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The YARRA Preamplifier/HPA for Melbourne DB Group Buy

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Just wanted to give folks a peek into what’s ahead for 2020 with the Yarra Mk1. JPS64 has been busy and here are some of the new features considered and developed so far in the background.

1. New linear PSU with CRCLC and TPS7A4XXX LDO regulators for regulated ultra low noise supply. Will have remote turn on/off.

2. New mainboard with room for optional DIP8 format headphone modules including the new POPI (DIP8 Melbourne) and the Hakuin SE Class A JFET/BJT CFP output.

3. Balanced input and output converters based on THAT chips.

4. A microcontroller digital resistor network volume controller and input selector via rotary knob with push to select menu controller.

5. A microcontroller based OLED display.

6. Bluetooth 5.0 input ?

Some of these features will be optional and upgradable. The key changes will be the new dual monoblock PSU which will also be offered as a separate board for use in any high quality preamp or headphone project. The new mainboard which still retains the original 5-bolt standoff mounts.




Some really cool high tech stuff coming from JPS64.


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Excellent! I like it. Couple more features re-request; 😁

o - 12v trigger for amp.
o - source and volume control via apple remote.
o - MM/MC phono pre (incorporate on separate/optional installable module.)--Doable on same motherboard form-factor?
o - Could PSU incorporate a separate +5vdc output via USB Type A jack on back panel?

Super Cool, JPS!!

But dang it! I have a second board set and chassis waiting to build this summer. You guys keep changing my plans, what to do....

Looks like there’s enough changes to the chassis that that it wouldn’t be worth changing the current one to work with the MK1 front and back.

Oh well. I’m not complaining by no means. Looking forward to see all MK1 goodies!:D:D:D
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Hi Folks,
Great to see interest in the new Yarra upgrades. But these are a long ways off. The current Yarra main board is still going to be around and will do all the things you need. I think the first item to consider is if you need or want a regulated Yarra PSU. The current one is low noise but varies with the mains voltages. Whereas the new one stays at a fixed value and has the best low noise regulator from TI.

So please don’t feel that your brand new Yarra is going to be outdated. There is a clear upgrade path for optional components.

The MCU controlled version is a future Mk2 - long way off.
Hi Folks,
Great to see interest in the new Yarra upgrades. But these are a long ways off. The current Yarra main board is still going to be around and will do all the things you need. I think the first item to consider is if you need or want a regulated Yarra PSU. The current one is low noise but varies with the mains voltages. Whereas the new one stays at a fixed value and has the best low noise regulator from TI.

So please don’t feel that your brand new Yarra is going to be outdated. There is a clear upgrade path for optional components.

The MCU controlled version is a future Mk2 - long way off.

Well, you did tease us! ;) I'd say a stand-alone, regulated PSU would be beneficial and nice to have available for projects that may require one.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I was wondering if there is any interest in a second GB for the Yarra main board set. I am completely out of them, and could actually use one more for myself as I have two cases and only one board!

Anyhow, please let me know if you are interested and I will start a GB #2 interest list.

Redjr's Build is a nice example of what this boardset (PSU and I/O selector) looks like:
Originally posted here.





Nice work Redjr! Nice to see one fully built and cased up!

Also, here is TboneAK's very nice cased up build:



These are both fine examples and I wish mine was as far along with regards to the case work.

But too busy making new verification builds for all the different projects!

The Yarra is a world class sounding preamp and really does deserve to be properly put into a case!
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Hello X, I have a spare Yarra I was going to build, but I have one already and still have another amp to build after I complete the AN build. I would think we might be ready to build V2 of th Yarra by then, which of course I will want to build too. :)

I could send you this one and we can work it out on V2 when it comes out.