Tom Danley on human hearing and multiway loudspeaker defects

Okay, summing up what was said (relative to thread's subject that the Danley video posted above about loudspeaker depth location):

1) Danley pointed out that for his MEH work in the fixed install professional audio market, as the MEH loudspeaker designs integrated linear phase into the design to greater and greater degrees, the ability of listeners to discern apparent distance to (stereo) loudspeakers becomes increasingly difficult (a good thing to achieve for home hi-fi and professional fixed install applications).

2) My own experience shows that as stereo loudspeakers having full-range directivity control in a controlled early-reflection listening room achieve a threshold phase and SPL flatness performance, apparent stereo and multichannel depth of field increased suddenly (which is desirable hi-fi capability to enhance).

3) Griesinger has written and lectured on the subject of clarity as related to phase fidelity of harmonics in large listening spaces (mostly driven by large venue early reflections both inside and outside listener Haas intervals). This is interesting but not coincident with enhanced perception of acoustic depth--not including visual/auditory cues and phenomena (another subject outside of the present topic for this thread). Perhaps more on this subject in another thread.

4) There is speculation that low diffraction loudspeakers (referencing horn mouth termination in particular) is likely a source of loudspeaker/room interference which gives listeners clues to where the loudspeakers actually are. I tend to agree that this is likely, but no relevant near field or intermediate (before transition) field measurements have been brought to bear on the problem.

5) Other visual/aural effects and a modified-headphone related source was cited, but are not in the domain of subject that Danley broached in his video. In order to keep this thread focused, this other information will not presently be discussed in this thread (but may later be raised if relevance to the current subject can be tied more closely.

6) There seems to be various attributions that don't actually relate to the subject at hand, but rather are more like "pep rallies" around certain psychoacoustic authors or perhaps some form of popularity of certain users--but no direct references to studies on apparent acoustic depth perception factors. I don't believe I have a lot of time for "pep rally" activity, and will continue to discourage that which is not directly related to the subject at hand.

So the choices for the source of this effect thus far:

a) "acoustic summing" within the horn aperture, which not only controls lobing effects, but also artificial cues to loudspeaker location.
b) phase and directivity fidelity (avoiding early reflections in-room), combined with SPL fidelity.
c) avoidance of diffraction effects (horn termination or cabinet edges re-radiating)

Nowhere have we been talking about late reflections from the listening space to enhance the sense of apparent source depth. Late reflections can be artificially introduced through techniques like multichannel loudspeaker arrays (5.1, etc.) and mixing/mastering electronically added reverberation. Selection of the recording space acoustics and microphone positions are functions not controllable by listeners or audio editors. This is surprising--I think.

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Okay, summing up what was said (relative to thread's subject that the Danley video posted above about loudspeaker depth location):

a) "acoustic summing" within the horn aperture, which not only controls lobing effects, but also artificial cues to loudspeaker location.

The effect of loudspeaker distance location being harder to detect with a single full range speaker, a co-axial, or multiple entrant horn (MEH) compared to loudspeakers with separate components spread over a longer vertical distance is fairly simple to explain.

Sound waves arriving at the ears are reflected from the shoulders and pinnae, ("outer ears" as Tom mentioned around 2:20) and those reflections modify the frequency response as it enters the ear canal. The peaks and troughs in response are located in different frequency ranges depending on arrival angle, allowing localisation of the sound source in the vertical plane, the angle of incidence between them corresponding to a location cue.

Since a MEH reduces the vertical height of the apparent source compared to separate components, our hearing has less vertical locational cues, so the distance to the speaker is harder to determine.

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Since a MEH reduces the vertical height of the apparent source compared to separate components, our hearing has less vertical locational cues, so the distance to the speaker is harder to determine.
Since high frequencies in multiple aperture loudspeakers almost always lead the lower frequencies (due to passive or active IIR crossover filter all-pass phase growth--at least), where is the Haas effect (precedence effect) in masking the location of the lower frequencies relative to higher frequencies in your explanation?

How would you explain the imaging depth performance of electrostatic or dynamic film-type planar dipole loudspeakers (head in a vice performance)--especially large ones?

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I'm amazed that many don't discuss diffraction (reflections), especially in horns, or even dome tweeters on sharp, equidistant baffle edges........
Where are the measurements of the effects of diffractions (higher horn mode generation)? You can't quantify "diffraction amount" if you're not measuring it. You need multiple measurements across the throat or horn mouth span in at least the vertical and horizontal directions vs. frequency to quantify "diffraction" vs. differing horn profile geometries. I believe that just discussing diffraction without quantifying via measurement is a fruitless exercise in guessing. (Impulse response measurements do not measure diffraction, but only their gross effect at a certain point in space in front of the horn mouth(s)).

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Since high frequencies in multiple aperture loudspeakers almost always lead the lower frequencies (due to passive or active IIR crossover filter all-pass phase growth--at least), where is the Haas effect (precedence effect) in masking the location of the lower frequencies relative to higher frequencies in your explanation?
Assuming the HF is above the MF and LF, the Haas effect would localize the speaker at an upwards angle, rather than to the acoustic center.
How would you explain the imaging depth performance of electrostatic or dynamic film-type planar dipole loudspeakers (head in a vice performance)--especially large ones?
Too many years have passed since I've heard an electrostatic for any imaging memories, though their polar response explains the "head in a vice" performance.
Where are the measurements...

Measurements are useful, as are the results of controlled listening tests. I watched both Danley videos which have been referenced in this thread, and not one single measurement or other empiirical evidence was presented to support their assertions. I "get it" that these are sales/promotional videos, but it would have been useful if they had presented some actual data.

Regarding diffraction at the horn mouth, I'm not familiar with any data about that, although it's probably out there somewhere. What I am familiar with is sound wave energy being reflected from the horn mouth back into the horn. One important factor is how the mouth meets the outside world. The more abrupt the interface, the more reflection there is. The smoother the interface, the less reflection there is. This is because of the acoustical impedance "mismatch" between the horn and the open air.
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Measurements are useful, as are the results of controlled listening tests. I watched both Danley videos which have been referenced in this thread, and not one single measurement or other empirical evidence was presented to support their assertions. I "get it" that these are sales/promotional videos, but it would have been useful if they had presented some actual data.
Danley Sound Labs is a professional PA manufacturer and as such heavily based on having precise specs and tons of measurements, otherwise they wouldn't sell and survive. Therefore I'm inclined to trust them although I would agree some real data would have been helpful, in the videos. Yeah, and a bit less of marketing blurb. We know that Danley knows there have true been point sources previously even though his horns are actually dual-domain point sources, in space (geometry) and in time which makes them somewhat unique (as far as passive loudspeakers go).


As for the thread topic, my personal little findings are pretty much in line with what Tom Danley is saying.
It's all a question of preferences in the end.
Many ways of projecting stereo signals to a listeners are valid, including omnis (monopoles) like Linkwitz Plutos in a rather reverberant normal living room which give away their location as good as possible... which is basically the antipode of a Synergy in a well damped and diffused studio ambience. The latter is good for a "I am there" style of projection whereas omnis give the "They are here" kind of impression, regarding the auditory scene relation between listener and artists.
Measurements are useful, as are the results of controlled listening tests. I watched both Danley videos which have been referenced in this thread, and not one single measurement or other empiirical evidence was presented to support their assertions. I "get it" that these are sales/promotional videos, but it would have been useful if they had presented some actual data.

The data of how each Synergy horn will measure will be available at Danley's commercial site, as he shares those files (as measured by a third party) for commercial purposes.
Not for a minute I would regard the things he said in these video's to be purely commercially driven, as if you look up his posts on this forum, he already shared that same info many times over, if I had to guess I'd say it was to share with us how "he sees these matters". Certainly not for bragging rights though, he has been sharing good ideas and ditto info for years.

Like this quote (dating back 10 years):
Hi Art, all
You are exactly right Art.
Good imaging speakers produce a strong phantom center image if driven with a mono signal while speakers that radiate clues about where they are, produce a mono phantom image but also a Right and left source identity.

In the later case, the sound with stereo is a panorama but not an image of “a” source or sources in space. When one can produce a mono phantom image without the side images, then one can also produce an apparent source location anywhere in between.

A greatly unappreciated factor is that how we hear a single image in our head isn’t very much like like how a microphone detects pressure.
Our ears have a response that is nothing like flat (google equal loudness curves) and there are major changes that occur depending on the angle of the incoming sound. Our brain / ear / lifetime of hearing experience, converts the two ear signals into one acoustic image. All the goofiness in our ears behavior like our Pina response etc is how we can tell what direction a source of sound is.

The problem is, a single microphone does not capture that one image, it only captures the pressure where the mic element is.
Thus, a very important aspect of what makes an image is not captured with even the best measurement microphone.
In the development of the Synergy horn (linesource has an SH-25 in his picture) I was working on the SH-50 at home in my listening room. I should back up slightly. I was working and still am for a company that makes loudspeakers for commercial sound, large scale installations etc.
Here, one of the biggest enemies is a lack of pattern control, you want the sound to be projected where the ears are and NOT the walls or ceiling.
A basic problem is when you move the speakers farther away from the ears, they have to be more powerful and to be more powerful, it takes more drivers and more frequency ranges.

The problem is, two or more source of sound can combine coherently into one new source like close together subwoofers do, but only if they are less than a quarter wavelength apart. At a half wavelength or greater spacing, the two sources now radiate independently and what you get depends on where you are relative to the two sources. Here, with two sources producing the same frequency (like in a speaker at at crossover or with multiple drivers) you find anywhere you have a difference in path lengths of 1 or more odd half wavelengths, you have a cancellation notch.
A polar pattern shows lobes and nulls, the hallmark of an acoustic interference pattern.
In the scale we work in, it is the huge amount of energy that the large speaker systems radiate outside the pattern is one reason large scale sound is so bad, say you have 80 source of source at varying distance from each other and in spite of being very large, it radiates a lot of energy to the rear, to the sides and behind because it generates a huge interference pattern. Anywhere in front of it, a single impulsive input signal arrives spread out in time with energy arriving from the closest sources first and farthest last, this also means the frequency response is different everywhere.

If you want to play with how sound sources interact, there are two free programs on our website that are fast and easy for that stuff. Also Doug Jones who was acoustics department chair at Columbia College, has made a couple “how to” videos. Both are free but try the 2D version first.

DDT Files | Danley Sound Labs, Inc.

Anyway It is the texture of that interference pattern that you hear when you hear a large concert array outdoors and the wind blows. It is an interference pattern that you hear when you place two full range loudspeakers side by aide and play music or better yet pink noise and walk past them.
I am pretty sure It is that texture, the difference between what arrives at your right and left ears from ONE speaker what gives a speaker it’s (what called) spatial identity.

I was working on a wide band constant directivity horn, this was driven by the realization that a conical horn had poor lf loading because it’s expansion rate (which governs the “high pass” effect of horn transformation tied to the rate of expansion) was fixed in an exponential horn a variable in a conical horn. At the apex, the expansion was very rapid and would only couple high frequencies BUT a short distance down the horn, the expansion was suitable for mid and further down low frequencies.
The answer I thought was to try mounting drivers suitable for mid range horn loading on the sides of a horn and see what they do. The rules eventually boiled down to a few simple and a few not so obvious. Where two or more drivers interact, the distance between them must be less than about ¼ wavelength at the highest frequency of interest and you can’t drive the horn from a dimension where it is more than about a quarter wavelength across at the highest frequency of interest.
Anyway I had found some rules for making multiple drivers couple coherently into one with no lobes and nulls and was working on a crossover which took advantage of the front to back driver position being more or less inverse of a normal crossover phase shift or its steps in group delay.
I am a fan if Dick Heysers work and was an early TEF user so while acoustically it was one acoustic source, I wanted to make it one source in time as well, eliminating the effect of a crossover on phase / group delay..

As I got the acoustic part and crossover better and better, I heard a weird thing. With one speaker on, playing a voice quietly and then closing my eyes, it was still easy to hear where the speaker was left right, up down BUT it got harder to hear its position in depth. When that happened, it sounded more like it was as far away as the cues in the recording made it sound. It reminded me of an experience when I was fixing my bosses esl-63’s where the voice sounded like it was behind the speaker.
The reason is at least in part because they both radiate a simple segment of a sphere, from the same location in time and space, over a wide bandwidth. When that happens, what arrives at the right and left ear from one speaker is “as if” it was from the same source. One can only localize the depth location of a speaker IF there is enough difference in the speakers radiation between what arrives at your right and left ears. If what arrives is similar enough, then we hear the clues in the recording more strongly.
In large scale, the lack of an interference pattern is VERY audible, particularly as the wind blows, hardly anything happens to the sound and the frequency response shape is essentially identical everywhere (is different everywhere with an interference pattern).
I have noticed too that small full range drivers on a large flat baffle produce a similar effect, over much of their range, they radiate as a simple spherical segment and not an interference pattern.

It is interesting that Barleywaters arrangement being so small it would also radiate as simple spherical pattern as well up to tweeter directivity.
While it is known speakers sound better when you deal with edge diffraction and such, I am not sure people realize that is also one way to produce an interference pattern, re-radiation where there is an abrupt acoustic impedance change. Horn are the ultimate extension of proving a controlled boundary out to a large dimension where a wave can freely propagate at the same angle (as defined by Don Keeles pattern loss thumb rule).

I believe what is boils down to at least spatially speaking, is that with only one speaker on, the more similar the signal reaching both ears, the less information is carried about the speaker as the source in physical space. When the speaker radiates little about itself, then it’s harder to hear distance to the speaker, the more strong the mono phantom image is / the less able you hear a right and left sources and when the source identity drops away, then you have more information arriving intact from the recording..

If you have headphones, here is video a customer of ours took of two pairs of speakers he owns, the first part shows the source identity thing.

Danley Sound Labs SM80 vs. d&b Q7 - YouTube

They have a very similar frequency response (one is eq to match the other ) so the spectral content / balance is very similar. When he switches back and forth, you can hear a pretty clear difference in how it sounds but it isn’t anything to do with frequency response but how the two sources radiate in time and space. What you hear has to do with the stereo image and the source identity although I am not sure I could explain it if you haven’t heard it.
Tom Danley

He's been sharing a lot of info and his views on many audio related topics, which has been inspirational for many members here, to say the least. Always in a kind, humble and civilized way. The video, to me, looks like an honest talk of a man that is very passionate about his work.
He touched on a few other subjects in these video's, just look at his posts on this forum to find it in written language long before those video's were created.

The diffraction of a horn mouth I wrote about, just look up the papers and posts from Dr. Geddes. From a quick search on Google:
Earl Geddes on AudioRoundTable said:
As the author of one of those papers, you should have asked me. I'm easily reachable. I did not read any of the other replys so I may say the same things and I may say something different.
To my knowledge no one but me has ever considered mouth diffraction in a theoretical sense. That was what my earler papers were about. There are two aspects to consider here. One relates to the cross-sectional shape - the shape normal to the wave propagation - and the other the shape in a plane of the wave propagation. The later one determines the amount of diffraction, while the cross-sectional shape has an influence on the axial and polar aspects.

Let me first say that NO diffraction is best, so its best to first worry about the in-plane shape. Here the answer is simple, radius the junction of the waveguide with the baffle as large as possible. This will minimize the diffraction and if done correctly will make it small enough that the other shape question is mute.

But it is often the case that one cannot radius the edge enough to yield no diffraction and the cross-sectional shape enters into the problem in a subtle way. A circular shape turns out not to be ideal since on axis the diffraction effects all add up in phase to yield a "hole" on axis at some frequency. This can be clearly seen in the Summas polar response. An elliptical section minimizes this hole, smearing it in frequency. But an ellipse has other problems like non-axi-symmetric polar response. Woofers usually have axi-symmetric polar responses. In the Summas, I don't recommend listening on-axis so this hole is not a big problem.

Beyond the circle and the ellipse, every other shape has basically these same characteristics.

But don't forget the Golden Rule here. NO diffraction is best, and no shape can compensate for a poorly diffracting waveguide mouth.

Hope this helps.
Original post:

More info:
[1] Geddes, E., R.: "Sound Radiation from Acoustic Apertures." JAES., vol. 41, pp. 214-23 (April 1993)

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Thanks for reposting Danley. I couldn't quite understand the short bit about one ESL63 (my first system after graduation) -- often cited for "palpable presence".

Danley: "One can only localize the depth location of a speaker IF there is enough difference in the speakers radiation between what arrives at your right and left ears."

There's a lot to infer (learn) from this statement. While working on crossfeed headphone stereo sound I tried a 30-sec experiment: (eyes closed) easily localize direction and distance of sound source in front or from behind (can just turn around); then try with, flat palm over nose, two or three fingers behind skull as fake nose. Localization weakened or even destroyed.

OP might point out this is head-shape induced difference in sound not speaker-related. In fact head-shape-psychoacoustics magnifies speaker-related issues such as non-point-source, beyond measurement mic limitations (incidence angle to pinna) that Danley pointed out in the first quote above.
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Interesting video, but nothing new for us old Danley fans. Curious: I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the problems of diffraction and closely related distortions like HOM. Geddes' HOM are somewhat elusive, but ordinary waveguide cavity resonance as well as the problems of diffraction of sharp edges, are AFAIK very well-known phenomena. You can have the best transducer in the world (perhaps a Danley), but if you are creating diffraction at the mouth or elsewhere in the wave's path, it generates "ricochets" that, it is claimed, act as secondary sound sources. The ear is not easily fooled. As good as Danley's speakers are (I've only very briefly heard them) I fail to see why, unmodified, they would not suffer -- at least in theory -- the problems mentioned.

The good news is that these problems are easily soluble using tricks like the Geddes foam plug, the towel mod or equivalents.
The second Tom Danley Youtube video on this subject has been released, this time he talks about stereo imaging:

So the effect that Tom is apparently talking about is the psychoacoustic effect dealing with very short delays (he mentions "...on the order of two inches..."), which correspond to the regime of time delays less than 0.7 milliseconds, as shown in the figure below. This corresponds to acoustic delays of physically less separation than 8-10 inches. The figure below illustrates this as a distinct psychoacoustic effect from the precedence effect (a.k.a., Haas effect):

Precedence effect figure.jpg

Dual source time delays less than 8-10 inches apart from the listener (in distance or time) produce a perceived localization of sound that moves to between the two sources of sound, with the latter sound source delayed by less than 0.7 ms. This is what Tom is talking about in terms of in-ear cancellations that combine to give hearing cues to source distance/delay. Only one sound is perceived (just like the precedence effect) but the perceived source of the sound is moved to a position between the two sources, very unlike the precedence effect (longer delays between sources greater than 0.7 ms) in which the sound source is localized to the position of the first source arrivals.

So there are two psychoacoustic effects in play that affect our perception of distance, one at less than 8 inches of (time-based) separation, the other at greater than 8-10 inches of (time-based) separation.

In multiway loudspeakers using multiple horn apertures or drivers separated vertically and horizontally on a flat baffle, there is another effect on stereo imaging that is related to a phase difference (time-based separation) of 1.0 to 1.5 wavelengths:

Group Delay Detection Audibility Limits vs freq.JPG

For typical tweeter-midrange crossover frequencies that are used in loudspeakers --crossing typically at 4-6 kHz, the physical separation (time misalignments) of 0.25 ms (0..00025 seconds) to 0.16 ms (0.00016 seconds) are audible. For even higher frequencies approaching the limit of human hearing, the phase-based time delays are even shorter.

So for perceived distance perception, the human hearing system seems to be less sensitive to estimating distance to the sources than in the case two-source phase separation due to crossed multiway loudspeakers, as much as 10x less sensitive.

In my own experience, once the loudspeaker drivers are within 1/4 wavelength at the crossover frequency interference band in x,y,z space (i.e., including depth) as they are in a time aligned MEH (such as Danley produces), they will appear as a single source to the human hearing system as close as putting your head inside the aperture of the horn mouth.

When you think about the physical size of multiway loudspeaker drivers mounted on a flat baffle (i.e., multiple drivers physically separated--not coaxial), there is no way to achieve time alignment off-axis of perpendicular to the plane of a flat loudspeaker baffle. The more off-axis you go, the greater the time misalignments.
