
I think much of the problem lies in translation.At least that is my opinion trying to work through the documentation.Such I feel is the value of this software that I would offer my services IF my German was up to it.(Which it is not).I remember employing a young German man resident in the UK to translate some German patent documents (1980s).despite speaking better English than most British people,The translations made little sense.
Not in this case.
I've continuously done too many and too big changes that maintaining second language is simply too much (imo) if translator is busy with daily job and other responsibilities.

Dou you need a German version? As far as I can tell, most educated people in the German speaking countries can read and understand English texts on a good level. In my experience it is better and more efficient to get the documentation right in one language (English in this case).
Dou you need a German version?

I don't need German help, but someone else might need ;) English help has been downloaded 6762 times (90%) and German help 779 times (10%) in 2019 so German has not been fully up to date while about 900 downloads. I think alternative languages are good to be available, but continuous development and insignificant unplanned changes cause extra work.
I love this software, and have been playing around trying to design a crossover for some speakers. Good stuff. I do, however, see one bug.

When you add a resistor or inductor from the main input line to ground, it will change the impedance graph but does not change the other four graphs at all. At a high resistor value, it wouldn't change them very much, but at a low value, all of the levels should be decreasing, across the board.

If i put a wire/lead from the input to ground, the graphs all disappear as they should, since the input is shorted out. But if I put a 0.1 Ohm resistor, which is nearly the same thing as a wire, there is zero change to the graphs (except the impedance graph).
^Connecting wire over the generator does not kill voltage source though it does not look realistic. Try to make legal connections and check that node number of generator's upper terminal is not 0.
Source resistance of generator, buffer and other active components is 0.001 Ohms, and resistance of shorted component is 0.00001 Ohms. Those two work more logical than shorting of generator with wire.
^I guess we have to wait Microsoft .NET Core "99.0" with desktop app support on macOS and Linux. Wine, VM or dual boot are main options at the moment. Mono might work somehow someday, but Mono on Windows is not very promising.
Java VM is not an option at the moment due to argument passing by value only. Otherwise conversion C# -> java does not look impossible.
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Those two work more logical than shorting of generator with wire.

This one also works if there's something before driver. Shorted component (Z=0.00001 Ohms) is enough to drop level at driver's terminals. So I wouldn't call this bug.


  • VCAD2_shorted_gen.PNG
    25 KB · Views: 215
^I guess we have to wait Microsoft .NET Core "99.0" with desktop app support on macOS and Linux. Wine, VM or dual boot are main options at the moment. Mono might work somehow someday, but Mono on Windows is not very promising.
Java VM is not an option at the moment due to argument passing by value only. Otherwise conversion C# -> java does not look impossible.

I can port it to c++ using wxwidgets framework and it will run on anything. If i can help out any please let me know. Awesome project and thank you for doing it!
When you pass objects as arguments what is passed is a reference to the object, so you can manipulate the referenced object's fields...

This is what I was expecting before reading some very disturbing "information" from the internet. It would against common sense to create+stack large objects as a set of values to isolate modifications.

C# allows also primitive types and e.g. String object as a reference, but that conversion work wouldn't be so overwhelming.
I can port it to c++ using wxwidgets framework

I appreciate your offer. That would be massive job due to size and structure of the program (despite of possible conversion tools). No sense to make direct conversion without development and rework for classes. I've jumped from C to C# via some other languages so C++ would be studying again (which is not bad thing). But otherwise wxWidgets looks suitable for this application. Personal interest to desktop Linux, macOS or other Unix is quite close to zero as long as Windows is alive because there's nothing valuable for me.
Java is too darn slow. Why drive a yugo when you have a Ferrari ready to go. C++ ports to anything with ease and is the clear choice for any professional application. C# is a managed memory language and is slow and a memory hog. Dont even get me started on Microsoft's garbage collector. There is a reason that 99% of all large applications are still written in c++.

I guess I just prefer to talk directly to the metal
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Given the cheap price of good recent secondhand windows pcs (I have SIX all given free, People tend to throw them away after two or three years) I think it best to buy or scrounge from friends a dedicated machine if they are serious about using this software even if they dont like Windows,.I see porting to other o/s as a distraction from the developers limited time plus just think how much support would be needed trying to solve bugs ect across multi operating systems.Also the developer does seem to want to keep exclusive control of this package as is his right to do so.
VCAD is programmed with HP ProBook 6570b (i5/15"/8G/500G SSD/Win10 Pro) manufactured in 2013. Speed is adequate for typical speaker projects. .NET is precompiled, and some functions look faster than implementation with std lib by myself (probably my bad). So speed or price are not valid points here.

I don't love virtual machines either, but .NET is reality at the moment. Conversion to some other framework is so huge job that development of v2.0 would end and license wouldn't be free anymore. Probably more than 2nd hand PC+Win which would also enable ARTA, CLIO and other CAD and office programs needed for DIY audio. Without better knowledge Linux and macOS look useless losers in this scene ;)

It is unfortunate that there are several platforms which don't have common programming interface, application framework and standard library ("std::") covering GUI, graphics/charts, html, xml, web, sound etc. Now we need some external arbitrator such as JVM or Qt. Space requirement of the latest Qt is 54 GB which is more than whole OS. Subscriptions of commercial version starting at $459/month. Why?
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