This is not just another gainclone

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This chip amp stuff is just too easy not to try.

So Brian and I went ahead and threw together our own gainclone (single channel inverted lm3875). The initial impression was that it was a bit harsh, but otherwise pretty good for the invested money, parts, and time. Of course, this wasn't ideal conditions.. Mono, no shielding, and no burn in. As for configuration, we left out the output resistor, scrapped the rail to rail cap, and tied the positive input directly to ground. The power supply is a pair of HP bench power supplies (on loan from Georgia Tech).

So how long do these chips take to burn in? I don't think it would do much good to test different configurations until after burn in, right?

The next step is to finsih another one (yay for stereo) , and replace the bench supply with a transformer.



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Joined 2002
roddyama said:
Is Brian polluting your 1’s and 0’s with all those analog wavy things?:D

Rodd... that is my goal in life. :D

Jordan is getting to be more ambitious them me now with these gainclones. He working on a pair of channels now, after powering up my first channel. He is using Riken resistors and Auricaps, so we will do a comparison of the two setups once they are done.

We will also try a broad range of power supply voltages with the power supplies, before deciding on the desired voltage for the transformers.

Regarding the power supply, would it be better to use 4 bridge rectifiers for 2 channels and keep 4 pairs of primaries from the transformer, or keep it to 2 pairs of primaries and 2 bridge rectifiers? I would assume 4 bridges is better, but one gaincard reviewer said that one power humpty sounded better then 2 power humptys... Anyone have any suggestions? I would like to keep it to one transformer, and don't mind spending a bit more to get 4 pairs of secondaries instead of 2.

I never tried them side by side on the same speakers. The reason is that my Aleph X is configured for bi-amping setup with high pass filter (120 Hz) installed inside. I'm using separate amps for woofers and they are all monoblocks. Gainclone is a small stereo amp and I can't put it in my main system because the cables are too short. The big monoblocks are too heavy to carry them downstairs to the basement.;)

I enjoy both amps and I'm not that crazy about comparisons. My impression is that Aleph X is a very serious amp, and it sounds seriously, providing proper presentation in every respect. I don't think gainclone can beat that.

It is like having Lamborgini Diablo and Mazda Miata. From time to time you may get bored with a classy, serious vehicle and take a toy for a spin. For me, gainclone is such a toy at the moment. I was just listening to the acrylic version recently, on my 2 way Triangle speakers (Titus based) and I was surprised with a detail in the highs, soundstage,vocal and the bass. It seems that the strength of this amp lies in midrange presentation. On mostly vocal recordings, this amp can create magic, and I feel that on more complicated passages it looses itself a bit (which Aleph would never do). It also provides very good feeling of pace and rythm, even industrial music sounds OK.

I think that the gainclone appeals mostly to people who are into tubes. I brought my Aleph 5 monoblocks to such a guy, installed them in his system, but after 10 min. he didn't want to listen. Now he borrowed my gainclone and likes it so much that he replaced his expensive tube monoblocks (Lamlies or similar English brand) with it.

Personally, I like them both, but Aleph X has a class, gainclone: I don't know. I'm just saying I cannot say I don't like it. I'm also having fun listening to it.;)
Joined 2002
BrianGT said:

Rodd... that is my goal in life. :D

Jordan is getting to be more ambitious them me now with these gainclones. He working on a pair of channels now, after powering up my first channel. He is using Riken resistors and Auricaps, so we will do a comparison of the two setups once they are done.

We will also try a broad range of power supply voltages with the power supplies, before deciding on the desired voltage for the transformers.

Regarding the power supply, would it be better to use 4 bridge rectifiers for 2 channels and keep 4 pairs of primaries from the transformer, or keep it to 2 pairs of primaries and 2 bridge rectifiers? I would assume 4 bridges is better, but one gaincard reviewer said that one power humpty sounded better then 2 power humptys... Anyone have any suggestions? I would like to keep it to one transformer, and don't mind spending a bit more to get 4 pairs of secondaries instead of 2.


You had better get that router back out. With all those amps, you’re going to need more speakers.:D

I know how you guy feel though. I have an old Pass A40 500VA toroid with 4 X 24VAC outputs. I also have some LM3875 samples coming. Yeah, I caught the Gainclone virus too (To think, I even had my flu shot this year). Now I have to learn how to set up the production line like you and Peter. I’m thinking about a bridged Gainclone stereo sub-woofer amp. I'm guessing that I can run 2 transformer outputs and 2 bridges per channel @ about 30VDC rails and ~200wpc, give or take.

Rodd Yamashita
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