The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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This is what we have made for a turntable DC motor and works for long now. Adapt it in yours, if you got remote sensing, LEDS CCS etc.
Key points are R7,D1,R6,Q4. Can drop in any V1.0 configuration.


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May I suggest Wima MKP10, easily available in Germany too, for C2 & C3?
Moreover (post 1894 & 2134), Salas also stated "up to 10uF MKP or MKT" for C2 that seems even better IMO.
If you can find a vendor offering Wima MKP10 10uF/100V pls let me know. I'm hunting hi and lo for them.....

Does it have to be exactly 100V - I could easily get the 250V DC / 180V AC ones (8.39€ + VAT)
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After majoring in the V1 version, I decided to experiment with the V1.2.

It took me a while because I was afraid it would be difficult to stabilize so I postponed the build.

Now I am sorry I waited for so long. I built two shunts p2p and had no instability issues. Every component is on the component side !

This shunt really benefits from screened sense wiring so this is mandatory.

It also seems prone to detect magnetic fields so a good tx orientation and screening helps.

The MKP in vref has a big influence in the overall resolution.

About the sonics..... this shunt belongs to another league.... Noise floor is lower, Trebble is much sweeter with much more detail so the stereo picture widens a lot, Bass is more articulated and reaches deeper so I can hear the differences between the bass notes with increased attack and decay.

I must wait a while until it settles so I can report correctly but it is a keeper as is :):):)
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The quality of signal arriving at the receiver is determined significantly by the effectiveness of the PSU.

Indeed true !

My build sonically jumped a german 7500€ riaa with ease. This german machine uses a uge batteries case connected to the riaa box with a 3cm diameter cable:eek: with hundreds of uF inside the riaa case.

The shunt is much faster and lower noise than the bateries implementation.

Now I am strugling to minimise hum from the two big toroids. Maybe I should build a ferric grounded wall around the TX.

The hum can be minimized if I pull the tx out of the case 15cm to to right or 20cm up but that is not practical.
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I am using a 10u Audyn-Cap MKP for vref..... I want to try a obbligato.... when I get the tim€ :D :2c:

Nice & neat work Ricardo, as I can see are you using damping car sheets like I use?

When I tried the 10uF MKP for the DAC Buffalo II the sound was worse than the lytic, now I'm using two Hypnotize for Erno Borbely I/V so the version 1.0 without shunt, possible it's time to try again the MKP in analog domain to see what's happen.....
Joined 2009
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Indeed true !

My build sonically jumped a german 7500€ riaa with ease. This german machine uses a uge batteries case connected to the riaa box with a 3cm diameter cable:eek: with hundreds of uF inside the riaa case.

The shunt is much faster and lower noise than the bateries implementation.

Now I am strugling to minimise hum from the two big toroids. Maybe I should build a ferric grounded wall around the TX.

The hum can be minimized if I pull the tx out of the case 15cm to to right or 20cm up but that is not practical.

If can't put in a separate box, only two solutions in the same box:

-R-Core Tx: Selectronic - France
-Sheet of permalloy Mu-Metal connected to ground covering all phono RIAA pcb's, you can buy here: Ultraperm MUMetal Shielding Sheet 0.15mm, 31.5cm x 19.5cm 80% nickel | Diy HiFi Supply
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Indeed true !

My build sonically jumped a german 7500€ riaa with ease. This german machine uses a uge batteries case connected to the riaa box with a 3cm diameter cable:eek: with hundreds of uF inside the riaa case.

The shunt is much faster and lower noise than the bateries implementation.

That err, ''jump'' happened with 1.2's or when with the previous 1.0s?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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See post 2402 on previous page. Use only one led in Vref, use the MJE350 as shunt element (watch pin out), and remember to change the R6 220R gate stopper to a 10R base stopper. Also take out the 0.1uF cap from paralleling the output cap, it actually worsens the phase margin. Maybe you will need a larger value trimmer, or 100R-220R in series with it.

P.S. The schematic you posted is going to mislead you for Mosfets pin out in the positive branches. Use post 2402 as a guide. Where gate=base, drain=collector, source=emitter, for the shunt element substitution. MJE350 is opposite for a ready made board unfortunately, as is BD140. Look for D45H8 that will fit for pins a ready made board for GDS Mosfets.
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