
Just to be sure I've understood the X, Y and Z parameters correctly - is it correct that I've moved the Seas driver 240 mm down the baffle and 5,28 mm away from the mic here? (with the mic being on axis with the Wavecor driver)


  • Screenshot 2020-02-20 at 17.26.43.png
    Screenshot 2020-02-20 at 17.26.43.png
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^That's correct.

Just note that Z mm of driver instance in XO is 0 mm and Delay offset of driver's response data is 0 us if you work according measurement instructions with straight non-stepped and non-tilted baffles because mechanical rotation center while off-axis measurement sequence is at level of baffle surface and timing reference while converting impulse response (semi-dual channel) measurements to frequency response is equal to all drivers. So timing difference of drivers is included in measurement data only, and XYZ of driver instance equals to mechanical rotation center (relative to speakers origin) while off-axis measurement sequence.

In addition, Delay us parameter should be used instead of Z mm for drivers in boxed speakers with straight non-stepped and non-tilted baffles if measured or traced response data is normalized or processed with minimum phase extraction, because Delay works better than Z to high off-axis angles. This was not significant decades ago when speakers were designed with axial response only, but now situation is different with VCAD and others which calculate off-axis too.

All this should be mentioned in measurement instructions and user manual so please read those to get original info asap.
...woofers need some workaround...

Not anymore because

Rev. (2020-02-21)

* Added lin.pha checkbox to High pass and Low pass slopes of driver's target response in Optimizer window. Enables selection of minimum phase or linear phase target slope for File->Export->FIR transfer function for Driver.
* Added 'Driver target phase' curve (magenta) to GD & Phase chart.
IR export of driver input

Hi Kimmosto,

While exporting the driver input impulse responses I noticed something odd in the high pass section. I have had the same issue with multiple projects now. To illustrate the issue I will use your "epe-3W_demo V2" project.

I exported the IR's of the 3 driver inputs with the settings shown in the first image. After that I plotted the frequency responses of the 3 IR's. The low pass and bandpass sections are equal to the filters shown in Vituixcad. However the high pass sections seems to be wrong.

Do you have any idea what is going wrong here? I have had the same problem with multiple projects. I am using the latest update of your software.

Thanks a lot.



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^IR export should be quite okay with your settings, but converting from exported IR back to frequency response could be sensitive to time window and FFT settings. For example here is with ARTA; window start=0, FFT length=8k, win function=Uniform, PreDelay=21.333ms:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Start=0 and PreDelay=21.333ms just to make sure that FFT includes whole IR.
..possible to set the frequency range in Merger and Difraction like in the Calculator?

Rev. (2020-03-01)

* Full (5-40k) and standard (20-20k) frequency axis options removed from Options window. Frequency axis limits are adjusted with min. and max. text boxes only. Frequency step changed to one octave. Limits are saved to project file (vxp).
* Angle parsing multiplier saved to project file (vxp).

* Added text boxes for frequency axis limits.

* Added text boxes for frequency axis limits.

*Added text boxes for frequency axis limits.
Rev. (2020-03-01)

* Full (5-40k) and standard (20-20k) frequency axis options removed from Options window. Frequency axis limits are adjusted with min. and max. text boxes only. Frequency step changed to one octave. Limits are saved to project file (vxp).
* Angle parsing multiplier saved to project file (vxp).

* Added text boxes for frequency axis limits.

* Added text boxes for frequency axis limits.

*Added text boxes for frequency axis limits.

Thank you, its perfect.
Rev. (2020-03-02)

* Responses to off-axis angles defined by user added to Power & DI chart. Visibility of curves is controlled via context menu.
* Show Listening window added to context menu of Power & DI chart.
* User's horizontal and vertical off-axis angles text boxes added to Frequency responses group in Options window. Valid angle list separator is space, comma or semicolon.