Upgrade F5 to F6

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I think the way forward for you would be to biamp.
The F6 is a very nice amp, but if your desire is to improve bass detail and accuracy over the f5 then either biamping with maybe an F5 turbo or the new SIT amp running the bass driver and F6 driving mid and tweeter is what will get you some improvement,
I don't believe F6 will be any better than F5 regarding bass detail

I have never considered biamping
However if I feel like experimenting I do have 2 other spare amps ( not First Watt )

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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pretty much always DF will not give all information needed to know how amp is behaving in bass realm , in actual setup

often - in home - amp with slightly greater output impedance will give "better" bass , call it more , fatter , deeper - that all depends of many circumstances

so , only way is to try , having actual comparison info from someone else as just a nod

from my experience - F6 is having slightly "better" bass than F5 , but my setup is everything but representative (informative or applicable) for anyone else (16R in TL etc.)

wait for F7

Thanks for your input mate
My DIY F5 was tested against a genuine First Watt J2 and an X150
The X 150 pipped both at the post in the bass accuracy department
And more specifically in the bass extension area

That's why my mind has wondered towards the F6 upgrade due to the impressions and now your comments I have been reading

My impression is the bass is definitely better than the other 2 amps. Maybe because the LaScala woofers are 4 ohm and the F6 puts out 50 watts at 4 ohms. It is a subtle difference though but noticeable.
pretty much always DF will not give all information needed to know how amp is behaving in bass realm , in actual setup

often - in home - amp with slightly greater output impedance will give "better" bass , call it more , fatter , deeper - that all depends of many circumstances

so , only way is to try , having actual comparison info from someone else as just a nod

from my experience - F6 is having slightly "better" bass than F5 , but my setup is everything but representative (informative or applicable) for anyone else (16R in TL etc.)

wait for F7


Yes but remember he said he preferred the sound of Pass Labs amp not Firstwatt.
This tells me he is probably going to like a high biased output stage with a decent amount of damping factor not less.

I agree he should perform your experiment first though.
add 0R33 (5W or more) in between speaker and F5 output , and observe what's happening

it will give at least a part of needed info

Thanks Zen Mod
I have a few resistors of different values on hand from the crossover build
So lets give this suggestion & easy test a go if time permits tomorrow and see what transpires



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After doing the resistor mod, remove 0R33 resistor then try going in the other direction by adding one more extra pair of output devices on your F5 and biasing the amp between 2A and 3A (assuming you have adequate heat sinking)

As for putting in more transistors and upping the bias.
sorry, no way in hell would the transformer and heatsink survive.

So that won't be happening any time soon
Resistor experiment conducted

First connection impressions of 10W resistor connected to positive terminal of amp to speaker
It's the only value resistor pair I have in the spares basket

Result of experiment
Volume is lower by approx 10 / 15%
On turning the volume up to match previous level for comparison

All speakers seem flat by a small percentile ( read that as a little lifeless ) as previously they are engaging to the point of reeling the listener in on a fishing line
An example to explain - Listening to string instruments like the violin And the deeper chelo - - normally the bow can be felt as it passes over the stings

Triangles just ting where before the whole note was held from start until it was exhausted

Also the multi layer nuances have gone the same way
Result not as nice as without the resistor

If you preferred Pass Labs over Firstwatt on your setup. Then Sony Amp Part 2 is probably to your liking or mod your existing F5.
Juma's F5 with 2sk2013 2SJ*** might get you where you want to be too.

I like both Pass Labs and First Watt
They are just different in small ways

If I had the money I would get an INT-30a :p but would welcome a Brisbane local with one to test it on my system

That gives me an idea to ask the QLD audio club members if anyone has an F6 or an INT-30a :bulb::bulb:
I haven't personally heard the F6 but what appeals to me is the lack of current limiting circuitry on the output and the lack of tight bias control I suspect this has a lot to do with the high quality bass that has been reported
And finally I've always been a fan of quasi complementary output stages and have nagged Nelson a bunch of times to do one.
I just talked myself into it, I'll build one too. :)
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I haven't personally heard the F6 but what appeals to me is the lack of current limiting circuitry on the output and the lack of tight bias control I suspect this has a lot to do with the high quality bass that has been reported
And finally I've always been a fan of quasi complementary output stages and have nagged Nelson a bunch of times to do one.
I just talked myself into it, I'll build one too. :)

I have also made the decision to upgrade my F5 to the F6
Probably need to also upgrade the transformer as well while it's on the bench

What do you think of Zen Mod's mention of waiting for an F7. ??
Is this a cat out of the bag comment ? Or just teasing us ?

I have just placed an order for the F6, PCB boards with Jensen transformers and the matched JFets
Also thanks to @Wdecho for his comments as he has almost the same speaker set up as mine

Man the exchange rate is a killer at present $1 AU is 69c US - but hey if one wants to upgrade then one has to follow ones heart

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I have just placed an order for the F6, PCB boards with Jensen transformers and the matched JFets
Also thanks to @Wdecho for his comments as he has almost the same speaker set up as mine

Man the exchange rate is a killer at present $1 AU is 69c US - but hey if one wants to upgrade then one has to follow ones heart


I am loving my F6 more and more everyday. I had to change and adjust the crossover a few times because the F6 showed more detail but now I have it dialed in. It was more me being very picky and wanting the sound just right. Mr Pass was gracious on putting me on the right path once. It is kinda spooky how a single instrument or vocal singer just appears in a completely quite background in the room. The speakers just disappear. I have become a believer in simple circuits and one stage of amplification from an amplifier. This is my first one stage amplifier.
I am loving my F6 more and more everyday. I had to change and adjust the crossover a few times because the F6 showed more detail but now I have it dialed in. It was more me being very picky and wanting the sound just right. Mr Pass was gracious on putting me on the right path once. It is kinda spooky how a single instrument or vocal singer just appears in a completely quite background in the room. The speakers just disappear. I have become a believer in simple circuits and one stage of amplification from an amplifier. This is my first one stage amplifier.

Excellent - I read your review from the main F6 thread and it's good to see that it only gets better :)
Like you I have adjustable tweeter and mid range via onboard attenuators on the crossovers

I will probably be posting a step by step procedure of the transformation from the F5 to the F6
But first I need some sage advice on the best brands / types or most musical components to populate the PCBs

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