The Singing Bush

Joined 2004
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Zen Mod, I must admit that I’m interested in just the boards. I have the parts already. I was going to do a point to point but the boards look great and I like the changes you made to make it adjustable. Fine job!

Thanks for your consideration 😀

will do calculus and necessary logistic thinkthonk in a day or two

only bummer is somewhat slower realisation
due to myriad reasons , strictly insisting on quality , I resorted lately to pcbs made by our Chinese Brother fabs

bummer is , slower circulation of goods lately , so we need to count on that
Yeah .. I have similar business problems here . Now korea is also 2nd Wuhan..that's one of our euppliers

We really don't have the know-how here , I'm glad papa push you into the claudron. Spoke to a local guy who built alot of sit amp ...not easy to optimise ..simply try here try there ..we don't like that approach . That's why my friend rather wait . Fortunately, you have a set of 2sk77b we can simply leech off .something more than decent.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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we'll see

my own personal Wakootalian , Mighty Bubba Flocchini , sent me a pair of these for testing

now they're on Customs , hope to get them sooner than lately was the case with lazy bstrdz

everything will stay the same , possible variations voltage potential of SIT Drain and values of resistances in Mu source

we are hoping that bloody thing is similar to 2SK77B , and as we all know , hope is dying last .......

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
..... I'm glad papa push you into the claudron.......


there is really not better explanation for what he's doing to me , from 2003.



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Joined 2003
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Mos puck down , differently described Schade module

for all iterations, Mos Puck goes in Mu module (upper half)

for Sit iteration , SIT of choice goes in gain module (lower half)

for Schade iteration , Mos Puck goes in gain module (lower half) , along with xformer of choice

Is this the "Mos" part? Rereading and studying schematics...Is unit you built schrade iteration, or did you just try it out? I'm pretty clear on your schrade conversion for M2, very fuzzy on this one...rereading...Somehow I got in my head that schrade was for using alternative Mos-puck for THF51.....from post #1

"luckily , eye and patience again - I recollect watching funny vid , Pa's Lecture at BAF 2015 , where he presented ZM's 50W SE Amp , and also Peasant (rest of Greedy Boyz) iteration , where he cheated , forcing one vulgar mos puck to behave SIT-like ,, with help of some Schade feedback , obtained with nice input xform"

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Joined 2003
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I was listening to the SissySIT previously. The thing that I notice the most with the new amp in my system is that the image is more solid and central, and the sound in the lows have more impact. I noticed that immediately when I first heard it, and I noticed it the other day when I switch from the SissySIT and put the amps back into play after the modification.

This new amp also plays louder at the same volume setting so I set the volume control lower for the same listening level.

My speakers, older Avantgarde Unos, even though they are 103bB sensitive, sound better with this amp. So I think that even though the higher power may not be needed, perhaps the quality of the first few watts and the ability to easily handle peaks are why these amps sound good. Or perhaps it is also due to the higher H2, although looking back at your distortion measurements for the SissySIT, its distortion is only a bit lower.

I have read many people say that the Avantgarde speakers do not need power, and 2A3 amps work well. I disagree. The woofers are powered, but their input is line level from the system amplifier. So the amplifier in the system still needs to be able to handle bass. So from that perspective, the extra power is useful.

Is yours following 1,2 or 3 as in post 156?

Thanks, Russellc
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Is this the "Mos" part? Rereading and studying schematics...Is unit you built schrade iteration, or did you just try it out? I'm pretty clear on your schrade conversion for M2, very fuzzy on this one...rereading...


yup, re-read :)

Is yours following 1,2 or 3 as in post 156?

Thanks, Russellc

Ben's is THF51 in gain module
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I want really obtain samples de the singing bush PCBs.

But I think taxes and ship is very expensive that all components parts.
Please friend Zen Mod inform me

Share other web for see JFET possible use

Audio Amplifiers - JFET - InterFET

for this project you see what you see

except for input JFet buffer , for which you can find some substitution , in output you can use what is shown here

one important tip , which I did learn with time - choose your project according to your capabilities - both in skill and wallet

if you have problem with import , see what's available locally .... then adapt

then engage both brain and eyes , and look better what's available locally