The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Here it is disco' s reg


  • ShuntReg-1.5V-bouwplan.gif
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Thank you Salas, I saved the # 26 HV reg, but not this one.
Anyway I'm planning to power up some digital stuff: few mA only (even if I don't know exactly how many so far).
CCS set for 150-200 mA max with 9610 (as I have many in my bin).
This project has been set aside for the moment: waiting for V1.1 first ;)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Soon, I am finishing something with Crt. Any other mistake spotted? So to change and upload again. Don't change Mosfets if you can. Will work but a bit ''slower'' than tuned. The BJT can span from low to high. Gives narrower OLG and much higher Zo, but its interestingly open supersonic Zo due to lower capacitance. Its a VAS grade one, popular in modern power amps.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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No, only in low. Gives 12x the Mosfet's Zo value in this design. But its flat Zo in band also, and open above, so its interesting. Beyond those extra 2 Qnumbers I have to wipe, did you find the guide would make you understand correctly? It was very difficult to write the least possible for something so configurable and wide application. *15031 in positive regs.
It is something to try in an actual application then and see. *I have 15031 also.
The guide was easy to understand for myself, but I have already build a couple of your regs point to point already. I would advise ones not familiar, to read it a few times first and then build, in order to avoid the usual "why it' s not working" questions.
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