The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Joined 2008
Am I right in thinking that LEDs + diode can be substituted for the zeners? This seems to be more flexible, less noise & less hassle, if true!

For low voltage out, why not. It'll do great. If I recall you wanted 3.3V out? The zener won't be your problem, that can be easily replaced with a LED and a diode, or two 1.7V LEDs. Your problem will be with the shunt mosfet, since 3.3V is right in the Vgs threshold. Start looking for for mosfet with low Vgs threshold. I found some NEC and Fuji mosfet with low Vgs threshold (1-2V) in some old CRT displays. On top of that you need them p-channel... I don't know. Can our DAC work with higher than 3.3V?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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For low voltage out, why not. It'll do great. If I recall you wanted 3.3V out? The zener won't be your problem, that can be easily replaced with a LED and a diode, or two 1.7V LEDs. Your problem will be with the shunt mosfet, since 3.3V is right in the Vgs threshold. Start looking for for mosfet with low Vgs threshold. I found some NEC and Fuji mosfet with low Vgs threshold (1-2V) in some old CRT displays. On top of that you need them p-channel... I don't know. Can our DAC work with higher than 3.3V?

I would make a robust 10V shunt and then put an RC filter on the output, directly on dac, claculated to end up at 3v3 with the dac draw. If the dac does not demand better than a large good cap's output impedance, it will be beneficial decoupling and noise kill.
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Anyway, thanks for the replies, all. My point is that there seems to be so many issues when choosing zeners - fakes, noise, getting the correct value, etc that substituting LEDs for the zeners seems like a good approach. Do you have to be careful with choosing LEDs - are they noisy also?

I would make a robust 10V shunt and then put an RC filter on the output, directly on dac, claculated to end up at 3v3 with the dac draw. If the dac does not demand better than a large good cap's output impedance, it will be beneficial decoupling and noise kill.
Good idea, but I'm not confident enough to rely on an RC to knock down the V based on current draw - I don't know the DAC's current draw & the 3.3V goes straight to the PS pins of a EZUSB-FX2 IC & Xilinx FPGA IC which I'm afraid I would kill with over-voltage!

I intended to try this for a 12V Tripath TA2020 amp which also could use a 5V supply, so I might just try the 5V supply first - no special shunt mosfet considerations here. What about the LEDs - what's the determining factor here - current draw? Again, I dont't know the current requirements for the 5V supply of the Tripath TA2020 & it's not in the datasheet as it's normally supplied internally from pin 30 & routed to pins 2 & 8.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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From the start in the phono thread I have told people that the Vref is anybody's choice. It was that I had good zeners and I prefered them for 36V since stringing many leds up to there could even top a single good zener. It kept it simple, no many leds matching, compact, and Vout predictable value. Now that I see that bad zeners are about, as Rcruz got ''woosh'' I remind you that Vref is down to your choice and testing. In James's board there was a connector instead of a Zener so to put whatever there, as a subsystem. Its that not everybody has followed thoroughly such long threads, naturally. We have talked, leds, resistors, tempco hard to get zeners, diodes, everything really.

P.S. Nobody made it on James's board. You should, because its the best in provisions and grounding, plus it flips to -Vout too. Has very intelligent pads for reversing the elements.
Sorry, I didn't read that far back - I can see the number of LEDs being cumbersome & a hassle for maybe above 12V, OK. So what are the low noise zeners you use? What would be considered a low noise figure if looking up datasheets? Something available from sources, like Mouser, should be trusted, I guess?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Best are tempco DO-7 1N46XX zeners from Microsemi. They are labeled low noise. Quoting 1uV to 5uV up to 6.2V. They don't sell them online, at least one by one. Then the 500mW glass bodied red color 1N47XXA ones are good enough. Those can be found. But up to 10-15V I would go Leds. As I did with the DCB1.
For 25V to 38V simplistic phonos, one good zener is tempting, but as you saw Rcruz got one so so and a wooshing one, plastic cased. A large filter cap across, filters much though. And there is TL431 in the end, that goes up to 36V.
here my copper side of my PCB and its dimensions 8cm * 8.5cm or 3 1/8in. * 3 3/8in. Maxpou


  • simple shunt reg.png
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Here is what I found when having a good listen to the B32s, with a SSS feeding the Vd. Circuit as posted a few post back, vs a basic LM317 supply.

I found that with the SSS, I was able to pick out detail with considerably more ease than with the LM317 supply. This was apparent at the start of Wish You Were Here, where the man and women are talking. With the LM317, you have to concentrate to catch the detail. With the SSS, the detail is presented much more easily.

The SSS also seemed to have a fuller sound, with the LM317 sounding a bit thinner. This is a much smaller difference, but still there.

Overall, a very worthwhile upgrade to for the B32s, especially given the simplicity and gains to be had from it, especially for the cost of parts.

Thanks again, Salas and Ikoflexer! :up:
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Here is what I found when having a good listen to the B32s, with a SSS feeding the Vd. Circuit as posted a few post back, vs a basic LM317 supply.

I found that with the SSS, I was able to pick out detail with considerably more ease than with the LM317 supply. This was apparent at the start of Wish You Were Here, where the man and women are talking. With the LM317, you have to concentrate to catch the detail. With the SSS, the detail is presented much more easily.

The SSS also seemed to have a fuller sound, with the LM317 sounding a bit thinner. This is a much smaller difference, but still there.

Overall, a very worthwhile upgrade to for the B32s, especially given the simplicity and gains to be had from it, especially for the cost of parts.

Thanks again, Salas and Ikoflexer! :up:

Thank you for your description. Its good it moves on the same subjective lines on digital 5V, as you reminded me its signature on higher voltages on analogue. Since you use only 5V, why don't you try 2 leds instead in zener's place? Find a couple of yellow, red or green that their Vf adds up to where is needed. It will be interesting to listen with them too. A DAC benefits from lowest noise Vref possible me thinks, or it will show by audition if immune enough. Easy mod that.
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