TPA3116D2 Amp

I guesstimated 3-5 amperes based on the overcurrent limit and a normal output power

Regardless who is using 20-30 watts with these?


If someone is using 20-30w that means they are either using speakers that are inefficient and/or they are listening at high levels.

Yes, and Yes. Actually I am testing a TPA3116 board for the monitors in my home studio. I have between 95 and 100 db of dynamic range in my recording system and I often listen to some of my stuff before applying any compression. My Yamaha NS-10M's are 87 or 88 db depending on which paper I read. I have not implemented the subwoofer channel yet since I am using a powered sub.

I have an uncompressed EDM track that a friend made with his DIY analog synth. It will clip this setup at normal listening levels. The old SSE eats it up without sounding nasty, but does show some clipping on the scope.

I first tested this board with an old Sorensen analog power supply. The analog current meter would swing upwards of 3 amps on peaks. This is with "8 ohm" speakers that are well above 8 ohms for all frequencies below 100 Hz, and nothing connected to the sub channel. I chose a 6 amp power supply with a helper cap for the finished build because I plan to build a "portable studio" with a 4 ohm sub and 8 ohm mains. External speaker use could divide all the loads by two.

Most SMPS's have hard limiting, and some even fold back. You want ample reserve current to stay away from current limit. This is the main advantage of batteries, unlimited current reserves for peaks.
The amp seems to spend less current than what I antecipated. I guesstimated 3-5 amperes based on the overcurrent limit and a normal output power, let`s say, 20 to 30 watts.

Perhaps you forgot about music's 'crest factor' (peak to average power ratio). Assuming we're not clipping an amp, then the peak power is going to be at least 10dB higher than the average - this is for highly compressed music. For classical/acoustic music, this figure is considerably higher. Assuming 10dB then a 50W amp is on average only putting out 5W when playing music.
90db sens, 60-70db listening level. Regardless who is using 20-30 watts with these? If someone is using 20-30w that means they are either using speakers that are inefficient and/or they are listening at high levels. The former shouldn't really be using TPA amps anyway and the latter is unrealistic in everyday use. Even if you factor in dynamic peaks. If someone needs an amp to push a 85db or less 3way for their 30db dynamic range classical music collection at 102db/1m levels then these amps would not be for them anyway.

That explains a lot.

My next speaker will be about 87dB efficient, and I usually hear around 90 to 96dB.
Perhaps you forgot about music's 'crest factor' (peak to average power ratio). Assuming we're not clipping an amp, then the peak power is going to be at least 10dB higher than the average - this is for highly compressed music. For classical/acoustic music, this figure is considerably higher. Assuming 10dB then a 50W amp is on average only putting out 5W when playing music.

I know the output power is not constant, but since this is a hypotetical exercise I am looking for a worst case scenario, like low efficiency speakers, loud listening levels and highly dynamic music. Maybe a bit overboard.

I enjoyed reading about your "Nitro" amp, I hope to try one someday.
That 3 pin adaptor at the input was a pain in the butt to remove. I was trying to look for a connector for it but could not find any.


Here's a quick and easy way to remove this type of connector if you don't need to keep it in one piece. It takes less than a minute and works really well.

1. Stabilize the board with a vice or clamp.
2. Grab one of the pins on the top of the board with your needle nose pliers.
3. Heat the pin on the back side of the board with your soldering iron and gently remove the pin with the pliers.
4. rinse and repeat :)


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Mine arrived

Hello everyone,

Well, my TPA3116 arrived today. Just like the one in the attached photo.

Sounds great, even with a less than optimal 1.5 amp (it calls for 2 amp) 24VDC supply! (My 2 amp Meanwell type supply is on loan at the moment to my brother-in-law.)

Question: If I were to purchase another Meanwell, could I, and should I get one even greater than 2 amps?



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Hello everyone,

Well, my TPA3116 arrived today. Just like the one in the attached photo.

Sounds great, even with a less than optimal 1.5 amp (it calls for 2 amp) 24VDC supply! (My 2 amp Meanwell type supply is on loan at the moment to my brother-in-law.)

Question: If I were to purchase another Meanwell, could I, and should I get one even greater than 2 amps?


Someone posted this link sometime ago. You might want to check it out too.
$18.16 24V 5A Regulated Switching Power Supply - AC 110-220V at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Thanks fellows!

Thanks for the confirmation Tubelab. I was thinking I could go higher than the 2 amps.

Lo Tse, thanks for the link to the FastTech site. I bought that power supply! I didn't even know about FastTech; so that's great.

I'm looking forward to building a proper enclosure for this tpa3123 amp!

Sounds good with the Klipsch LaScalas, Emotiva CD player, and a simple switchbox for the other sources: EAR phono and Magnum Dynalab tuner. I'm using the Audio Blasphemy silver wires I build.

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Ghetto Blastin' of a different kind

I couldn't stand waiting any longer and stuffed my 2-channel board inside a dead Monoprice Ethernet switch this morning. :D No soldering needed.

This thing sounds fantastic! Easily better than the TA2024 amps I've used with my Fonken-like basement speakers. 20V seems to sound a bit better than 12V.

Now if only I could feel ok about showing off this junk in the livable area of the house... :D

I gotta get me a real chassis.


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I hate to leave things hanging, so here is that finished boom box with that full chassis version I mentioned. Second attempt at kerfing. Turned out not to shabby... and sounds PDG! ;)


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I've the 2.1 version of this amp

IMHO, the stereo channel sound great. Things change drastically when you plug in a sub-woofer.

I feel the amp is half cooked / undone but it leaves plenty of room for improvement

Sub-woofer channel 12db slope is not enough as it still have some low mid interfering the stereo channel.

And the 2 stereo channel doesn't have high pass.
My boards arrived!!!

I just picked up my boards from the postman, I hope I can try them soon... And see if my design works well... Its my first pcb layout design... I hope it works well!!!...

As I said... Once I try it, if it works fine, I will upload the whole project info... Included a boom list, Eagle files and gerbers.


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