The Frugalamp by OS

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by roender (d.self) Figure 6.5 shows the effect on an otherwise Blameless amplifier handling 60 W/8, with 220 ìF rail decoupling capacitors; at 1 kHz distortion has increased by more than ten times, which is quite bad enough.

D. Self took those readings with NFB takeoff "grossly" unbalanced
(right at a emitter resistor) to prove his point. MJ's small
board design errata ? would not produce the same results.
On mine I use 2" shielded wire to take NFB right at OP terminal
to have optimum results.
MJL can still change things with a click of the mouse.
I've aready done my boards so hopefully there are no major
problems with my layout.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

By AKSA - Another technique using the same principle and saving on decoupling caps is to simply run a 10R resistor and back to back diodes from A to B,
Your suggestion "in the flesh"..

We don't talk about NFB take off point, but rail decoupling distortion.
In your PCB layout, and MJL... also, rectified half waves from output stage are polluting the low current stages ground.


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roender said:

We don't talk about NFB take off point, but rail decoupling distortion.
In your PCB layout, and MJL... also, rectified half waves from output stage are polluting the low current stages ground.

Hi roender,
Tell me how yours differs significantly from mine? The low current ground trace is coloured bright red.


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MJL21193 said:
C11 and C12 are bypass caps, no?

I think you are blowing this out of proportion, but I do listen to any good advice I get and use it. In my Patchwork layout, I solicited Eva's comment on it and this "big mistake" was not pointed out.

Yes, but that stage in pure classA, free of half waves class B pulses and more than that with a separated power supply, only for VAS and LTP ;)
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roender said:

Yes, but that stage in pure classA, free of half waves class B pulses and more than that with a separated power supply, only for VAS and LTP ;)

But the trace continues behind it directly to the main decoupling caps! I'm not seeing the distinction.

Here shows my signal ground (yellow) - isolated from the common ground.

Anyway, I need to run off to work. Later. :)


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roender said:

Eva make the same suggestion, to take the ground for VAS and LTP from star ground directly.

And I did it here. The topology used in my amp will benefit more from such changes, as the PSRR is not as good but in an amp such as this one by OS, there is not going to be a big gain.

BUT, I'm not one to argue with good sense when It is easy to make a change , so here it is:


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And I am the dummy that makes such a obvious mistake for
all to see...ha ha , AND has to "pants down" correct it in 20

We should not fret in our endeavors for with FA1 we have
definitely bested the "quasi" offerings..really ( I have one).

With this one(FA2), I have a feeling it will be the best , cheap
with the ability to be implemented from +- 30 to +- 100 V
(sims great with minor changes to CCS/ VAS Re's). All
the minor haggling over layout.. etc... Time will sort all this out,
I have 18 more 6X6 fr4's.
Did my mouser shopping with Visa tonight.. wed/thurs. amp will
be finalized..pix,too WOW FA1 is freakin' loud:drink:
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How's this for service:


I got off early today and decided to dissolve some copper cladding. :D


Works too. That's always a bonus.
Preliminary tests show it running with a bit of overshoot but that is with 47pF Miller caps (I didn't have any 68pF).
I'll post some scope shots soon.

Section A
Waveforms using the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)


One method of assessing frequency response (and sometimes other characteristics) is to feed a square wave to the input of the device under test and examine its output on a CRO. The square wave is made up of a fundamental frequency and all odd harmonies, theoretically to infinity. A deficiency within the frequency spectrum, from the fundamental upwards, will show a change in the shape of waveform. The test is subjective rather than precise but gives a good indication of the response.

Waveform and Spectrum Analysis
by Lloyd Butler VK5BR

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This is a pretty fast amp and no signs of instability. Look at this 500kHz squarewave:


I have it mounted on a temporary heatsink. I will be trying it on full rail voltage soon but I have a small concern. It doesn't like to clip:


That is a 20k sinewave and is at relatively low rail voltage (30V). This will be a lot worse on higher rails. I think it is that 3rd transistor in the current mirror, or at least that is what the sim shows. I used a 1k resistor to feed it - I figured that the 4.7k was too high.
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