The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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homemodder said:
Lets see, for 20v use 1n4060 or 4061, for 24v 1n4062 and 36v 1n4066.

Saw the datasheets, nice Zeners. Thanks.

Here we go then. Not just any Zener, but 1N40XX Microsemi temperature compensated components, are to be preferred by shunt builders if they can get their hands on them. Noise concerns by possible wrong Zener choices addressed.:)
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Joined 2006
I use zeners in amps, in current sources, not ideal but it helps when I dont want turn on thump, also have a friend who works for a company that designs some very sensitive measuring instruments for ESA, European space agency, these guys use top notch components and he gives me hints here and there.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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homemodder said:
also have a friend who works for a company that designs some very sensitive measuring instruments for ESA, European space agency, these guys use top notch components and he gives me hints here and there.

Here you are guys, shunts with space age recommended components. What more in the name of reg?:clown: Thanks homemodder. :wave2:


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Disabled Account
Joined 2006
Lumba If you read a bit further up the thread youll see my comment that at this voltage zeners are noisy as hell, who is taking of sonic qualities, have a closer look and youll see dynamic impedance has a effect on the noise of the part. The 1n829 is most probably the lowest noise 6.2 volt zener around.

Sorry, for a commercial vendor I cannot help, I get some when needed from you know who, also microsemi might give you some samples if you ask nicely. :)


Joined 2008
A little food for thought, unrelated to zeners and leds. There's a little trick employed in driving bipolars at higher frequencies, using a small valued cap, 50p to 200p, across the base resistor. I was curious if it would have any effect and simulated the transition response with and without. One of the best simulated responses I got were with 2N3904 as Q2, and 33R || 50pF on its base. It seems to smooth the Vout response to abrupt transitions in the load current, without any obvious downsides. I realize we're talking here about very minor benefits.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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I guess we just need a couple of cool PCB designs for +/- with 9240 - 240, Jfet or R option on the left, a few more pads for strings of lower noise 4V7 Zeners or LEDs, or TL431, so anybody can configure to his fancy. Also 9540s can be used for under 10V about 100mA applications like DAC PSUs. There faster counts.
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