The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
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Juz checking in - - - - :scratch:

Hmmmmmm - Same old stuff - - - - -

Juz checking out - the dachshunds say it's nap time..... :D:D:D


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Joined 2006
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What is the silver-grey wuffer? Looks a nice dog.

How is the tree growing?

The silver-grey wuffer iz named Mitzi and she is a schnauzer and poodle mix called a schnoodle (I'm not kidding either). SWMBO saw her at our veterinarian's clinic about five years ago when he was trying to find someone to adopt her. She is a very sweet a laid back lady and is a bit of a "nanny" around here that keeps the dachshunds in check if they start to play to rough.

Swinging around from branch to branch of the family tree gets difficult around the 1500 - 1600's. I think that they all slept together and then sat around and made up stories about who fathered whom..... and then they lied about the stories they made up. I made a serious mistake of thinking that people that had posted ancestors to the site had spent some time doing research about them, and had some documented sources. That assumption was rather stupid of me and I wound up gutting that branch of my tree and started it all over..... Lesson learned... :headbash::headbash::headbash:

How is that photo album you were working on coming along? :cool:
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
OK, so :
- a bunch of Aussie thugs
- living in the UK
- member of a Scottish gang
- and one of them was a poof

Mostly Nordic thugs that invaded OZ later on when the Brit's ran 'em out....:rolleyes:

But that wuz after Ireland, Scotland, France, and parts of England.... That's just one branch of the English - I have three others. At least most of these guys managed to make it out of England alive!! One of my bloodlines seems to have had a nasty habit of getting hanged or beheaded by whomever wuz the King at that particular time in history. :eek:

"The means of death was to be particularly gruesome. They were both to be hanged, drawn and quartered. That is, to be hanged by the neck, cut down while still alive, disemboweled, beheaded and quartered. Both men pleaded for leniency"
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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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This was happening while the clan was still in England - to they would have most likely said "Ta mate"..... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

ZM - have been seeing on the news that your part of the world has been getting some flooding due to heavy precipitation and I'm hoping that everything is OK with you and yours.... :grouphug:

tnx for asking - me and my folks - we are good

but that's major catastrophe in areas under the flood ..... God knows how many bodies will be found .......