The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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That is what it was developed for.:cool:

Anyway, guys remember if you will try to listen for output terminations. 3 steps:

1. 22-47uF solo lytic medium ESR across output. Most immune to reactive loads, most predictable for noises/oscillations if you can't check out the system with scope. Less bandwidth (talking MHz not audio), excellent phase margin (75deg), not so smooth phase undulation though.
2. 10uF+0.5R (1R//1R) Zobel across output. Very good BW, same phase margin, smooth. Film cap of choice.
3. 4.7uF+1R even more BW and 10 deg less margin but in best balance, given the load is not weird. Film cap of choice.

Thanks for the great work on the PCBs. I will be happy to share the cost of manufacture of PCBs.

One question- If I am not mistaken, the pin-out of the 2N5457 that you use seems to have center pin drain. Fairchild and On Semi devices seem to have different pin-out, with center pin source. If I am not mistaken, then can you please tell me the manufacturer of the 2N5457 that you use?


Sorry to answer that late, but I'm moving at the moment and was a bit short on time.
Actually I was referring to the Fairchild datasheet, but did ot pay attention to the actual pinout except for gate, because the datasheet says that source and drain are interchangable.
If there is still a difference performance-wise, it would be easy to change it in the layout, but that question would have to be answered by someone else...
Joined 2006
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I have swapped the pins in the layout - looks better imho, too.

I hope I got the time to finish the positive version at the weekend and if there are no more remarks, I will probably have a prototype manufactured to test it - if it works well, a batch could be manufactured...

Please post a pic of the positive version.... Some of us might be really interested :)
Finally I got some time for the last polishing and addition of the bipolar version - see attached pictures.

Would it be a good idea to short-circuit the two sense-grounds on the PCB of the bipolar version?

EDIT: had an older version of the bipolar one uploaded - fixed.


  • Salas LED - Positive.gif
    Salas LED - Positive.gif
    36.3 KB · Views: 630
  • Salas LED - Negative.gif
    Salas LED - Negative.gif
    35.9 KB · Views: 608
  • Salas LED - Bipolar.gif
    Salas LED - Bipolar.gif
    73.6 KB · Views: 559
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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No, it would be certainly a bad idea. As it is not that good to short the force ground on the symmetric's pcb too. We need to sense at the error amp, remote discrete consumption points. Not all client builds will have symmetric resistance for sure. Or loops will be created with some incompatible grounding schemes. A good idea would be to make those ground connection points individual, also print Positive Reg, Minus Reg on the double reg too, THKL layout, Salas Design, has far too many members so to spot us easily.:D
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