The Very Best Amplifier I Have Ever Heard!!!!

Could someone please explain how to calculate worst case power dissipation in output devices over a whole sinusoidal cycle? I know this will be when the Rds = Zout but this is for an instantaneous condition within a cycle.

Please could someone do a worked example for e.g 60VAC (assuming a no toroidal Vdroop) driving a pure sinewave into an 8r load with the 6 lateral devices seen in this project. Any real use factors such as average music power can later be implied after the basic calculation.

May I suggest that all those interested to start a new BUILD THREAD as Anthony suggests, get Alex involved because he has to have the latest schematic and bill of materials which is necessary to do the board layout.

The problem with these large number of posts are that there are too much irrelevant information and it becomes totally confusing and the reader gets totally lost.
Power in device=[Vcc-Vo.sin(wt)]*Vo.sin(wt)/R
This is the difference between the power supply voltage and output multiplied by the output current.
Calculate this for a half cycle. Each half cycle will be the same but split between the output halves.
However, the worst case dissipation will be for a square wave with Vo=0.5Vcc.

Protection like these?
+ SCHs

Hi Smilay 09 ,
use screw ,with plastic insulator on top side of TO3 output transistor . . .
This way 0.22 R are not shorted .......

Both options are are fine, maybe without the xtra centered plastic washer is also a good option... :rolleyes:

Beautiful Art Layout You made, did You actually made this Amp from the Post #2568 ?
BTW to which SCHs is this PCB Layout referring to? or simply Maybe You can also attach the related SCHs here
for the potential diyers to build this AMP attracted by this Layout :)

Best Regards,

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May I suggest that all those interested to start a new BUILD THREAD as Anthony suggests, get Alex involved because he has to have the latest schematic and bill of materials which is necessary to do the board layout.

The problem with these large number of posts are that there are too much irrelevant information and it becomes totally confusing and the reader gets totally lost.

Exactly Nico Ras, is hard for me to believe that so many talented guys couldn't develop a way to go forward, step by step along the project. It is not very difficult. Please feel free to join the new thread. I will try again one more time in the new thread.

Please join us REVISION OF Very Best Amplifier ... 2015
Speak always friendly, but Ι do not understand why so messed with this amp. Anyone who faithfully follow the instructions about bom and the schematic will not have any problems.
The main problem is to find original 2N5565 and BSS71 and BSS74. (BSS71 and BSS74
i have 10 pieces original ).
Speak always friendly, but Ι do not understand why so messed with this amp. Anyone who faithfully follow the instructions about bom and the schematic will not have any problems.
The main problem is to find original 2N5565 and BSS71 and BSS74. (BSS71 and BSS74
i have 10 pieces original ).

Hello nikosokey, hope everything fine !
I followed your advices and of course always kind. Unfortunately not everybody shared information correctly and many guys like me, following all the schematics, etc. couldn't join reliable information.

Again, I will attach the schematics and PCB I am talking about. Very little information and a complete mess of new projects mixed up with the original proposal, affected the possibility of building this amp.

I invite you to see the new thread in which I am trying to reconstruct this information and later place it on a Wiki, if possible, sharing it with everybody in complete detail.

In post #1 of this new thread you will find a complete list of vendors of the most relevant hard to find parts, my original schematics, original 2 pair of output MOSFET's PCB, and also a new schematic that tries to put together the protection circuit that originally came untidy and hand written.

Despite any efforts done I could never get somebody help me with this circuit related to the original schematic posted by NagysAudio with 2 output power MOSFET's.

So when you say that everybody can follow the schematics and indications will have the elements to do the job right, please kindly tell me if you are talking of the version I am attaching here.

All the best for you !


  • Mimesis 3 Layout 55.JPG
    Mimesis 3 Layout 55.JPG
    452.2 KB · Views: 613
  • Mimesis 3 Layout 22.JPG
    Mimesis 3 Layout 22.JPG
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  • Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Protection Circuit Schematic 2.jpg
    Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Protection Circuit Schematic 2.jpg
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  • Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Protection Circuit Schematic 1.jpg
    Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Protection Circuit Schematic 1.jpg
    262 KB · Views: 1,681
  • Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Schematic.JPG
    Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Schematic.JPG
    500.2 KB · Views: 1,771
  • Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Power Supply Schematic.jpg
    Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Power Supply Schematic.jpg
    327.9 KB · Views: 1,842
Best amp I ever heard is a 70W per channel YBA amp. That's the ONLY reason I am here trying to design a really high end amp.

But it's funny that the two schematics I got of YBA are very simple basic design.

Hello Alan0354, please kindly explain what YBA means ? Are you talking about the original amplifier I have recently posted with PCB and all schematics ?

Thank you very much


  • Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Schematic.JPG
    Goldmund Mimesis 3 Final Schematic.JPG
    500.2 KB · Views: 843
Speak always friendly, but Ι do not understand why so messed with this amp. Anyone who faithfully follow the instructions about bom and the schematic will not have any problems.
The main problem is to find original 2N5565 and BSS71 and BSS74. (BSS71 and BSS74
i have 10 pieces original ).
No problem with BSS74
bss74 | eBay
and BSS71
bss71 | eBay
if you can afford them;-)
Even 2n5565 you can get here:
2n5565 | eBay
