The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

I'm still waiting on some info from the Aura guy... mainly if I can get a discount for buying 56 drivers at the same time! (a few extra ones, just in case) :)

I'm idle and waiting....

Listening to the good stuff, and then I thought of the Towers with this song... Did you ever tried listening to Rush's La Villa Strangiata? I'm sure it would sound amazing with your Towers.
I'll try that track soon. I hope you can hunt down those Aura's. Do you have any plans for the enclosures yet?

I'm still getting lost in the music over here, and that's a good sign in my opinion. Hard to believe those little cones really do that all. You forget all about them instantly. All that is left is the musical piece, happening as an event right in front of you.
In some ways it's like watching something on a TV or on the big screen. Until you've seen it on that big screen you have no idea what it should look like. Why they made certain choices.
I'll hurry up coming with a design and some drivers... and you hurry up with your big screen.... fair trade! ha ha!

I don't have a TV and there's no way I'm ever going to get one after living with projector for the last 8 years at least. I love all on my 110" screen!

Just like Geddy Lee's mom at the end of the documentary when she says "Now, I love Rush. The louder, the better!" For the image: "The bigger, the better!"
Yeah yeah, rub it in :). That big screen isn't going to happen for me. But I know what it is. Have done it in the past. It would have my preference, definitely! The sound fit's the screen with line arrays, no doubt. Maybe I should look at borrowing or hiring a projector once, to show what it can do to my family. About 20 years ago when I first played with it I was determined to get one, as soon as it would be affordable. Now they are pretty much affordable but I'm not allowed ;).
That was the easiest sale for me to my wife... and she is NOT into tech and stuff...

I said, "let's not get a TV and cable... we hate what's on TV anyway, most of the time... how about we keep the video part for movies only?" She said ok.

Now, she asks me: "which movie will we watch this weekend?" :)

I've had more hard time trying to sell my ideas of audio speaker designs than video. Video was the easy part.

For sure, borrow a projector if you can, pick her favorite movie, and have a night. I'm sure she will enjoy it as much as the rest of the family.

A projector takes up less space than a TV these days, can be put on the coffee table for movie nights, and stuffed away the rest of the time... and when you are all ready, you go for a ceiling mount and permanent installation.

Plus, new 1080p projectors cost less than a TV these days.

I don't mean to rub it in.

Heck, I'd love to take a vacation in your corner of the world. I would bring a projector, you would show me your towers, fair trade, right? :)
Still waiting on a reply from the seller... but wasn't expecting much, it's the weekend.

As for design... well, nothing exciting came to mind yet, so if nothing better comes out, this is a possible option, being a crude sketchup, and not showing the dividers between drivers:


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Ouch... personally I would not use protruding sides. Unless it had a function!
I know not many may agree but I do think diffraction is to be avoided as much as possible. Remember my cross section?

I know many wouldn't agree, but I do think every little bit helps.

So if I were to have protruding sides I'd use them differently. Sort of like this:

Without the horn in the middle but I think you get the picture :).
(I'd also use larger round-overs than pictured here at the mouth, a la JMLC)

I do realise not all will look at it like I do and in the end you need to do what suits you. But I wouldn't be me without telling you what I think. In the end it's up to you what you want to do with my views. Kind of like the earlier discussion of weight in an enclosure.
I can't tell you what works and what not without trying it first. But I do have my own "mental picture" of how these things could work. I displayed my craziness/lunacy for all to see so what do I know :D. I bet there won't be many as crazy as I am to use the type of construction I did. But I do not regret it one minute.

Pay me enough and I'd do it again. ;)


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Do what suits you, and your vision. I am just giving you some input to think about ;)
I'm not running any grilles. If I did, I would copy OPC's "socks":
(I think many forgot about these arrays but they were the first I found when I was looking for line arrays and the TC9)
That would work for me too, because of the recessed drivers. Just feeding ideas, if I made an enclosure using straight sides I'd still chamfer the front/sides. Just based on the simple Olsen graphs (no doubt you've seen them) on baffle shapes. Less to correct is always better i.m.h.o.

Source of picture: Planet10's HiFi site.
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Ok, how's this?

Since the driver's basket is very thin, and it already has a gasket under the mounting ring, I would mount the drivers on top of the baffle.

I already foresee a lot of fun (sarcastic) trying to bevel the sides to match the straight baffle... no, I don't have a table saw...


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Better! I'd even use a thin (as thick as the mounting flange) beauty panel on the front to make the drivers sit flush with the baffle.
Like I did here:

Choose a good looking material (instead of my ugly MLV rubber) and it might even look pleasing.

Do you have a router? I've used a router to get that type of angle right. Mount the router up side down in a table, use a guiding ruler fixed on the material to cut with a router bit that has a roller bearing following the ruler, make some temp guides on the table at the angle you want and you'd get perfect side cuts. I don't have a table saw either. But I use what I've got.

A visual:

It's a lot easier to get the guides right, more room for error correction :) and the ruler can be anything, as long as it's straight.
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I do have a router, I'll try to ghetto rig something.

Having a beauty baffle will be very hard. Do you remember the Aura? the bezel has curves! That would be a heck of a job trying to fit a beauty baffle over 25 of those curved bezels!


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I'll see what I can do.

Sorry, right now, I'm kind of numb... just learned of David Bowie's passing.... that's a huge chunk of my childhood and later that just disappeared from the world...

I was feeling the same way actually. I even thought of posting something about that, not that it would help though. Very sad to hear this news.