The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

wow... coool, this is amazing :cool::D just wonder about those big phaseshifts there :rolleyes:

Hope to be better able to follow what you are doing, this is way cool.

But please take care of your health !!!!!!!
I hope everything will be fine :p

It all sums fantastic :). I suffered a heart attack and was treated in the hospital. I'm taking it easy and slowly try to regain my energy. So all audio jobs are moving at a very slow pace and don't have a priority over getting back on my feet. If I feel like it I mess around with the toys. I've been playing music and movies, all with older (pré-filter) processing. Yesterday was the first time firing up the measurement tools again.

Even though it turns out the right array needs service too, I don't feel disappointed. I did feel that when about 3 months ago the left turned out to be broken! However, after seeing what results can be had I realize I'll get there one day or another. ;) The left side measurements made my day and are proof that the predictions were spot on.
My health is more important to me than these toys, but I'll get it right eventually. It just takes time.
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Joined 2009
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It is that realism that makes me smile. It sounds and feels like a drum kit (to me).....

Yes recording and mixing drums is an Art by itself.
You most always face conflicting requirements... the bigger being the numbers of mics used and the need for room/overhead mics for the whole instrument to sound real. It always lead to phase issues one have to deal with. As well as style requirement ( that rock thingy you pointed with A/B overhead and kick/snare/hh center).

That can be done though it needs to spend a bit of time on it. Or ones have a different approach...

The Pixies 'surfer rosa' is a good example of different approach to rock drums: Albini's use of different type of couple for room makes for great effects as in 'bone machine' intro ( all along the album in fact).

Most first Led Zep' albums were recorded through minimalist recording techniques ( 3 mics on '1' iirc). They introduced studio manipulation later ( 'When the levee breaks'). But most of all is when the player is good ( and inspired during takes) and the instrument tuned right...
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This is the impulse of my corrected left channel, as I measured it yesterday:

The left channel had caused me some grief, as a few drivers (3) broke and I had to repair it. Due to my health situation, this took way longer than expected.

Sadly, the new clean measurements of the left array showed me the right array is still in need of some service too, despite measuring a good impedance after bringing it back into the living room. It looks like I'll have to redo that one too.

And very close to the predictions/sims! (floor/ceiling reflection is about -6 dB)

Predictions with a real array as floor and ceiling mirror can simulate the IR.


(thanks to nc535 for nagging Kimmo about the necessary tweaks to VituixCAD to be able to do this)

While it's useful for arrays, modeling it like this would give insight for other type of loudspeakers too.


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If you mean the little peaks, no, that has to be from something else in the room. The floor/ceiling reflections cause a small ripple over a wider area. That's the beauty of having such a sim, you can learn a bit more of what's causing what.

The left has never been this clean, meaning my updated damping panel and the new curtains do their job!



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Joined 2003
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This is the impulse of my corrected left channel, as I measured it yesterday:

The left channel had caused me some grief, as a few drivers (3) broke and I had to repair it. Due to my health situation, this took way longer than expected.

Sadly, the new clean measurements of the left array showed me the right array is still in need of some service too, despite measuring a good impedance after bringing it back into the living room. It looks like I'll have to redo that one too.

At what distance and hight please?

For that I can show the sim with a higher reflection rate:


If you compare that to the measured/corrected IR, you'll see the resemblance in shape of the output after the peak:


The floor/ceiling pretty much is a train of (quite) small disruptions. Not a single or double peak like most other reflections often seen within measurements.

I expect the new curtains to do better than the old ones. One of the reasons to go with that material, without upsetting my other half ;).
(I was in charge to find and order the curtains, but we both had to like the look)

The damping/absorbing panel is the old one, just repackaged in left over curtain material.

I didn't take a picture of the panel itself (looks like a big grey patch) but you can see the size of it here:

(click on picture to see it undistorted)



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If you mean the little peaks, no, that has to be from something else in the room. The floor/ceiling reflections cause a small ripple over a wider area. That's the beauty of having such a sim, you can learn a bit more of what's causing what.

The left has never been this clean, meaning my updated damping panel and the new curtains do their job!

Once again, it all looks absolutely fantastic, insanely nice :p

Just a thought: I am referring to a guy working at Oslo hifi center who worked like half a year with subwoofer placement with his rig at home; and in the end it's dramatic.... sounds and sums amazing
Assuming there is no digital delay in here on the mains: One of his main points is the exact subwoofer placement in the horisontal plane that acoustic center of the subwoofer must be exactly at the same distance from the ears as the tweeter, or in this case the summed acoustic center of the line array I believe!

I wasn't aware of how even tiny fractions of small adjustments of the physical location of the subwoofer could be so dramatic but in the above case the proof is in the pudding I think, it seemingly affects even the midrange and the imaging, way beyond the low registers. The guy I referred to above used laser measures for the positioning...

My thought then... could it be that the subwoofer possibly may be too close to the front wall?
If there is some very slight digital delay in the mains, I rest my case
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I don't have unlimited placement options. That is a part I solve with DSP. I make sure that what I get at the listening position (and beyond) is timed just right. ;)

I have no complaints whatsoever integrating the subs to my arrays. Placement is what it is, but I use both arrays and subwoofer where they have the best output, further optimizing the left/right balance down to the lowest notes. The arrays still play there, down to the lowest scales, just at a lower level than before. Basically I make sure that what you get at the listening position is timed right from the highest note down to the lowest, despite the influence of the room itself. I mean, it is one thing to make a speaker behave phase linear and after that place it in your room. My concept is different, it's the room + speaker that gets manipulated so what one gets at the ear (both actually) is phase linear. That is a big difference to many others who use DSP manipulation and reason for using these type of speakers (array) and the room treatment you see, to make it (even remotely) possible. That was the plan from the start and it all worked out wonderfully.

Believe me if I say that not much is left to mere 'chance' in my room :D.
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Joined 2009
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Thank you Wesayso.

It makes sense to not have a single/double peak as the relative distance between each driver/ceiling is different. The energy is 'spread' in time domain.

I should start learn using Vituix too. Too many at the moments, HR, DRC,... and i still struggle with Lspcad!

Might as well show a picture of the other side too. The space between couch and damping poster is filled with pillows during listening or measurement sessions.
Another curtain, another panel on the side wall (see 3D impression). This time around I made sure the damping panel was placed in the middle between both arrays.
(used to be ~5 to 10 cm off) The couch is in the middle too, I had to modify my desk to make that possible. I figured as long as we are remodeling I want to
make sure I get the maximum audible return :D.

Next time the weather improves I got to take a new picture using the wide-angle lens. Need to clean up my desk first ;).


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