The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Built the V1.2R, but can't seem to get the negative side up and running. The diode is quite dim. 69v in 4.1 vout. I've attached my schematic with measured voltages. I've already replaced the diode and Q9, double checked solder joints and resistor values. Your thoughts?




  • R1_volatages_negative.png
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member

Built the V1.2R, but can't seem to get the negative side up and running. The diode is quite dim. 69v in 4.1 vout. I've attached my schematic with measured voltages. I've already replaced the diode and Q9, double checked solder joints and resistor values. Your thoughts?



The LED is dim since there is little Vo that is fed from. Make that BC546 a BC550C. 4.1Vout means just Vgs. There is no Vref functioning. See about Q3, Q6 correct practical orientation or being busted. Check correct JFET connections. Check its alive. I don't see that circuit part in your pic clip.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Nice. Check it all works steady and giving straight scope lines. Will be happy to know it all went OK since you use strong voltages and non used before Mosfets and layouts. Enough differences right from the start. If it will be success without many changes for both +/- regs, it will mean 1.2R is very elastic.
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