Thread notifier suddenly stopped... no emails

I can see you are being sent emails, receiving them, and clicking on them. There appears to be no delivery problems to you I can see. If you believe you have a situation where the system is not performing as it was designed (not necessarily as we would like, but as designed!), please let me know the specifics. Welcome to send this information to the helpdesk if there is any sensitive information there.
Unless there's some specific action you need from me I'm ok with the current situation. This is too much of a 1st world problem for me to make a big deal out ot it. The topic came up so I chimed in with my experience. It's no big deal. I'm just grateful for all your hard work in maintaining this site to the high standard it is. Thank-you!
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Thank you for your positive comments and feedback. It does give me energy to hear this kind of stuff. I'm sorry I haven't been as active on forum stuff the last year - the store took a lot of my focus away from the forum. That's now running relatively smoothly so now I have time to get the forum where it needs to be.

If you change your mind, I'm here to help. I just need:
  • Exactly what you did
  • Exactly what you expected to happen
  • Exactly what happened
Send that to and I will look through the email logs to find out what was sent, if those emails got through, and if not why they didn't.

Broadly, here is what I've seen as the cause of email problems:
  1. Emails not being sent from the server to our email delivery service (currently Sparkpost)
    1. Account preferences has one of the "and receive email notifications" settings turned off (solution: turn it on)
    2. Account preferences has one of the "Automatically watch content" settings turned off (solution: turn it on)
    3. Not being familiar with how XenForo sends email notifications (one email and that is it until you visit the thread while logged in). In the words of XF's developer, Mike "You will only get one notification for a thread until you've read it again. You don't have to have posted/interacted with it, but you would need to visit the thread and see whatever the last post in it is. Essentially, if the thread was unread when a new reply is made, you won't get another notification.".
    4. You are ignoring the member who made the post
  2. Emails not being sent from email delivery service to your mail host (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft)
    1. Email is hard bouncing (solution: get your email account re-activated)
    2. Email is going to spam folder (solution: whitelist our emails)
    3. Your email address is on the Sparkpost email suppression list. This happened automatically because your mail hard bounced, soft-bounced too many times, you clicked "spam" in your mail client/website, or your mail host thought we were spamming and told Sparkpost "Never email this person again". (solution: FIRST move all our emails to your inbox, engage with them, whitelist our emails, THEN use the suppression list removal tool).
  3. Can't find the email that has been delivered in your email client (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo mail, Spark, etc)
    1. Email went to spam folder (solution: check spam folder, if found then move mail to inbox, then whitelist our emails)
    2. Email went to Gmail promotions tab, or social tab and they were not checked (solution: check tabs, if found then move mail to inbox, then whitelist our emails)
    3. Email was filtered to an unexpected folder due to filtering rules set up a while ago and forgotten about (solution: check all mail folder, if found then check and update filtering rules)

I totally understand that many of you would like better options when it comes to controlling when and how many emails you get about new posts. I will see what can be done on that front.
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