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Twisted Pear Audio - Buffalo32S (ES9018 DAC)

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A possibly cheaper option would be to buy another one of the current B32's to ensure compatability - will they still be available when the new boards become available?

No. The Buffalo32S modules are all sold out. We cannot afford to stock more than one version, though it will be possible to use the new version in almost the same configuration.
Help Thumpbusters……….Don’t!!

Hello all, I need some help. My B32 v1.0 has been giving me great pleasure for several months now (thanks Russ & Brian), but I recently changed my setup and fitted a volumite and so discarded my preamp. With the preamp in place the switch off thump was minimal, without it my poor speakers now hit the stops on power off. OK, out with the separate thumpbuster boards that came with my kit , they are fitted and wired as per instructions and Russ’s photo, powered from dac av+,av- and a-gnd. All dac signal outputs (+ & -) L&R are definitely shorted to gnd when power is off but switch off thump is unchanged. The relays don’t appear to drop out fast enough to short the outputs at switch off, any suggestions?
Switching off the power amp first is no problem, the teenagers in my house however don’t seem to be equipped to fathom this basic logic!! Please help.
I expect to list a 32S for sale shortly as my plans have changed. If you are interested, shoot me a PM.



I had been wanting to redo the layout of the B32 and all its bits in my case, so I will do more checking - wiring / tracks etc and repeat the tests.

On a different topic I am looking at various ways of bi-amping my speakers, one of which is to keep the signal digital until the power amps; to this end I would need two Buffalo 32 DACs. Will the new Buffalo only support 2 channels, that is would I need a pair of them? A possibly cheaper option would be to buy another one of the current B32's to ensure compatability - will they still be available when the new boards become available?

Hello Russ and Brian!
I hope the new design will reduce the sensitivity to EMI (sparks from switches, static) , so that I dont have to take extreme care about shielding the device.
I used the "Zerostat" device to find all the weak spots ( LED or mains-switch) of the case.

Nearing the end of january, have a closer look at TP's workshop ;)


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Hi Hurtig,

I have designed and used no global feedback output stages. They are not at all new to me. :) Actually one will be available from us soon for the Buffalo II. It won't simply be a filtered voltage buffer either like yours :). But a true virtual GND I/V stage with a near zero input impedance. :)

There is a project called Counterpoint II that implements that circuit in the lineup and Brian and I will talk more about that later. :) Counterpoint II is a natural progression from the original Counterpoint. It is much more user friendly and sounds excellent.

That said its going to be very difficult to get better Sound, DNR, or THD than what we have achieved with the IVY II. And now we have IVY III that we will likely ship in its place since it includes an optional BAL/SE stage. IVY II sounds simply awesome. Maybe not your cup of tea, but there is no accounting for personal taste, but I have not heard a word of complaint from my peers who have heard it. :) Quite the opposite.

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I have been listening to a 9018 based DAC, with AD797 op-amps in the analog stage. Damn!! Just like eating 2 sleeping pills...
The sound has got no life. Sounds like compression....

That certainly was not my DAC. :)

So don't use such an output stage. :) IVY III is nothing like that. You simply can't achieve the same results with normal single ended amps and get what you want. That is why I don't use them. I use only fully symmetrical amplifiers for I/V stages with feedback.

Still I don't design for you. I design for myself and my peers. It has to pass muster with me and I am not easy to please. Just ask Brian.

The great thing is with the Buffalo you can use whatever output stage makes you happy. :) Obviously in your case that's probably only going to be yours. And that's great! Have fun. I simply don't agree with you on the merits, and I am sure I am not the only one.

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I own the original Buffalo. It sounds great even now, and I'm interested in the new development for my next upgrade.

I do hope the problem of popping/dropping with lightswitches is gone fully now? It's a very enjoyable piece of equipment, but it's just that it gets shaken everytime the fridge goes on, and goes through a period of silence when we switch on something a little more current hungry. It happens to be the only source in my house that does that, and it does that in every house, every room, and with every digital source, so I was hoping the new chips had it licked? I skipped the 32S (rece$$ion!), but look forward to the new one eagerly :)
Joined 2009
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Is the new Buffalo II going to work just fine with the "current" Counterpoint I/V modules? I admit that I had my troubles with these (had to build 4 to get 2 stable ones) but in the end they worked great with the Buffalo24. Have been turned off since Buffalo 32S though....
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Joined 2005
Hi Russ,

I am checking your site and this thread every 15 minutes, my wife just used the word "di$%rce" to describe what will follow next if I don't stop looking at a site with some boards and green heading...
Please Russ, tell us you have found a way to produce a thousand boards so we don't have to wake 3 in the morning to try and get one...
Joined 2009
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I just saw the layout of the Buffalo II on the Buffalo page. Looks great:D
One question: is the VD of the 5 connection for (optional) external supplies connected on the PCB?

I hope my post survives the highly dynamic low-pass filter on this thread:confused:
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