Also good to see that the build with MFC drivers turned out really well.

Joe, was the first build with MFC drivers?

I know of three MFC builds down here and several more are on the way. I also fitted them to my own Elsinores with those two changes to the crossover, so if anybody who drops in to hear them, it will with currently available drivers.

They are every bit as good as the NRX and the sonic signature between them is very small, so I am very relieved that life can go on. Keep building them. :D
A follow-up concerning amplification. I just tried my E280F/GM70 interstage transformer coupled SET monoblock amplifiers (20W Class A, and a little more in A2) and they also work great with the Elsinores. Very impactful low frequency response and very liquid midrange. Very happy with the sound I am hearing. I have included a picture of one of the GM70 amps (I have since upgraded the interstage from a Hammond 126B to a custom wound nickel core interstage by Dave Slagle (Intact Audio)). 120 lbs per amp, all PIO/PPIO capacitors in the power supply, NOS vintage HV transformer and choke, Tamura output transformer.


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An opportunity to build several pairs of bookshelf-sized speakers may be brewing for me, and I was wondering if the Hamlet would be a good choice. The Elsinores that I (and my friends) built are stunning and have received consistently stellar reviews, so you have proven yourself to be a great bet. I've seen several mentions of the Hamlet in this Elsinore thread but not a lot of detail. Is the Hamlet primarily intended as a center channel speaker, or was it designed as a scaled-down Elsinore that could also serve as a center channel? If the latter, where can I find cabinet drawings and a crossover design? If the former, is there anything you'd recommend instead?

Warm regards,

An opportunity to build several pairs of bookshelf-sized speakers...

Ah, the Hamlets. It seems to be ever-looming issue and every time I see myself getting a break in time, then something happens and I admit it looks like I have been guilty of broken promises, so that bothers my conscience. The MFC driver change has not helped, because I now need to change the drivers I have here in the Hamlet boxes (they are NRXC Mk1) to MFC, actually buy some in - and to get a good price I have to buy 10, but in reality I have to buy 12, so that at least I have a set of 8 for Elsinore use.

Scott, may I say two things, I shall try to get onto this in January and also, prod me hard but kindly about it over the next few months, so that in that time we shall be doing it.

Cheers, Joe
Congratulations on completing the Elsinores! They, and the room they're in, look fantastic.

I might be interested in a local group build, but I'd like to get my ears on them first. Any chance I could swing by sometime for a listen to yours?

I finished up the Elsinores this evening, and are cut into my system. They are very coherent and have no strain. They completely disappear. Much, much better than I was expecting.:D
I had been watching Elsinore since MK5, when MK6 was released i was 100% sure that this was the best option for DIY speaker available. but i kept back and forth to this design due to my journey jumped into open baffle, driver cost is mostly the major drawback for me.

a few months ago, SBA dealer announced discounted price of 17NRX due to EOL product for $48 each but still i hold it. today i contacted the dealer and for high quantity purchase he gave me $35.5 each :)

this is not something i should think of anymore so i ordered 10pcs, 2pcs spare for hamlet center.

however i might still not build this yet, another budget for tweeter and waveguide must wait
...kept back and forth to this design due to my journey jumped into open baffle...

The Elsinores were influenced by open baffle designs that I did way back to the 1970's. The entire internal volume of the Elsinores is used to absorb the back-wave of the drivers, particularly the critical midrange. I speak from experience in this area, the Elsinores has pretty much the most important benefits of open baffle.

beside open baffle, i also bought several Fullrange drivers and build active 4ways OB with minidsp. because i have 3 class a amplifier, i still think that i need at least 1 diy passive speaker to taste different type of speaker designs but i will not jump into learning passive crossover

I also have listened to several design using SBA drivers even all Satori 3way buy there are some nuance that is missing, maybe the design is not great. even the SB satori floorstand kit sound thin to me, plus the cabinet itself is thin :) i like big cabinet, big driver, big sound

will come back later, hopefully next year or next 2yr
Had a very productive weekend, completing the wiring harness for the crossovers, installing the Dacron batting and crossovers, and finally bringing the cabinets inside for final assembly. One speaker is complete, save for the terminals at the back, the other still awaits the drivers.

Plan on finishing them tonight after work. I have spiked outrigger stands to attach which will raise the speaker by 2 inches (50 mm).

The speakers on the outside of the Elsinores are a pair of Zalytron/Orca Aria 5R speakers on top of powered subwoofers.


I really like the tinted duratex idea. I'm seriously considering jumping in here and doing a end game (for me anyway) kit. I've done multiple DIY kits and always finished with black Duratex because they go in home theater. The Elsinores would go in a listening room. Not confident enough on veneer and a tinted Duratex might fit the bill. Great work.
is there a slim MTM tower based on the Elsinore MTM?

Hi, I read a few pages on the design of the Elsinore and even if I do not fully understand it, I am impressed by the fact it can play a square wave.

Unfortunately, it is way too big for my room, a slim floorstander would be the ticket. So the question is, is there any MTM slim tower with similar characteristics as the Elsinore?

Not sure if this will attach properly but this is a quote from Madisound to have the xovers sourced and built with PCB boards. Is there anything the experts see as an issue. I'm pretty clueless on the electronics and I'm looking for an easy way out on the xovers. I see through the thread that many are replacing a tweeter section with a Janzen (sp?). Advice welcome. Thanks.


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I've tried to search the thread but came up empty. Does anyone have a CNC file for the boxes of the EL6 ? or can someone direct me to the right post. Thanks.


See post #2407. My version differs from the cabinets designed by Joe Rasmussen in that my design includes a place for the crossover to built into the rear of the cabinet (as well as a few other minor design additions). At very least, a place for you to start.


See post #2407. My version differs from the cabinets designed by Joe Rasmussen in that my design includes a place for the crossover to built into the rear of the cabinet (as well as a few other minor design additions). At very least, a place for you to start.


Thanks Scott...that is a huge help on the crossover sourcing. I have a local cnc group who will cut my boxes for me but the xovers always baffle me. Thanks again.