Vinyl is good for your health

'1969 music' Yes! 1960s MUSIC!
"The phasey effect when the chorus say spinning, spinning on YT is horrible"
You had to be there.!!:) band of our childhood...well, a little beyond childhood, lol. That's just how we were introduced to Flangers, Phasers, and all the other"IN" foot pedals of the era!

The technology of the time did not diminish the message of the music...muse on that a while.
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"There has been great music in all eras but maybe the beat was better."

I think 70's and 80's were the pinnacle of rock music, at least for me. The variety, the creativity, the sheer volume of great musicians and great music from everywhere, not just from the Anglo sphere, has not been repeated in more modern times.
That's 2 decades of glorious music.
That's the classical era of rock music of any kind, hard, heavy, progressive, metal, jazz, etc., at least for me.
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The pressings of most 45’s were awful. But 12” disco singles were issued in both 33 and 45, depending on label. Pressings of those equaled most rock albums (that were at least making an attempt at sounding good). The 45’s sounded MUCH BETTER overall. Kind of like running tape at 7 1/2 ips. 45 RPM is inherently better - it just won’t play as LONG (hence LP).

When playing those, you are standing instead of sitting - and working two or MORE turntables simultaneously.
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45 seconds referred to the amount of time one could listen before turning it off. Anyone remember just how BAD the full-length version of Boston “Don’t Look Back” sounded on 45? Worst distortion ever, and don’t even play it ONCE on a ceramic cartridge with a stiff cantilever. It will be unplayable after that.