We will be updating our software platform mid-December

Joined 2000
Paid Member
Over the last 6 months the diyAudio team has been busy planning, preparing and testing our much-needed shift to a new software platform.

We are planning to perform the migration mid-December.

Our current platform is now beyond "end of life" (EOL) which means it no longer has access to software and security updates. It’s important we transition to a modern and well supported platform as soon as possible.

There's plenty of upside however! Modern software means we'll get to enjoy a slew of modern niceties often taken for granted today, such as post auto-saving, drag and drop images, and a WYSIWYG editor.

The focus and vibe of the forum will stay the same - helping you find and build amazing audio projects with the help of the most passionate and generous audio community in the world.

The forum will be offline for around 24 hours during the migration. No data will be lost. All discussions, private messages and thread subscriptions will carry forward.

The new software (XenForo) is written by the same people who wrote the current software. While it looks different it feels similar. There will be a light theme as the default, a dark theme for night owls, and a classic theme that's as similar to the current look and feel as is possible.

A "clean slate" in terms of software means we'll be able to properly review and act on areas of the site that regrettably had to be retired over the last few years due to EOL issues such as blogs, articles and galleries. It also means we'll be unencumbered to pursue our mission - making discovering, building and discussing your dream audio projects as easy and accessible as possible.

For those who have been generous enough to donate to the forum in the past (thank you!), we're changing the name of "donations" to "premium memberships". The benefits for each level will be equivalent or better than what is offered now. We're removing the lowest tier and anyone currently on that will be bumped up to the next level.

The new site is currently in beta. Functionally it's getting close to ready and has pretty good feedback. Many thanks to the mods and a keen cabal of members who have been giving it a good working over.

For any members who are interested in helping with beta testing of the new site, please click here to register your interest.

Now is a good time for me to introduce Gerard.

Gerard (gerardv) is a long time diyAudio member but more recently our man-at-arms who has been championing the progress of the migration behind the scenes. He is managing the onboarding of beta testers, collating feedback and liaising with the development team. If you sign up above to be a beta tester, he'll be the guy who gets in touch with you with further details, when the time is right.

Lastly, THANK YOU to every diyAudio member for participating in this amazing community. It has been an amazing journey over the last 22 years and I feel we are just about to hit the home straight :)

May your projects be many and the smoke stay in,

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I'm mostly a lurker, but I've got a fair bit of experience in forum software transitions - and have a habit of being able to break things in ways that nobody else thought of trying :) so have applied for beta access.

Will you be importing the current forum data? Or keeping it in some archived format?


Joined 2003
Paid Member
... able to break things in ways that nobody else thought of trying :) .... Will you be importing the current forum data?...

I'm not Staff, just a troublemaker.

You are not the only one with decades of forum-breaking experience :razz:, but the more the merrier.

The beta I have seen is populated with 9/10 of the (huge!) existing forum, because there's a lot of old stuff to bring over. I've been surprised how well the formatting and linkages etc is preserved. Here's a snip of the beta with a post over 20 years old. I have modestly modded my forum Theme to echo 1999; the default Theme is spiffier.


  • DIYA-2001-----42.gif
    132.3 KB · Views: 1,224
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Joined 2000
Paid Member
Thanks PRR :) Your feedback has been amazing.

I would make one request - please hold off on posting screenshots in the public forums just for now. While we have been focused on getting core functionality in place and working right, the look and feel is very much still under construction and will change and improve a lot over the next month as we bring our attention back to that. Post screenshots in the Beta Test forum instead.
Seriously - there's so few comments on this thread I wonder if anyone has noticed? I'm thinking this relative silence will be contrasted by the level of comments after we switch over perhaps ?
I'm following the thread and awaiting the changeover with anticipation.

Thanks for all the work you guys are doing.

Praise for those who actually put in the effort is seldom universal, so best regard your work as a labour of love! ;)
You guys are amazing! Thank you, Jason, and friends, for the wonderful and thoroughly extraordinary work! I am member of DIYAUDIO since a long, long time, I have witnessed the developments and drawbacks, and I have even found many more contacts over this forum, even so for the professional domain.
I am happily looking forward to the new design and possibilities!
Sites heavily doped with Java Scripts are quite cumbersome, especially, considering aged computers. Java Scripts enable all kinds of Internet threats with regards to surfers security and privacy. I do understand that business is what fuels the Internet, but I liked the Internet most when the vast majority of sites did not use Java Script Trash.

The New Age sites, which act more like stand alone applications, rather than rich text with graphics, are far less intuitive than their predecessors.

My impression has been consistently that a gigantic effort is being made to make the Internet accessible to the masses by presenting it the way their mind works. However, in the process, those who are logically capable, are finding it more difficult to use what they have been using since its beginning.

For instance, why have logically hierachical menu systems been replaced by users' frequency of use? Why has text been replaced by glyphs in buttons and menus? What is wrong with using the English Language?[ Be aware, I am not natively English speaking. My mother's language is Maltese. ] Do not belief the untrue claim that the Maltese are bilingual. In the case of many, it is not the case. It is only the case of the affluent and rich.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
A big thank you to all of the beta test members who have checked out our new site.

Many of you have told us that we need to put more effort into the new site navigation and some of the aesthetics.

While we know the site wont be perfect on day 1, we do want it to be pretty good, so we have decided to make a few more changes before we launch and have delayed the project for a couple of weeks to give us time.

We now expect to go live in late October.

It is also not too late to join the beta test crew and to share your own thoughts and opinions. Just click here and fill out the form and we'll get you signed up for early access.
One of the things I've seen in some XenForo installations is a missing "search in thread" function. This is one of the most useful search functions, but is apparently not installed by default in XenForo. Specifics are described in this XenForo thread. For instance, AVS does not properly provide this functionality, but ASR does. It would be really good to have it, as the current vBulletin software does a very good job providing this functionality.

One thing that happened long ago on DIYA when the vBulletin software was updated to a newer version, was the loss of superscripts and subscripts, which broke some old posts using things like QTC and QTS. It was subsequently fixed, apparently with a reasonably simple option selection. This is said to be a bit tricky in XenForo, as described here, but would be good to have in order to preserve posts that use them, and to be able to use them in the future.
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The search function is light years ahead of what is currently in place. The upgrade will be worth it just to avoid having to google search the site to find what I'm looking for!

When in a thread, the search box gives the following options:
This Forum
This Thread

Interesting you mention about SUB and SUP, definitely something that should be checked out.
Hi Jason, Gerard and everyone who is working on this project. It is unfortunately necessary to upgrade to newer platforms, especially as things evolve the way they do with technology.
Many thanks for all the hard work, and often thankless due to idiocy of people, but know that I take my hat off to you guys. I work in IT at a large university and know the level of stress and punishing hours guys like you go through.

Best of luck,