The Well Tempered Master Clock - Building a low phase noise/jitter crystal oscillator

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Joined 2014
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I don’t have an issue following a rule that’s been clearly presented to all. The terms of service are agreed upon when we join, and amendments are allowed to be a part of that. Why is there reluctance to state a framework that the moderation team would like followed?

Because then you end up with a forum where people give up posting because of the heavy moderation. Or perhaps you would be happy to pay £50 a year for the right to post to pay moderators to keep on top of every infringement? (note you consume all this for free) Or would you like a forum where there is freedom to discuss topics and every so often things go a little awry? I know which I would prefer even if I am irked by the number of serious Engineers whose knowledge has been lost as they have been driven off here by some hardling subjectivists who believe in their ears above all reason even when it's clear they are making things worse. However I accept that a forum is the sum of all its members and richer for it. You just have to know whose opinions to ignore.

I should note that there are over half a million members here. One complaint does not require a course change.
Raj1 said:
I don’t have an issue following a rule that’s been clearly presented to all.
Given the rules around questioning moderation are clearly stated and you have been reminded of it, it would appear that this is not true.

i'm not trying to police you mate; you do you. The irony wasn't lost on me, that's all :)

I don't know if you are deliberately pushing the point here, to force Mods into further difficulty or not, but from a casual observer, it sure could look like trolling.
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Swapped out a Crystek w the Driscoll on Ian's clock board feeding a 1541 in simultaneous mode.
Heard an improvement in upper frequencies & more suble sounds, things like cymbal decay and brushes.
Honestly, the improvement isn't on the same level as the one I had adding Doede's NOS DAC to my system many years ago for example, but as you go on with adding really nice sounding gear, the improvements do get incremental but still nice when they happen.

To me this is among the more sincere subjective views in this thread.

I built my first NOS DAC at the turn of the century in the spirit of Kusunoki with TDA1543. Few years later I built a TDA1541 DAC with tube buffer which I still use. I thought it was clearly better than any CD player or DAC I had heard.

A decade went by with little time for diyaudio. Then somewhere around 2015 I got a chance to listen to a high(er)-end DAC (IIRC some Ifi model). I compared it to my DAC and both sounded good. Just to be sure I compared them to a cheap chinese crappy dac (PCM1798) that when measured had such a horrendous jitter that I had almost thrown it to the trashcan. Yes, it sure sounded much worse than the high-end dac and my TDA1541 dac.

But then I decided to make a more serious comparison and built a simple AxB setup with relays and matching resistors. Suddenly all the differences were gone. I had really hard time distinguishing between any of the dacs either with speakers or Stax headphones. Maybe I had too much wax in my ears or maybe the AxB setup was not perfect but still it was an eye-opener.

Since this incident I have all but given up trying to assess any audio stuff I build by ears only.
Given the rules around questioning moderation are clearly stated and you have been reminded of it, it would appear that this is not true.

i'm not trying to police you mate; you do you. The irony wasn't lost on me, that's all :)

I don't know if you are deliberately pushing the point here, to force Mods into further difficulty or not, but from a casual observer, it sure could look like trolling.

Clearly stated to all would mean it’s public in the rules section of the forum, where the other rules happen to reside. It isn’t.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
That's pretty funny, and relevant.

We treat our members like intelligent adults to start with. Some act like children and everyone has to deal with those folks, not just the moderating team. Most times the forum moderates itself successfully. We have a healthy membership.

In my experience, laying out rules only gives rise to some idiots circumventing the rules rather than following the intent - just like spoiled little children. We honestly don't want them here to get their jollies at the expense of everyone else's enjoyment.

The rules are abundantly clear to the average, balanced intelligent human being. People with a motive outside of the intent of this web site will always cause trouble and take away from the enjoyment of everyone else.

Now, discussion of moderation is not allowed, I have already said that clearly as a nice warning. This is now an official warning. Further posting on this topic will result in bin time. If you have an issue with how the site is run, you have two options. Discuss it with the owner (and that will probably not go anywhere), or spend your time on a different web site. Our moderation rules and practices were developed over decades, and also best practices for a web site in general. It wasn't just cooked up by a couple people.
But then I decided to make a more serious comparison and built a simple AxB setup with relays and matching resistors. Suddenly all the differences were gone. I had really hard time distinguishing between any of the dacs either with speakers or Stax headphones. Maybe I had too much wax in my ears or maybe the AxB setup was not perfect but still it was an eye-opener.

Since this incident I have all but given up trying to assess any audio stuff I build by ears only.

Thank you for the post. My suspicion is that the latter suggested explanation is the more likely one, that the AxB setup was causing some issue. IME when it comes to judging subtle SQ differences, almost anything can have some repeatable effect on the sound that multiple people can independently identify. For that reason I use a panel of trusted listeners to test for real verses imagined differences without introducing possible problems from AxB boxes, extra resistors (especially pots), relays, connectors, etc. Not that all such things are equally likely to cause problems, but it avoids the risk of mucking up experiments with some potentially faulty apparatus. Is using a listening panel entirely risk free? No, but I think it can be done quite reliably under careful conditions. Anyone is free to PM if they would like to discuss setting up such a panel.
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For that reason I use a panel of trusted listeners to test for real verses imagined differences without introducing possible problems from AxB boxes, extra resistors (especially pots), relays, connectors, etc. Not that all such things are equally likely to cause problems, but it avoids the risk of mucking up experiments with some potentially faulty apparatus. Is using a listening panel entirely risk free? No, but I think it can be done quite reliably under careful conditions. Anyone is free to PM if they would like to discuss setting up such a panel.

Maybe next time you should document your listening panel e.g. in YouTube. Also it would be nice to have more details about your AxB setup :rolleyes:
I just posted part 5 of the clock reviews.
This time with the Neutron Star 3 versus the TWTMC from Andrea Mori.

enjoy the read:

DDDAC Blog: the clock reviews part 5/


Great work dddac, at least we are now seeing another clock getting close to Andreas clock.

I purchased the original Neutron Star 22.57 & 24.57 clocks back in 2015 for €859 and they did not come close to Andreas clocks when I tested them, good to see they have improved since then.
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