The high octane phono preamp

Hi everyone,

it's a real treat to see you guys are still interested to build my small little phono pre!

I'm sorry that I'm almost never online at DIYAudio - I recently became a father so free time became a very rare collectible ;)

However, reordering a batch of boards is not that big a task!

I reordered a new batch of the last board version - which were the RED BOARDS - that had a few smaller warts fixed, also had convenient mounting holes and fit into an Hammond enclosure.

Boards should be here in about 10 days or so and I hope I can offer them at the original price of 11 Euros, that is 19 Euros with shipping.

See also

I will post here when I have the boards in my hands ;)
Hi all since building the "High Octane RIAA MM Phonostage" it's become my favorite MM preamp,
it presentation of music is very natural and has the feeling that it being played by real musicians.

If you want to hear whats it sound like search Youtube for:-

Thorens TD160 Super - Rega RB300 - Philips GP390 Ceramic Cartridge 001

Thorens TD160 Super - Rega RB300 - Philips GP390 Ceramic Cartridge 002

Appreciate if more experienced builders can provide some clarification on the following questions:

1. For a stereo phono preamp build, how many boards are required? (I am asking because I see folks ordering pairs)

2. How much does the approximate bill of materials cost come to?