What are you drinking?

Freemont, is the "hippy" part of Seattle with V I Ulyanov and lots of odd eateries, isn't it?! And the VW-eating troll.

It used to be, back in the seventies there were lots of biker bars, fights...
Now is very upscale and sought after.
A popular beer maker, Redhook, started there in an old car repair shop.

Today I’m drinking some awful instant coffee to keep my head off the keyboard.
People tell all kinds of horror stories about drinking tequila
Great story Jim.
I can invoke short term memory loss enough to be selective about when they'll be recalled
Ya know Chris... If you require assistance with that I know a couple guys from an audiofest that...
A glass of brandy before bed. I have a virus(es) (I thought the plural was viri until I looked it up) invading my body and it seems to like me. In fact it seems to be taking the grand tour.

Would Viruses be more than one strain and Viri be many of the same strain?

Lets just say it has reached the bottom of things and I'm hoping things get better from here on.

My plan is to go to bed, wake up some time tomorrow and drink a big glass of water and relieve myself, then go back to bed. I may sleep until Sunday, or maybe Monday. Basically sleep until my body recovers and this vexation is gone.
I heard on BBC Radio 4 that the price of scotch whiskey sold in scotland is going to be a lot more expensive.
Scotland to be the first country to introduce minimum alcohol pricing

It only affects the jet fuel end of the market. The decent stuff wont be affected. There are some truly awful grain whiskies available for cheap in the UK and they are interchangeable with the cheapo vodkas, some come out of the same distillery.
There is a social aspect to the minimum pricing plan. People on higher incomes who drink the good stuff will not be affected. Poorer people wanting to feel that warm alcohol buzz will take a hit on their wallet.
Interesting, we have that system in Sweden already. The alcohol tax is calculated from the percentage of alcohol in the drinks.
So the higher the percentage, the higher the price. And you can never sell cheap vodka or Statesman "Whiskey" for a dollar and five shillings as the calculated tax sets the lowest price.

And also plays a significant role is how the % alcohol was produced - distilled or fermented.
At present 1 litre pure (100%) alcohol is SEK 516,59

Wine is taxed by SEK 26,18/litre up to 15% and SEK 54.79 from 15 to 18% alcohol content.

(In Swedish: https://www.skatteverket.se/foretag...tt/skattesatser.4.4a47257e143e26725aecb5.html)
I heard on BBC Radio 4 that the price of scotch whiskey sold in scotland is going to be a lot more expensive.
Scotland to be the first country to introduce minimum alcohol pricing

I fail to see how a minimum unit price for alcohol would force prices of a premium drink like scotch up.
All it says is that a double shot must cost at least £1 and a standard bottle of spirits £14.

This affects cheap cider and super strength beer I would have thought that all scotch sales (shots in pubs, bottles in shops) are already comfortably above the minimum price.
Minimum alcohol pricing sounds like something dug up by the cheap alcohol distilleries to bolster profits.

I had my flu shot this year, but this is not on the list of the trivalent shot according to the nose swab they did.

The flu is designated by a three factor system:

Antigen type (A, B, C)
hemagglutinin (1-18)
neuraminidase (1-11)

So there are 594 possible flu viruses, in addition to who-knows-how-many non-flu viruses (eg rhinovirus) which can cause flu like symptoms. Looks like a big crap shoot to me.
TJ. Takes a bit of work but when you taste it, it's tough to go back to the canned stuff.


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I've been putting Bulla (Gluten Free) vanilla ice cream into a plastic jug then microwaving it for 1 minute (1000w) then blending it with a slender blender to make thickshakes. A lot cheaper than McDonalds and I don't have to go down to buy them anymore. It tastes identical to McDonalds vanilla thickshakes.

That is quite literally how thickshakes are made, they use ice cream, now you know. Spread the word!

I just found this out about 6 months ago, eversince my life has changed for the better. I've halved the cost of a thickshake + reduced greenhouse emissions + reduced fuel consumption.
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