USB sound card for audio spectrum analysis

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Hp, did you measure third harmonic of the 10k? Thanks.

Well, you may know, may you read on the later "Low-distortion Audio-range Oscillator"... topic..

The real THD of the LDO is usual lower as the LNA &ADC shows up! This means, a direct measurement, as FFT does, will show you a Brut Force measurement with the underlying LNA & ADC performance! Also will show you the phase noise around the fundamental signal.

In other words, the THD3 or THDxx may show -120dB and really is may on -140dB. To get into this real THD, a additional filtering of the Har1 is needed / required. Look at the later Samuel Groner's "Low-distortion Audio-range Oscillator" measurement.

Hi Victor,

Thank you. You have removed the potentiometer from the left channel also. Have you done this to make fixed gain?


Yes, potentiometers was also removed. Previously, I done similar job for both channels, but later, when I can't get good results from the left channel, I blocked it. Gain is fixed. I already have the external divider for the level changes.

Impressive, below -130db.
are you use your your low noise 1khz oscillator for feeding the signal to E-MU0202?

Wish to tell you little about one amazing result with the E-MU 0202. Not far ago got this card from the ebay auction for . I was planning this for my laptop as spectrum measurement tool. This USB sound card uses AK5385 as ADC. The chip is semi compatible with the AK5394, and I thought, that maybe I can replace the ADC chip, if it needed, but seems that is not needed. After one working day, some changes in the buffer amp and little tricks I got wonderful results from the right channel of the ADC. The left channel was more worse (seems that the chip internal problems), and I blocked it. As result I got this relatively small "magic" box, and the nice spectrum picture:

I have tried a couple of USB sound cards, to meet my need for manufacturing test and general engineering until I can afford a AP.... Looking for THD min -100 dB and with digital I/O.

Used to use an EMU-0404 together with ARTA under Windows XP, but after upgrading to Windows 7 it just didn't work anymore, even after installing their beta Windows 7 drivers.... When it worked I was happy with it, although 192 Khz didn't work with ARTA. Fine hardware, with both Toslink and RCA digital I/O, but drivers suck.

For production testing I got a low cost Steinberg UR22. Software is fine, but hardware limited, no digital I/O and analog output only unbalanced. Loopback 1 Khz THD @ -1 dB (referenced to 1.4V RMS) is -81 dB, not something to write home about, but just about good enough for dam1021 production testing. Mine was a mkI, had the low frequency noise problem. MkII might be better, but didn't bother....

Then I got a Roland UA-55. At first it looked ok, balanced I/O and with RCA digital I/O, software is fine. Loopback 1 Khz THD @ -1 dB is -84 dB, better but not much. Then I found out that THD went skyhigh when running with unbalanced input, so it got thrown aside.

Finally I got a Focusrite 6i6 2nd gen, the most expensive of them, but still reasonable. Hardware is very good, balanced analog I/O and RCA digital I/O, software is fine, but user interface confusing. Loopback 1 Khz THD @ -1 db is good at -96 db, falling to excellent -105 db at -10 db level. THD increases at higher frequencies, and it have the usual high frequency modulator noise. For now it's a keeper, might get more for production testing.
I have tried a couple of USB sound cards, to meet my need for manufacturing test and general engineering until I can afford a AP.... Looking for THD min -100 dB and with digital I/O

May check RME ADI-2 Pro ... for DIY with low budget may an overkill :eek: but performance wise a current top gear for ADC/DAC (also DSD up to DSD256 with ADC/DAC supported) :D

This one can do -110dB THD and -101dB THD+N @-3dBFS, not bad for a card that costs EUR35-60 from eBay (I just ordered one :)).

It even has Toslink for digital in/out, the catch being that it only works with Windows XP/7 and needs FireWire.


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