The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
Paid Member
Wuz look'n for something about lazy and crazy whaco guys and this came up. :crazy:


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is this familiar : Ho visto un re!

for uninitiated in Lingua Italiana (me included :rofl: ) , there is a tranny :

Google Translate

Thanks for that ZM. I think I know the owner of that system, though I did not see it. The last I saw was the small mouth horn, but driven by a Be modified Lowther which was front loaded.

Reading the translation - thank you - was 'interesting'...just like reading 1950-60s Japanese owner handbooks in 'English'... translated by Japanese students. I think that Be's name (Be) translates as 'well' in the Google way of things!

I would like to have seen that system with Be Yamamura's 211 (VT4c) SET monoblocs and his later tube pre-amp. The Kondo pre-amps I am not very keen on as I find them veiled and a little congested. I still use one of his early cartridges (Io) from the late 1970s - which is a great cartridge.

The criticism of not much happening in the treble is I suppose fair comment on many of the Single Driver systems, but too often all one hears with many so called excellent speakers is too harsh in the upper treble for comfort. Yet without that extra bandwidth - as the reviewer makes clear - all is not well, especially in my view with capture of the ambisonics of the recording hall. (I find that modern Studio recordings usually sound synthetic in this regard so perhaps a slight loss is no problem!). But what I do know is that Be's systems have dynamics which are full scale and very very credible. There is - to my ears - a total lack of congestion and the whole listening experience is summed up by enjoyment of real music which reaches deeper than with virtually any other replay system. But - of course - there are a lot of systems out there which are very very good at what they do and not everyone wants from a sound system that which most impresses me!;)

I do like the Basset Hound at the top of the review!!:)

Thanks ZM.;)
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
The Tumble Hole !

It didn't work well when they tried it the 1st few times - and I don't see where it will work any better now.

I used to be on the forward refueling station on my 1st ship and in foul weather I sure would not wanna be on the forward section of that ship!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Well - there is that - plus the hull number of 1000 makes me feel a lot older than 49 (for the 16th time) because my 2nd ship was the U.S.S. John King - DDG 3 :geezer:


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It didn't work well when they tried it the 1st few times - and I don't see where it will work any better now.

...What worries me most is the making of Ti...from an ecological viewpoint it is probably one of the filthiest process. I am not a " roaring green ", but do believe that there are sensible limits. [I gather that much of the Ti used in Europe originates from what was the Soviet Bloc.]. The point about increased scrap value points to what was probably a major consideration in the scrapping of Concord. I saw a PR film on the production of that ' was then totally staggering to have explained all that went into that plane and the manner in which it achieved its functional idiosyncrasies.