Transmission Line Modelling Software

Hi schmeet,
I've just started using your software. So far seems great and pretty intuitive.
I have one question however. Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else.

I'm trying to model the small folded TL in the first image and I assume I can just do that by having three elements one after the other as shown in the second image.

The simulation I get however is not quite the same as that by the tl's designer. The one parameter I'm not sure about in your tool is the model info- Rear ->depth for each element. Do I need to adjust this at all and if so what does it measure?



  • lance_tl.jpg
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  • tl_model.jpg
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Here's what I do. Model each in there own respective postion and sum the two. In reality it is a bit more complex than that. Phase and driver positions have an effect both good and bad. Driver distance from one another will have an upper usable frequency limit. Where they sit in respect to the room eg front wall/side wall and floor.

Isobaric can be modelled, but limit the upper range to no more than 145, give or take 5Hz or so (usually lower).

If you need help just ask. :)

Pete, thank you again. Some things have been put on hold,... one of our cars was totalled and the at fault insurance was recended for breach of contract. Called in the lawyers.
Do you think it is possible to add this feature to the software?

Is it possible to donate something to you?


I have been trying to add this but at the moment I haven't figured out the correct way of doing it. It's a work in progress at the moment!

And yes, you can donate if you have bitcoins...

All donations go towards hosting/software costs
Hi schmeet,
I've just started using your software. So far seems great and pretty intuitive.
I have one question however. Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else.

I'm trying to model the small folded TL in the first image and I assume I can just do that by having three elements one after the other as shown in the second image.

The simulation I get however is not quite the same as that by the tl's designer. The one parameter I'm not sure about in your tool is the model info- Rear ->depth for each element. Do I need to adjust this at all and if so what does it measure?


Russ, it looks like you are doing it right to me. Perhaps you could attach the model file and I can have a look in detail.

The depth parameter doesn't really do much other than changing the view. Because the view is 2D I need to assume so 'depth' when drawing the elements.

I don't see anything immediately obvious with the design. I would say that it is usually better to model the center line of the folded enclosure which gives a slightly longer and slightly more volume, though it doesn't make too much difference.

Do you have a measured/modelled frequency that you think it should be getting?



    974 bytes · Views: 83
I'd suggest getting planet10 (Dave) involved. On fullranges he's a master and knows specifically what changes /mods should be done.

Will have a peek and your model shortly. As Pete said nothing obvious wrong with what you have. Experimentation is easy peasy, but would suggest a removeable front baffle when doing so.
So for example if i have a driver with the following tsp:

Fs: 150 Hz
Qts: 0,912
Re: 3,49 Ohm
Lvc: 0,14 mH
Vas: 0,11 liter
Bl: 1.702 T.m
Sd: 8,35 cm²

and if i want to simulate two of them in series in a TL with your software i should use the following paramters?

Fs: 150Hz
Qts: 0.912
Re: 6,98
Lvc: 0,28
Vas: 0,22 liter
Bl: 3.404 T.m
Sd: 16,7
Help !
Since the most recent update to TL I have been unable to run, or even successfully re-install it.
I have fully uninstalled it from Control Panel, I have found and nuked all relevant directories and have searched and hand-scoured the registry for every reference.
I have confirmed the correct installation of the .NET and Windows installer files and done the Windows repair routine and all the FIXIT crap.


Installation fails with-
"An error occurred trying to download ''.
See the setup log file located at 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD4137.tmp\install.log' for more information."

The log file looks perfectly normal up until the last 3 lines-
"Launching Application.
URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697210'
Error: An error occurred trying to download ''."

I am really missing my favourite design tool and would really appreciate any insight others may offer.

Windows 7 SP1 64Bit (up to date and otherwise faultless)
AMD Athlon II X2 250 CPU

Any contributions gratefully received.

So for example if i have a driver with the following tsp:

Fs: 150 Hz
Qts: 0,912
Re: 3,49 Ohm
Lvc: 0,14 mH
Vas: 0,11 liter
Bl: 1.702 T.m
Sd: 8,35 cm²

and if i want to simulate two of them in series in a TL with your software i should use the following paramters?

Fs: 150Hz
Qts: 0.912
Re: 6,98
Lvc: 0,28
Vas: 0,22 liter
Bl: 3.404 T.m
Sd: 16,7

Looks correct to me. That's what I would use.
Error: An error occurred trying to download ''."

1. Were you in fact online at the time? The error seems to imply that you need to be.

2. Otherwise, paste that URL into the browser and see if it downloads successfully (vs. giving you some kind of error, e.g., 404 Not Found, 503 Service Unavailable, simply timing out after a while, host not found etc.)

P.S. This software is indeed amazing!
Installation fails with-
"An error occurred trying to download ''.
See the setup log file located at 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD4137.tmp\install.log' for more information."

The log file looks perfectly normal up until the last 3 lines-
"Launching Application.
URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697210'
Error: An error occurred trying to download ''."

Hi Blakkshepe,

I think this might be to do with your PC blocking the installer accessing that file for some reason.

Try the guidance on this webpage:
Error message when you try to install a ClickOnce application from a Web server: "An error occurred trying to download <file>"

Let me know how it goes,