The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

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On last week wednesday my wife produce a positive Covid test.
What do you think?
Yeah, of course you are right, I have it as well.
In this way at least, I can't say, I haven't got anything from my wife.
Bigger problem, my daughter infected as well.
My wife is better now, she went to work today.
It wasn't a wise decision, if you ask me.
She didn't ask me.
Anyway, she fall in this categories:

"As if I pray to a horse."

Doesn't matter.
I'm on an extensive medical treatment with beers.
It is good against everything, with some good music.
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Joined 2017
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And what do you think of this simile that expresses when someone is completely at a loss?

"He (she) stands like a horse in a tobacco field."
Not sure what you mean?
I certainly did not want to offense and apologize if I did!
(The expression just made me smile—because, well, I sometimes really don’t find a way to convince my wife of obvious things…)
Too difficult to follow you in those language nuances. I'm positive since the 18th but no big issues... Today is the first I can make something!


F3 on recycled Deluxe 3U/300
On last week wednesday my wife produce a positive Covid test.
That is what the Weldon house is dealing with. Two days after the Mrs. gets symptoms, the Mr. did too. She is back at work, me tomorrow.
My advice: avoid this variant. It doesn't like you. It has ruined many plans so far, including this morning's fishing trip, and I am way past the five day isolation.