The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

Thought about you on this one...

Maybe for a next panel if your significant other ever approves? ha ha! :D



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Taking my time with the post EQ for the average measurements. Who knows, this may lead to another experiment with yet more average positions around the sweet spot next time. This is only 3 different mic positions for each speaker, with 9 measurements covering these 3 spots.
Can't wait to see if this theory of averages holds up.

Meanwhile I am listening to the previous correction and playing movies with it.
While I had done all the virtual sessions (running a stereo IR trough JRiver, checking the results) and finishing up the EQ about a week ago I had not found any time to listen until this evening.
First impression: very good! While it was 32 degree Celsius indoors due to the heat continuing for about 3 months now, quite a few degrees above being comfortable, I sat there listening with goose bumps :).

I see a future for this averaging around the sweet spot! I can't remember being this happy with the sound right after processing. Usually it takes me a couple of tweaks to settle in. Lets see if I still feel this way after a few more listening sessions.

Ayreon's Isis and Osiris, from the album Into the Electric Castle simply blew me away!


I can't believe that album is 20 years old this year, with a special edition re-mixed version of it coming out in a few months time.
I've heard it so many times, but today it was one of those days where it really came alive.


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While it was 32 degree Celsius indoors due to the heat continuing for about 3 months now, quite a few degrees above being comfortable, I sat there listening with goose bumps :).

Wow, that's hot!

Ayreon's Isis and Osiris, from the album Into the Electric Castle simply blew me away!

I've heard it so many times, but today it was one of those days where it really came alive.

He, he, good to know that you're enjoying the music. :)
Now where was I? I've been on holiday and anxious to start working on my never ending project again. But... reading along while enjoying the sun for a change, instead of being frustrated with inside temperatures, I followed bwaslo's new ambient project:
Ambience tweeters using small BMR drivers

Does it ever end? Now I want to know what ambience, coming from the front, covering the upper part of the spectrum sounds like. I've always wanted to try ambient tweeters (alongside the ambience generators already in use).
But I also want to finish my subwoofers :). And it seems I need even more channels to try it all, 2 main channels (powered by the Goldmund clone), 2 ambient channels from the back (I'd love to make them go lower too, like 60 Hz), 2 ambient tweeters, coming from the front and finally 2 subwoofers to augment the bottom end.
One day I will incorporate all of this, plus it would double as a HT setup. But even though I do have 8 channels available, I need to look at how to power all of these.

Not to mention finding the time to get it all done!
In a way, I'm hoping to have cleared the path to start working on my subwoofers. I'm still off work this week, doing chores around the house, one of them is to clean out the garage. This will hopefully lead the way to do some actual work in there again.

I always have to many plans and things to try and will need to focus again to get anything done. Anyone else have this same problem? Always running out of time? Worst thing is the long, but very enjoyable listening sessions eating up the time to do something useful :D. I have so many things on my mind and so little time, at least it feels that way.
Doing more ambient exercises would require more amplifiers and building extra cabinets. I still have 2 unused TC9 drivers, I was thinking of using the small 10F's for front ambience duty and making slightly bigger, ported enclosures for the back. Then again, I've often thought of different spots to hide them (I'd have to hide them as my girlfriend already thinks I'm crazy as is, saying: no more speakers or damping panels!)

It's not that she does not like the outcome, but she reminds me this is a living space first and foremost. She'd love for me to have a dedicated listening space where I could go crazy, as would I. Our house just doesn't have the room.

How I would love to go really wild and crazy. However, part of this challenge is how far I can get things with these restrictions, which already is getting me further than I ever imagined. But the need to see how far I can go with it does not seem to end just yet.
It's too much fun, getting lost in the music in the listening sessions and getting an education out of it.

I'll try and get the focus back on one project at a time, but I cannot promise anything :).

Meanwhile, any suggestions on amps to use for 4 ambient channels, of about 60 watt each? I still remember the Fetzilla with fond memories :).
It certainly crossed my mind. I might look in that direction. I'm super pleased with the main amp, but would have no problem to use this kind of receiver for ambient duties.
In a way I want to keep the visual impact in our room to a minimum. I'm still thinking where to hide the sub amps too.
The gear stack I have now is simple and I'd like to keep it that way.

(I should have dusted them off before taking the picture :))


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