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Twisted Pear Audio - Buffalo32S (ES9018 DAC)

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Buffalo 32s

Russ and Brian:
I have a single, relatively dumb question (sorry, don't know enough to ask a smart one). :rolleyes:
I intend to buy your new Buffalo 32s kit and hope to use a single Buffalo 32s for up to three (3) s/pdif digital sources (to be played back through a preamp with a volume pot).
I understand that the Sabre DAC(s) allow for multiple digital inputs. The first iteration of the Buffalo allowed multiple inputs with the MUX receiver.

Will a MUX receiver module be required with the Buffalo 32s to allow multiple s/pdif digital inputs or is it even usable with the Buffalo 32s?

In advance, thanks. Looking forward to this project!
sneak peak of BUF32S

Here it is, this is just the top side.


  • pcb.jpg
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Hi all,

&Russ / Brian - you've probably guessed what I'm going to ask. lol.... I was kinda hoping that the new Buffalo would have all the channels separated?

I'm glad to see a new board, but I'm a tad disappointed as I would still need to buy three or four Buffalo kits to do multichannel surround. :bawling:

Since the ESS chips can handle DSD directly, and the new (32) chip apparently has XO filtering, it's a shame not to leave all possibilities open on the PCB. (Although I do understand that 95% of people on here are more interested in 2-channel systems and absolutely quality though.)

I'm very happy with the RevC and Buffalo system atm, but I'm starting to miss the surround channels a bit. Until I can get some more amp modules built for my DIY amp, I have to fall back on my old Denon (uses NJM2608's everywhere - not ideal. The evil dry joints are creeping in too).

Then again, if the Buffalo32 comes with an IVY II stage, then it's still quite tempting. ;)

@Brian - any news on the Sympatico parts yet? I'm itching to get a few channels built.

Re: Re: Re: sneak peak of BUF32S

Beefy said:

To my noob eyes it looks like the power supplies might be buffered by ICs 4, 5 and 6. Regulators are probably under the board near those.

I was thinking it would be hard to do reflow soldering on both sides... (my common sense tells me that the components in the bottom will just fall off in the reflow over :) )
Joined 2002
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Can't make out from the top layer, but how does the ESS chip get its VA supply now? Is it tapped off the VA supply from the IVY II supply, separately for each channel or something else?

And, there are a LOT more opamps, but no SE output. Eagerly awaiting more details.
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