The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Hi Salas,

Just got my second wire-2-wire Bib up and running, this one is to power the digital 5V section of the new Shigaclone. It works great. Picture attached.
Is there a version of the reflector for 5V somewhere in this long thread? I searched but failed to find one. Do you mind to point me to the right direction?

I am curious to compare the Bib and the Reflector.



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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Looking good Fred, congratulations! For Reflektor very low voltage make a search for member's Kazuo Ozawa posts. He had shown practical builds and values for 5V and below. He had tested Logic Level Mosfets results that allow it working such low as I had suggested. Interesting comments about semis types and Zobel termination values there too.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Transfer characteristics chart. But its typical when samples vary. You just grab 2 Jfets, you put them on a bread board, you connect a trimmer from S to GND. Then you short the gate to GND. You provide 9V from a battery or more up to what it will be in the particular settings in the reg and you trim to a value for 1.5mA running in our use. You can find out by voltage drop over the VR. Or by hooking a mA meter mode DMM in series. Then you use the VR values for selecting nearer standard resistors to install. Battery (-) stands for GND. (+) goes to D pin.
a little bit over hand...
I already have two breadboard sslv v1( powering my actual breadboard pcm1794) and in each one I have 3 pieces of 2sk170, I think I will put out those, with these I can use same 82R resistor?

I saw that Kon uses on his last versions of the reflektor low value mica on the zobel
I plan to power two pcm1794`s(2x 3.3v , 2x 5v) and one amanero card(3.3v), so in total I would have to do 5ps`s
what values do you recommend for the zobel?
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