The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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No beetle, that one will not go lower than 4V, will hit on Mosfet's Vgs limit. Disco's will do 3.3V. For current setting I gave the Ohm's law Vbe/R1. For over 2.8V just use 1K trimmer, and don't go higher than 4V with 9V input because the Mosfet above needs breathing space for its Vgs and some input ripple peak to peak.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Salas and others,

I have just come back from my overseas holiday and am ready to be back to DIY again.

What diodes subjectively sound best for rectification?

I am currently using 1N5822 low drop power schottky rectifier 3A.

The higher current rating is necessary for peace of mind - I sometimes use over 100,000uF low ESR for smoothing so the turn-on "short-circuit" current may be huge. I guess the regulators I will build will draw up to 1A constant current.

I can use diodes about or under 40V.


Try the Fairchild Stealth series. There are 2 diodes in one TO-220 package on top of being good. Reverse voltage rating is very high.

Great! I can't be happier with your recommendation!

Those are 600V 30A fast/soft recovery diodes that can be used in power amps! I have been using the cheapiest ordinary diodes in my power amps as I did not know of any high power fast/soft recovery diodes.

Do they give a very noticeable improvement to the power amp? I hope so. Has any one got any experience?

For the CCS/Shunt reg, the voltage and current I will be using won't be more than 24V @1A. Would the much higher rating 600V / 4A diodes work well?

Also, the datasheet suggests that no snubber MAY BE needed. Would a 0.01uF still help?

Hi salas, i'm looking to use discos version of your reg for 1.2V supplies for a sabredac build (ESS9012 ackodac) i'm sorted for all but the 1.2v supplies. in fact acko has some 1.2v discrete regs lined up too, but since these are so cheap to build and I can always find a use for a good reg, I thought I would build some of yours up, compare and use the winner (lowest noise) for this dac and the other for a gift or something as I have a few samples of Ti dac chips and some opamps just waiting for an excuse ;)

1.2V +/- 5% (std digital grade). ~50mA

1.2V +/- 5% (analog low noise). ~15mA
Supplies power to analog output ref of dac

do you think the SLVS is suitable? has anyone actually built up the 1.2V version mentioned on the previous page? for lowest noise I would obviosly go for as good matching and best tolerances on the R's and caps, then replace the pot with a set value once I find it. anythimng else you can recommend or things to look out for if i'm going to pioneer ? :D. also where do I get PCBs? are there any available at the moment?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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This is fresh. Only Disco has made one for a very different purpose. That PCB he designed/fabricated himself. I suggest you wire one point to point and test. Maybe its a failure at 1.2V. The parts are so few you can experiment on a perfboard following his layout from his pictures of pcb and build I guess. Only choose a suitable R1 following the simple formula I gave, for about 200mA constant current in your case. He is using 1.2-1.3A at the moment, its on a #26 DHT valve heater/cathode as you know.
Hey, qusp, I was thinking along the same lines myself - building a 1.2V reg ala Disco - this will also do 3.3V, I believe so if proven successful & low noise it would make a nice series of regs for Acko's ESS baord.

I will be getting the D45H8 parts for this soon in my local Radionics - I presume the IRF9540 can be substituted with the P channel IRFP9240?
for low voltage input (like +5V) and low voltage output (+3.3V and lover) this shematic can be used



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This is fresh. Only Disco has made one for a very different purpose. That PCB he designed/fabricated himself. I suggest you wire one point to point and test. Maybe its a failure at 1.2V. The parts are so few you can experiment on a perfboard following his layout from his pictures of pcb and build I guess. Only choose a suitable R1 following the simple formula I gave, for about 200mA constant current in your case. He is using 1.2-1.3A at the moment, its on a #26 DHT valve heater/cathode as you know.
ahh ok, never really looked at the PCB before and thought he may have just modified one of yours. might do the perfboard then; as it turns out i've already got most parts here, which was part of the appeal. will D45H11 do for D45H8? in that case all I would need are a some nicely matched 200R and a few decent 500R pots (only got 1k here). yeah I had noticed that math, thanks for that! should make things easier. I dont mind being a guineapig, will try to get one built up over the next week or 2

Hey, qusp, I was thinking along the same lines myself - building a 1.2V reg ala Disco - this will also do 3.3V, I believe so if proven successful & low noise it would make a nice series of regs for Acko's ESS baord.

I will be getting the D45H8 parts for this soon in my local Radionics - I presume the IRF9540 can be substituted with the P channel IRFP9240?
Hey jkenny, yeah they sure seem like the ticket, sorted for all but these 1.2v, but will probably make up a couple 3.3 to try as well since they shouldnt take too long to knock up. wonder if I could give the schematic to ackos guys for the next run if the perfboard wonders work out.

Hi Jeremy,

I'm building the Disco 1v2 version and have someone here in Germany who makes the PCBs for me. They are scheduled to be delivered in 2 weeks, if you need some I can ask if they can make some more and at which price.


Hi Robert, sounds good, if you could find out the cost that would be great; would maybe take 5 or 6 PCBs depending. thanks!!

for low voltage input (like +5V) and low voltage output (+3.3V and lover) this shematic can be used


thanks Stormsonic i'll put this in the file too
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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ahh ok, never really looked at the PCB before and thought he may have just modified one of yours. might do the perfboard then; as it turns out i've already got most parts here, which was part of the appeal. will D45H11 do for D45H8? in that case all I would need are a some nicely matched 200R and a few decent 500R pots (only got 1k here). yeah I had noticed that math, thanks for that! should make things easier. I dont mind being a guineapig, will try to get one built up over the next week or 2

wonder if I could give the schematic to ackos guys for the next run if the perfboard wonders work out.

There are no official boards, I don't make boards. H11 looks OK, just 80V ver. You can parallel a resistor to your 1k and drop it down I guess. Good luck.

No you can't recommend this schematic to nobody commercial without my consent.
of course, I would only be getting boards for myself, i'm likely getting a one off PCB for my output stage done there too and would obviously ask here first about reproduction. Acko already has his own in the worksl; if I was up to espionage i'm making a pretty crap go at it by posting in here arent I? :D
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