The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Parts lot.

Hey Guys,
It's been a few days since I've been on here, but was wondering if I could ask you for some advice. I just put this THREAD up in the swap meet forum and wanted to get your opinions on an idea of pricing. I know I had a decent chunk of change in all of this stuff, but it's certainly been a while, and I'm not sure how much a pile of junk normally sells for.

Any help would be appreciated.
i'll match his 5 and raise by 5 Kwatta bars. :clown:


  • Kwatta.jpg
    148.4 KB · Views: 211
Dang, too rich for my collection.

(just when i is about to ask him how to fix a pro2 processor)

It's good to see Crestron doesn't just break in the US.

seems that you're more blind than I am


you choose most off topic thread in entire Papaland , to ask serious question and expect serious answer ?

just look at thread title .

You are the guys with all of the experience and are likely not interested in what I'm selling. So, I figured I'd have a go at asking.

No kidding. :clown:

Bit off a tad more than I could chew. I was making good headway until a new child came along immediately followed by a job offering me high-end gear at or below dealer cost. It's a slight disincentive to DIY. It made me realize that you have to have a passion to DIY, not just a small wallet and a passion for music reproduction.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
It made me realize that you have to have a passion to DIY, not just a small wallet and a passion for music reproduction.

It is indeed about the passion to DIY - and I do mean that in a constructive sense - no negative feelings or offense intended or implied. ;)

It is not necessarily about a small wallet. When you consider the investment in test equipment, tools, books etc. there is a considerable about of funds involved, and then add the cost of your project parts and materials. I spent $800 on my last set of speakers - and many here have spent much more than that - soooooooo it's not ALL about going "low cost". It's more about the enjoyment of having a hobby, learning a bit, keeping busy, and building some gear that can produce some outstanding results.

Buuuuuuuuut MOST OF ALL --------------- IT's ABOUT BRAGGING RIGHTS - Those are priceless!!!!!!!!!!! :D:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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If anyone is curious I got 350 for the whole lot of it from two different buyers. Apparently I let things go a bit too cheaply as there was an overwhelming response to my post.

Thank you guys for the good laughs. I'm pleased to see this hobby is alive and well. Never stop, as I might get bored in another 5 years and stop back on by. I found myself accidentally reading the B1 PDF over lunch today.