The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread


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Naah, what is the first sentence of Lajos Nagy's vignette about cats?
I think, you know this.
Let's see how it is with Google translate:


The cat is a very honest animal.
When he is hungry, he eats; when he is full, he lies down; purrs when he feels good; if something is wrong, he meows bitterly. This is such a direct expression of his thoughts and feelings that hypocritical people cannot understand, so they suspect some unheard-of cunning behind it, and that is why they say the cat is cunning. They think about the poor cat that he is like the Galician Jew, whom the other Galician Jew knew was traveling to Tarnopol, and when he asked him at the train station where he was going, and he answered that he was going to Tarnopol, he said to him: what a svindli is it again, why do you say that you are traveling to Tarnopol, when in fact you are traveling to Tarnopol? People, starting from themselves, could also ask the cat: why are you meowing, as if something is wrong with you, when you really in trouble. People think cats are cunning, but that only means that people are cunning."

Sorry, I've found it only in French translation:
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Joined 2021
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Naah, what is the first sentence of Lajos Nagy's vignette about cats?
I think, you know this.
Let's see how it is with Google translate:


The cat is a very honest animal.
When he is hungry, he eats; when he is full, he lies down; purrs when he feels good; if something is wrong, he meows bitterly. This is such a direct expression of his thoughts and feelings that hypocritical people cannot understand, so they suspect some unheard-of cunning behind it, and that is why they say the cat is cunning. They think about the poor cat that he is like the Galician Jew, whom the other Galician Jew knew was traveling to Tarnopol, and when he asked him at the train station where he was going, and he answered that he was going to Tarnopol, he said to him: what a svindli is it again, why do you say that you are traveling to Tarnopol, when in fact you are traveling to Tarnopol? People, starting from themselves, could also ask the cat: why are you meowing, as if something is wrong with you, when you really in trouble. People think cats are cunning, but that only means that people are cunning."

Sorry, I've found it only in French translation:
Great (y):rofl:
Since we are passing around cat pictures, lets have a look at this little girl. She likes to sit on my work laptop when it is warm and especially when the sun is also shining.
Me moving the mouse cord irritates her and she sometimes takes a swipe at my hand. I then have to remove her with the usual hissing and clawing.
This whole scene will repeat the next day and the next.
The children lovingly refer to her as the shitten considering her small size even when a few years old.


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How does it sound? Hopefully not completely schiit :rofl:
Well, i have to hold back with the absolutes and listen much more. But It is for sure not a piece of real schiit, that much i can say. 🙂

But i find it so far to be somewhat useful on them bad recorded vinyls. You know, them records when the music is good, but the recording mixer and engineer should be shot because of pure tone deafness and absolut sonic retardness: Lacking in bass and treble, and a boosted, harch midrange.

Around A couple of db lift in the lowest bass and the highest treble seems to be the ticket in those cases.

But in all other cases, 98%, i would guess, by so far listening tests, it will be bypassed and not really needed.


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Is this the mighty finest, chillest and/or coolest Cats forum on teh internets? No problemoz!

Mjau! View attachment 1124644 Testing-Testing 🎷🙂🎸

I have both Loki and Lokius. Loki is used with my headphones to fix a couple of spots that it surprisingly covers perfectly. Loki is used on my main system to help accommodate a room that needs a little help in a couple of areas. Two thumbs up from me for both! But it does have the ability to overdrive a downline input stage with a hot recording if you aren't careful about it.
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In my experience it works like this: You should always maximize your current system first.

Player, preamp, poweramp, speakers/speaker elements, horns, crossovers, box volume, box tuning, room treatment.

And of EXTREME importance, finally, is the speaker placement in the room. One inch, 2,5 cm speaker movement is gigantic. An absolutely HUGE difference. Speaker angle in reference to the listening spot: Same thing: Every single degree of angling is HUGELY important.

Then, and only then: After that: Go to town with DSP and/or analogue equalizing- customizing. And: after that: Cables???

In my opinion. 🎷🙂🎸
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In my experience it works like this: You should always maximize your current system first.

Player, preamp, poweramp, speakers/speaker elements, horns, crossovers, box volume, box tuning, room treatment.

And of EXTREME importance, finally, is the speaker placement in the room. One inch, 2,5 cm speaker movement is gigantic. An absolutely HUGE difference. Speaker angle in reference to the listening spot: Same thing: Every single degree of angling is HUGELY important.

Then, and only then: After that: Go to town with DSP and/or analogue equalizing- customizing. And: after that: Cables???

In my opinion. 🎷🙂🎸
Great opinion. I’ve optimized speaker positioning for the room, but has a couple dips to accommodate. Still likely room mode, but helped in a pinch until I can get more serious about room treatments.
I always follow Mighty’s method of starting with the power cables, and moving on from there :rofl:

Mighty: Is this the one you recommend for the Iron Pumpkin?


For the record: In Norway jackasses actually buy these things.
Yea, Mighty seems all in for ”FiFi” power cables.


Listen to this. This might be the coolest old dudes in the known universe. Playing just one of their coolest songs. Live.

So? Crank it. UP! 🥰

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