We will be updating our software platform mid-December

Understood and didn't start using them much till ya'll started asking for abbreviating quotes or similar and why I want some sort of 'button' to click on. ;)

Since it's apparently a big deal, what is worse, a few emoticons or my long time way to post an often not to short a response that 'says' the same.
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Joined 2012
Paid Member
Folks - we are completely aware that user reactions can become an end in themselves and therefore unhelpful, but that doesn't mean that all reactions are unhelpful or that they should be avoided at all times - we are looking for ways to increase the value and information density of the forum for all the different kinds of users. And keep in mind please that the vast majority of visitors come from search engines and are not highly technical members - so guideposts that help them find what they want are probably going to be a good thing.
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Hey hey big day today!

Looking forward to the new forum, but I will probably miss the familiar blue look and layout. In general I don't like change and even more as I get older.

Thank you Jason for a fantastic platform. This forum has impacted my life and hobby for the good.
I just saw the announcement that "IT" is about to happen, though I did see this thread when first announced, and as it's taken so long I've just about forgotten about it - it feels like a year or more ago.

I do recall a vbulletin board about 15 years ago that displayed green "chicklets" under the user name in every post, the number of which were based on the number of posts made by the poster. This was eventually turned off (they were actually made invisible, but could still be seen if selected), as management felt they encouraged excessive, useless posts just to get post counts up.

Thinking of the impending 'launch' and the time and efforts that have gone into it reminds me of the JWST, which launches in exactly two weeks (!). Here's hoping both endeavors succeed in their goals!
Limit signatures to one or two lines of text. No images allowed in them.
Limiting is perhaps a good idea, but I recall the de facto standard in 1990s email lists was 4 lines of 80-character text. We can certainly allow four lines in the 2020s.
Myself and many folks on this forum also use AudioKarma.

AudioKarma has a like button. I have not seen any of the "hypothetical problems" discussed in this thread about a like button occur on that forum.

It's not a bad forum but I came here and stopped hanging out there because I liked that the content here is a lot more technical. I'm hoping this stays the same
Joined 2012
Paid Member
The "classic theme" of the new forum looks like this ATM.


  • classic theme.png
    classic theme.png
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