What is the ideal directivity pattern for stereo speakers?

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I don't know of a situation where comb filtering is desirable in hi-fi reproduction. It's a fact of life (law of physics) unless you're floating in space more than 75 feet from anything, or in an anechoic chamber, that you would be wise to fully understand and deal with somehow. Maybe you could explain yourself in much more detail. I'm confident that you misunderstood what Toole was saying, or I just don't get what you are saying.
Cause and effect have to be separated !
Reflections in a small room vitually always cause "comb filtering". But there are wanted reflections, e.g. lateral >10ms. As a result you will have comb filtering. But where is the damage then ? All the combs are, is something that can be measured with a microphone.
"Damage" only comes from unwanted reflections, which also causes comb filtering.
So it is not the comb filtering that is bad in general but the specific reflections causing it, e.g. floor reflections for some people here.
Ref. Toole, chapter 9, The Audibility of Acoustical Interfrence - Comb filtering, page 151. The four bullets on the page together with the paragraph above and below.
The reason I write all this is: In forums there are certain buzz words that are being used loosely, uncontrolled and even incorrectly. The rookie readers will likely catch these words and more confusion and BS will emerge from that such as "comb filtering must always be bad. It looks ugly so it must sound ugly". And it takes long discussions to sort it out again. Sorry for making you a victim :D
Cause and effect have to be separated !
Reflections in a small room vitually always cause "comb filtering". But there are wanted reflections, e.g. lateral >10ms. As a result you will have comb filtering. But where is the damage then ? All the combs are, is something that can be measured with a microphone.
"Damage" only comes from unwanted reflections, which also causes comb filtering.
So it is not the comb filtering that is bad in general but the specific reflections causing it, e.g. floor reflections for some people here.
Ref. Toole, chapter 9, The Audibility of Acoustical Interfrence - Comb filtering, page 151. The four bullets on the page together with the paragraph above and below.
The reason I write all this is: In forums there are certain buzz words that are being used loosely, uncontrolled and even incorrectly. The rookie readers will likely catch these words and more confusion and BS will emerge from that such as "comb filtering must always be bad. It looks ugly so it must sound ugly". And it takes long discussions to sort it out again. Sorry for making you a victim :D

I happened to listen e.g. in/near dipole "nulls" with different arrangements
and also experienced some systems based on high reverberant ratio in the
Khz range.

A friend of mine had an experimental (fun) setup using a small fullranger
aiming into the two upper front corners of his room.

Some of those arrangements sounded "better than expected" to me, if
you get tonal balance right as often the power response of the system
gets more dominant, which is usually falling with frequency.

Such arrangements may have phantom sources sound (very)
wide (ASW), also deep, maybe even somewhat "involving" in a
wide range of the room, but resolution and neutrality is always missing
to an extent, that makes it unacceptable to me personally even if
appropriate EQ is applied.

For easy listening, say in a bar or restaurant, why not.
Great topic guys. This is core-business.

I think that in discussing this topic there are some effects that have to be considered:

- Stereo is a compromise in a spatial sense. You can only hope to listen into the recording venue.

- I think most people agree that early reflections are unwanted. However, when listening to very directional speakers, some people almost experience in-head or very near localisation of the auditory scene. Lateral reflections, which in a natural setting aid localisation, are unfortunately absent with stereo (or arrive only very early from the side walls).

- People differ greatly in their sensitivity and preference for early reflections, as described by Toole in 'Sound Reproduction'. There is no doubt that at least some preferences are learned or differ depending on the situation. Toole writes for example that most recording engineers prefer an absence of early reflections during mixing, but many prefer them for casual listening. Some find stereo to be spatially unsatisfying otherwise, which is not really surprising (see previous point). It may be considered desirable by some to 'enhance' the spatial impression of a stereo system with early reflections.


- On the requirement of a flat on-axis response: I'm not convinced that this requirement is correct because of the large difference in HRTFs between 0 and 30 degrees. Most sources (or the most important ones) in stereo reproduction are in the center. Personally I find a slight on-axis HF down-shelving to be desirable with virtually every speaker.

- I'm also not sure about the requirement for either rising directivity. It might be 'necessary' to preserve the balance intended by the recording engineer because all recordings are mixed on speakers with such directivity. It might also be 'required' to compensate for the HRTF coloration of the phantom center. There are proponents for both flat and rising directivity; I'm not sure about either however.
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Guys! You're moving so fast, I have trouble keeping up just reading! But don't let me hold you back :cheers: .

You are actually reading all of this? :D

On this note let me respond to something from over 70 posts a go. I mean *yesterday*

Direct to reflected ratio does seem to be a critical factor, especially for side-wall reflections, and as you say, the optimal directivity pattern may depend on how dead the room is, along with the listening orientation in the room. (Speakers firing across or along a rectangular room)

I have speakers that are moderately directional above 1-2Khz and I've recently realised that for the room I currently have (fairly small 4.8m x 3.45m and quite reflective/reverberant, with not a lot I can do to change it) that the optimal toe in of the speakers is different depending on whether the listening axis is along or across the room.

For a long time the speakers were on the long wall firing across the short axis of the room. This arrangement worked quite well and put the speakers some 1.5 metres from the side-walls. Imaging was excellent, and I found I got the best results with the speakers toed to converge about 2 feet behind the listening position.

If I toed them to converge in front of the listening position by an equal amount the result was a strong centre phantom image, but very little apparent source width, and a very dry overall sound. I definitely preferred the more toed out configuration.

Some time later the room was reconfigured to put the speakers on one of the short walls firing along the long axis of the room. (For other room use reasons, not for sound...)

For quite a while I was unhappy with the results of this. Although this orientation can work in a large room I've found it generally doesn't work well in a reverberant room this small. It put the speakers less than a metre from the side walls and increased the listening distance considerably, while reducing the speaker to speaker spacing, making the angular separation quite small.

With the speakers in their normal toe in to converge behind the listener configuration sweet spot was narrow and vague, imaging in general was vague and disappointing, and the reverberent nature of the room was all too apparent, with a very strong room characteristic.

Some time later on a "what do I have to lose" hunch I decided to try some strong toe in to cross them over well in front of the listener. (~2 feet) I'm not a fan of crossing speakers in front of the listener but to my chagrin and delight the difference was quite staggering.

It went from sounding like I was sitting well back in the reverberant field with very diffuse imaging to sounding like I was once again in the direct field with pin point imaging, wide sweet spot, and a lot less contribution from the room. In fact overall the result with toeing in front of the listener was very similar to toeing behind the listener in the other room configuration, and overall is very satisfactory, considering that it's the "non-optimal" room orientation.

Thinking about it since then it seems obvious that adjusting the toe in of somewhat directional speakers is directly manipulating the direct to reflected ratio of the side-wall reflections to get a "pleasing" balance.

If there isn't enough side wall reflection, as in the wide room orientation, toe the speakers less, illuminating the side wall more. If there is too much side wall reflection, as in the narrow room configuration, toe them in more.

The implications are interesting, if perhaps a little obvious - if you like precise imaging rather than feeling buried in the reverberant field, more directional speakers are probably better suited to use on the short wall of a rectangular room than speakers with very wide dispersion, and with the directional speakers you can gain more control of the direct/reflected ratio of the first reflection with toe in adjustment. This makes toe in far more critical, but at the same time gives you more control to get the balance you want without needing to change the speaker design or room damping.

On the other hand for speakers mounted along the long wall of a room with side-walls fairly distant, wider dispersion may be more appropriate, and in the case of directional speakers, a fairly minimal toe in. (Crossed behind the listener)

If the toe in is largely about controlling the side wall reflection that also suggests that the optimal toe in angle will change depending on how dead the room is, especially the side-walls.

I have a similar experience with controlling the imaging width and clarity by varying the toe in-out. I'm convinced the ratio of the direct to reflected signal from the sidewalls plays a great role in this. I also suspect that longer time gaps between the direct and reflected sound allow for different tolerances of the intensity of the reflection. When I have the spare time I'd like to try different toe in angles and take some listening tests. I think plots of the Initial Pulse and the first side wall reflection accompanied with the subjective image perception of each speaker position will be enough to make some initial assumptions.

Maybe if more of us are interested in something like this we could organize an official format by which people can conduct such listening tests at home and upload the data to a central repository. If indeed a relation between the sidewall reflections and imaging exists, patterns in the data should be easy to discover.
Transients, those bästards ! :mischiev:

I used to be in that camp also. I like dipole line arrays too, remember! I'm not sure if I still am with that since gained new knowledege, but it certainly feels wierd to think otherwise. Old habits are too deep in me.

I was never statisfied with systems that mess up transients too
much. Acceptable reproduction of transients is essential to me.

A (loudspeaker/room) system that gets the transients well, makes me
"lock in" to the music.

See again the document I posted earlier:

A good one to start on human sound perception in modulation domain:

- Elias

Transient is an AM modulation. How fast can it be perceived? How fast is the human auditory system?

From the document we can read -10dB cut off points of the modulation transfer function of the auditory nerve fibers, and they are something like this:
at 500Hz: 100Hz
at 1kHz: 200Hz
at 2kHz: 400Hz

To convert this into the time response in the modulation domain it is something like:
at 500Hz: 10ms
at 1kHz: 5ms
at 2kHz: 2.5ms

It seems to follow constant Q characteristics.

Is this fast? Or rather slow?

At 1kHz the 'speed' is 5ms. How many reflections can fit in this time frame already ;)

What is your "transient" ?

- Elias
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What's wrong with "tough nut" soffa pillow? ;)

First you test, by any means necessary to get a result, then only try to make it practical. That's the way to do research.

- Elias

..piffle on your sofa pillow. :p

-FAR more advanced than a sofa pillow. Multi-miniature curtains! This way you can vary the pattern. :cool: :D

I'm thinking to do it with a radial will require 2 identical drivers (side to side) with delay and possible phase rotation. Not exactly my area of expertise. :D
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Scott, how often have you come across a listening room that meets all your criteria? Even a dedicated one may have trouble meeting your criteria.

It doesn't have to be exact. ;) My plot was something closer to an "ideal".

Generally though you should be closer to the upper freq. loudspeakers than you are (or they are) to any side wall. Even domestically a "desk" setup can usually accommodate this aesthetically.
Erjee asks “Besides the 'broadband CD point source' characteristic there are two other aspects of the SH50 which are not found in normal indoor hifi speakers:
- very narrow directivity (50 deg beamwidth)
- the lack of any baffle which probably reduces the amount of diffraction

Do you consider the second aspect as an important property for a loudspeaker?”

The constant directivity is a useful thing in commercial sound where you have a listening area as opposed to one location, the benefit is that everyone hears essentially the same spectrum.

Two ways these are different though is that they radiate as a single source, as if it only had one small broad band driver and as a side benefit, they can reproduce a square wave over a decade wide band. That is not a key but an indicator that they system radiates the same place and time or phase over a wide band.
A fun thing to demonstrate is that you can remove the grill and even when your head is inside the horn mouth, the sound always sounds like it is somewhere floating in front of you, you can’t ever hear woofers mids or the hf driver. A friend used a pair on his computer desk as his monitors.

The other thing is that at any level one would ever what in a living room, they are loafing along and the mid section especially has very low distortion. Consider using shaped pink noise, raising the level every 5 min, the point the response shaped changed (relative to 1W) at just one frequency by 3dB was at 56 V rms (1w 1m sensitivity about 100dB)

So far as diffraction, actually that is one thing a horn can deal with, it is the deliberate control of the radiation angle and in a conical horn the wall angle doesn’t change but as the mouth gets larger, the pattern control loss frequency goes down in frequency. Above that frequency, the mouth is large enough to define the radiation angle and so assuming one drives it with an acoustically small source or one that was curved already, then what one radiates is a segment of a sphere.

What is very different from most speakers is how much energy is radiated to the sides and rear compared to normal. In commercial sound one wants as much of the energy as possible where the ears are and as little as possible on the walls floor and ceiling especially in front of the audience. I don’t know that there are many polar plots for hifi speakers handy but this part one can see by examining the polars for an SH-50.

If you down load the .CLF data file for it and the file viewer (free) you can examine the polars and a number of other things.

Anyway, remembering we are talking about the energy in vs out of the pattern, here is what an SH-50 looks like at say 90 degrees off axis.

At 160Hz it is about -5dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 250Hz it is about -8dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 500Hz it is about -20dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 1KHz it is about -20dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 2KHz it is about -23dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 5KHz it is about -28dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 10KHz it is about -35dB at 90 degrees off axis
At 16KHz it is about -26dB down 90 degrees off axis.
Consider that when the beam is -20dB, it is 1% of the intensity on axis and so the spectrum both on and off axis (reverberant field) is primarily the on axis response.

The result of that directivity in my living room is that the measured response at the listening position is very much like the response at one meter.
A high resolution measurement of small cone/dome 2 way measures about + - 15 dB over the 1 meter response at the LP, the SH-50 measured about + -3dB over the 1 meter response at the LP.

It would be my guess that the large reduction of the reflected sound that allows the L.P. response to be much better combined with the time response and lack of depth cues radiated by the speaker is also why the mono phantom can be so strong.
The near field is very large and the reflected energy very low.

A funny thing too, if you place two normal speakers side by side and play music, there is obvious comb filtering if you move around.
You can place two SH-50s side by side tight together and there is no audible seam at all. That acoustic array-ability is useful in commercial sound but this arrangement also lets you place a speaker against a wall or boundary without reflections or an audible seam. . If you scroll down to page 7 here; you can get the idea how this is possible.


I have used this directivity / boundary trick in a narrow room which makes a stereo image the entire width of the room and in commercial sound, people often place them on a ceiling aiming down and the floor monitors work that way but pointed up. as long as the array-able side is used, there is no audible seam or reflection

Hope that helps explain.
Fwiw, a fellow on another forum just posted about his impressions of one of the smaller horns.

RE: That is exactly what SoundLab uses... - johny - Speaker Asylum

Tom Danley

Danley Sound Labs, Inc. | Facebook
I was never statisfied with systems that mess up transients too much. Acceptable reproduction of transients is essential to me......

I am not sure what qualifies as a messed up transient for LineArray. What is a satisfyingly clean-transient example speaker?

Most decent dome tweeters are jet-fast and don't have a problem with audible transients. Some famed transient speakers like ribbon tweeters are actually producing audible distortion compared to a good dome, and this gives them a little extra (extra wrong) liveliness in the ultra highs.
I am not sure what qualifies as a messed up transient for LineArray. What is a satisfyingly clean-transient example speaker?

Most decent dome tweeters are jet-fast and don't have a problem with audible transients.

I concur with that. Speaker/room interaction has to be in the focus
of discussion IMO.


This was taken in an untreated room, except for floor bounce (see below)

Floor: Approx. 70% wood tiles, ca. 30% glass, nearly plane

At the reflection point floor covered with a 2cm thickness wool carpet, approx. 70cm x 70cm

Ipsilateral side wall: Approx. 50% stone and 50% glass, nearly plane, stone non porous.

Speaker position

Floor standing.

Distance to side wall approx. 65cm

Distance to front wall approx. 150cm

Distance to back wall >500cm (non uniform)

Ceiling height approx. 240cm

Microphone (omni) position

Distance approx. 150cm from speaker.

Height approx. 80cm in direction of listening position

Approx 25 degrees off speaker's axis and speaker toed in slightly


This means floor bounce and ipsilateral sidewall bounce are included ...

Surely frequency response of this experimental proto was not a beauty,
but i posted it due to "early reflections" we were discussing.

That early proto resembles a planar bending wave transducer in open baffle
configuration. Side wall reflection at LF is suppressed by the dipole notch.

Ringing around 5Khz is due to that proto version itself.


  • JustAProto.JPG
    263.3 KB · Views: 254
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Transients, those bästards ! :mischiev:

Transient is an AM modulation. How fast can it be perceived? How fast is the human auditory system?

From the document we can read -10dB cut off points of the modulation transfer function of the auditory nerve fibers, and they are something like this:
at 500Hz: 100Hz
at 1kHz: 200Hz
at 2kHz: 400Hz

To convert this into the time response in the modulation domain it is something like:
at 500Hz: 10ms
at 1kHz: 5ms
at 2kHz: 2.5ms

It seems to follow constant Q characteristics.

Is this fast? Or rather slow?

At 1kHz the 'speed' is 5ms. How many reflections can fit in this time frame already ;)

What is your "transient" ?

- Elias


OK, my first objection/question would be, whether it is admissible to conclude from neural
data to perception thresholds directly.

To my knowledge this is not admissible, even if neural data may give valuable insights into
the ecoding mechanism.

My second objection:

Your interpretation of the -10dB cutoff of the modulation transfer function as well as the
resulting "time response" is arbitrarily when applied to temporal resolution (of perception).

A modulation frequency of 100Hz causes a full cycle within 10ms, which means the amplitude of
a 100Hz AM modulated carrier rises from

- neutral level to maximum amplitude and back to neutral level

and then

- to minimum level and back to neutral.

during that time.

A step or a single impulse may be encoded in a quarter
of that cycle or a half cycle respectively ...

So even 1/4 or 1/2 of your "time domain resolution" could
be claimed the right value.

If a certain frequency fu is the highest to be encoded,
then time resolution (time between two samples) according
to Shannon's therorem is t <= 1/(2 * fu).

While explicitly not following your conclusions, i suggest your own notion
of "time response" to halve (at least), which would then be:

at 500Hz: 5ms
at 1kHz: 2.5ms
at 2kHz: 1.25ms

In the range of maximum sensitivity between 2Khz and 5Khz
(if i may deliberately supplement an approx. value at 4Khz according to cited data)
that would be

4Khz: 0.61ms

Which corresponds to a sound travelling distance of approx. 0.2 meters.


That 0.2 meters, as a sound travelling pathlength would reach or exceed the
detection threshold for group delay at 4Khz as e.g. found by Blauert 1978.

Of course discussion of perception thresholds for aspects of group delay
and reflection seems rather pointless, unless you manage to design a speaker/room
system which provides at least a few milliseconds of clearly dominant direct sound
to the listener.
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That cited sentence i wrote was just a supplement. Overread it
if you like. It does in no way change the situation, that your own
standpoint looks rather fragile due to data cited by yourself.

Excuse me Elias, weren't you citing even neural data to
support your point of view ?

Naturally in any study concerning perception idealized conditions
have to be setup.

And surely such results will be applicable more closely to non-reflective
environment than to "live" rooms.

But, like it has been shown more than once now, a sufficient ITD is achievable
even in small rooms, given speaker directivity, position and room
treatment (if necessary) work together.
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Anyone know any peer reviewed article on perception of group delay in small room acoustic spaces using natural sounds via stereo loudspeakers?

That kind of an article, where the results can be applicaple to about 25 m2 size livingroom while listening to music.

- Elias
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