TPA3255 Reference Design Class D Amp with PFFB

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As long as they are the “best” to you is all that matters. But I have heard many systems and I can tell yours is up there. The frequency response in your thread is right on target with the slight tilt of the Harman House curve. I know what the GRS planar can do and I know Tang Band paper cone full ranges works well as a mid. I know you have got a great amp! 😂

You have a system to be proud of and can enjoy now. So spend some time relaxing and listening to music for a long time. Until the itch to build the XSD creeps in. ;)

Speaking of Pearl 3, I am listening to Jhofland’s version and it sounds fantastic. I have a much more basic TT though but nice cartridge.

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Many thanks for the kind words, X!
It's great to read this from someone who is light years ahead of me in speaker design!
Yes, now I enjoy the music, I listen to it since many hours now :) and it's just beautiful.
However... I have so much itch when it comes to building... HyperSET, Pearl 3, some linear PSUs...
And of course I have to finish the xo of The Open Baffle (currently it's a lump of components with point-to-point soldering) and the birch ply baffles will also arrive soon (instead of the MDF ones)... so, very much to do :)
But that's fun :)

Many thanks again!
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She likes it too :love:

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After discovering how great this power amp can handle my speakers, it is now my main power amp, period.
I listen almost every day and it's simply gorgeous.
Just wanted to say:D
I'm curious, X, when you will offer another great power amp like this :cheers:
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Thanks for the reply. My concern with Class A amps is the behavior at "weird" speakers on terms of strange impedance curve. It's mostly not in the bass range, rather in the mids, and it can cause a shouty midrange without control.

Your Class D plan is great - but being a commercial thingie, no chance:rolleyes:
Founder of XSA-Labs
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You could just build the Alpha Nirvana. Same amp. Add the SFPP and SSR speaker protects. Add the SLB power supply if you want to go all out.

Here is an example of the Alpha Nirvana in an exquisite build by Sledwards:

Here is listening impressions by Poseidonsvoice:

His build is also very impressive but I can’t find the thread off the top of my head.

The amp itself is quite simple all through hole parts.

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Wow. Thanks X, I have to think about it, but it looks really great.
What's the difference between A40 and Alpha Nirvana, if any (if it's not a secret, which of course I would understand)?
The boards are in the shop; there is an SFPP with lot of SMD (no go for me), and an SFP with soldered SMDs - would it be okay too?
I fear a new project is born... 🙈
Hi X, it really seems to work well from the start. It really does perform as many of the LSA Discovery Warp-1 reviewers have stated.

It does not sound like most Class D amps, and it really has a rich tonality. I really like it.

Hi X - or anyone familiar with both

How do the original xrk TPA3255 Reference amps sound, compared with the newer version with PFFB?

more so in terms of tonality. I highlight that, as it’s probably the last good attribute you might not expect from class D
Yes sound quality is subjective, most people who’ve heard a fair amount of different gear do develop preferences

to clarify what I meant by tonality -
apart from the level of measured THD - with/ without PFFB in circuit … can you hear a subtle amount of more 2rd or 3rd harmonics in either?
The PFFB has about -6dB less THD bit sound wise, it is subjective. I personally can’t say one way or another but if I had to pick, I kind of like no PFFB. It’s easy to change by putting a jumper across the 3k6 feedback resistors or change to 0R.
Don't forget that the system response also improves a little.

I am mostly talking about the peak you can get from the LC filter at higher impedances.

I have seen cases where this has quite an effect already around 10-20kHz.