The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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May I ask a question, did you listen to the Shiga before and after the cap trials? I am curious what did that translate into in terms of subjective listening, in this case, of your ears.

I remember seeing a picture that you posted in the Shiga thread some time ago that you had a somewhat long lead to the circuit, and the sense lines were not on the PCB and were half way shorted by a connector. Have you made a change since then? Maybe posting a picture here will also be helpful.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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I would like an LTSpice spice circuit for the SSLV 1.1 BIB positive mosfet regulator? I searched but did not find one, but this is a very large thread.


You got to construct it from this picture because as a file has no script models, refers to my hard disk libraries. *The K117s are GR for IDSS. **The open loop analysis setup for which the virtual sources correct positions and plot function I include in the pic is based on Michael Tian's and colleagues paper. You may Google it.


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Maybe a datasheet error. Possibly the source of your problems if an error indeed and not a peculiar version of the type which is unlikely.

I turned arround transistors and voltage at output became 22 V
thank you Salas

then I tried to replace IRF740 used as output device and broke another STP55 - don't know If It was overheated or static blown - be carefukk with STP55 handling
the next STP55 change was done using premounted on heatsink and It was OK but the output has lowered to 14 V and the STP55NF Vgs Is 1.90 V
Is It normal a change from one type of FET to other to lead to 7 V decrease of output voltage
Can you take a scope picture of its output on dummy load resistor for nominal WaveIO current at 10nS/2mV div and shortest probe ground fixture possible? I want to observe something, thanks.

Here is results.
Sorry, I do not understand how to measure in low noise environment.
Load is 13.6ohm with copper foil, and aluminium boad on floor.
Probe is putting on close to terminals as possible. Probe is set on X10. So the vertical axis is read in 10 times.
First photo shows output of Reflektor running. Second is GND noise.


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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I turned arround transistors and voltage at output became 22 V
thank you Salas

then I tried to replace IRF740 used as output device and broke another STP55 - don't know If It was overheated or static blown - be carefukk with STP55 handling
the next STP55 change was done using premounted on heatsink and It was OK but the output has lowered to 14 V and the STP55NF Vgs Is 1.90 V
Is It normal a change from one type of FET to other to lead to 7 V decrease of output voltage
As I had explained the VGS is directly deciding the current bias in the mirror. I=VGS/1K
That current is what gets converted in your passive Vref. So yes, its absolutely normal to lose voltage with less VGS type and same Ref resistors. Put a Zener or LEDS string for Vref if you want same results with many types and better drift. The ref filter capacitor is big enough for cleaning any ref.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Here is results.
Sorry, I do not understand how to measure in low noise environment.
Load is 13.6ohm with copper foil, and aluminium boad on floor.
Probe is putting on close to terminals as possible. Probe is set on X10. So the vertical axis is read in 10 times.
First photo shows output of Reflektor running. Second is GND noise.

Hi Kazuo

Better set the probe at 1X and turn the Tek TDS scope's 20MHZ bandwidth limit "ON".
I have a working 5v SSLV1 and accidentally sorted around Q303. All LEDs continue to glow, however I have .78V at the load now and I observe D305 and d306 LEDs continue to glow for a minute after I switch off the regulator something that did not happen in the past. Any hint on parts to replace or measure?
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