WFW FAST / WAW with SBA racetrack woofers and SB65

As promised... dispersion measurements, in 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 degrees increments.

First is Horizontal dispersion:


Second is Vertical dispersion:



  • SBA WMW Hor patt.jpg
    SBA WMW Hor patt.jpg
    84.7 KB · Views: 1,119
  • SBA WMW Vert patt.jpg
    SBA WMW Vert patt.jpg
    78.6 KB · Views: 1,089
Still all 3 drivers on OB.

I put the speaker 2m away from the wall on one side, 5m to the other side, and there was about 4m behind the speaker... back reflection was pretty far away!

Mic was about 1m in front of the speaker, I tried to keep that distance at all angles.

It looks mighty flat indeed.... I re-did all measurements just in case, same results.

Probably why the sweet spot is so wide.

On a side note, it's the first horn I ever liked! Probably the open back makes it more airy. I never liked horns that shot the music at me. The radiating back wave makes it a lot better, to my ears anyway.
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Your problems with phase measurements may be caused by the very nature of a racetrack design when used horizontal as you have done.

Think of the racetrack as minor horns.

This is also why you have a very large sweetspot.

If you can, try a quick version with the racetracks vertical. Yes, your c-c is huge but then you can avoid that problem, you already have ... by crossing low as you have done!

Try it ... you may be surprised.
