WinISD safe to download?

I want to start playing around with speaker design. I know that WinISD is very popular and FREE. When I went to and Google Chrome gave me this warning:

When I hit 'Advanced', it gave me this warning:

Who is *.asiakkat?
Is there a safe place to get this software?
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That's just google and other browser makers trying to keep newbies from getting into the wrong places and controlling stuff. They want the website owner to spend some money to play by their rules... F'm them, honestly. I'm old fashioned, I've done http since '91, and I wrote the first iteration of my web site directly using vi in a Unix machine.

IMHO, it's all BS. It's the nanny state.

What it's telling you is that the site has not implemented what THEY want... to use https and some kind of a site info "certificate"... which is a PITA to incorporate, you gotta pay THEM money and really tells the user little. It's just control by the browser people and the Gov.

Screw them.

Just allow your browser to go thru... if ( or get a better browser ). They expect people to stay scared enough and force the owner of the website to spend the money. Extortion.

I can see that site. and my Chrome tells me it's a "not secure" site... I configured the browser to ignore that nonsense.

BTW, I never incorporated such an https certificate in my own web site. IMHO, if a user can't figure out how to push through, well, honestly, they don't belong on the open Internet... those users should have stayed in sandboxes like AOL.
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WinIsd been around for good 20 years plus.

I have downloaded it many times for numerous
computers over the years.
Never a problem.

I tried the link too
got same warning.
Site and same link has been around
a long long time.
So probably has old certificates.
Plus browsers and web controllers
want to see a billion zillion dumb extra bleep bloop
thingys to have a site.
Us old school guys just ignore that krap

I have been using it since Windows XP
So I like the older .5 version

The new one .7 was changed for new
operating systems. Same program
just different work flow and graphics.
Pretty much hate the new version.

But its me since ive been using it 20 years.
And think it was changed back in the junk Vista days.
Windooz 10 runs the old XP .5 version just fine.
In Visturd it would crash.
In 10 in runs fine.

Winisd has sum check for T/S parameters
which I love. But begginners always have trouble.
Its easy, just auto calculate most parameters.
Till you become familiar with what T/S parameters are.
and how in the future how valuable sum check is.

Can walk you through once you download it.
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Just look at the warning.... it's telling you it doesn't have a secure certificate which is what's use for https

Please read the link I provided. I own my own website so I had to deal with this BS when they started to push it.

In any event, it doesn't matter, the site is fine. It's an old fashioned group. You just got to bypass the browser's "protection".
That's just google and other browser makers trying to keep newbies from getting into the wrong places and controlling stuff. They want the website owner to spend some money to play by their rules... F'm them, honestly. I'm old fashioned, I've done http since '91, and I wrote the first iteration of my web site directly using vi in a Unix machine...
That's not true.

  • You don't have to pay to get a certificate. There are plenty of free certificate authorities, with Let's Encrypt being the best known (and the one I use).
  • It's not really a pain to use one. If you're capable of running your own website, then adding HTTPS support is relatively trivial. It's all automated, so it's just a few minutes of setup and then it works forever.
  • HTTPS actually helps to protect users. It stops serious attacks like The Great Cannon, or ISPs injecting adverts.

Maybe the admin of just made a mistake setting up the certificate, or maybe the site has been compromised. Are you sure which it is?

One way to be more confident that the exe is safe would be to check if it's changed over time. I have a copy of winisd-07x.exe here dated 2021-09-15, and it has a SHA-256 hash of 00E2527D7EA3F9A6BE475F87FA8E44F47D106FA145849E0BF93C2666E7B21951. If the current exe has the same hash then it's probably ok (unless the site was already compromised back then).
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I want to start playing around with speaker design. I know that WinISD is very popular and FREE.

WinISD is old, incomplete, abandoned by it's developers decades ago and can sometimes give obviously incorrect results usually before locking up. This is the freely available speaker design software that is currently widely used by Windows users and is well maintained. It is a lot more capable than WinISD and likely to be a better investment of your time learning.

PS I am not a Windows user although I have briefly used WinISD via wine.
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That's not true.

  • You don't have to pay to get a certificate. There are plenty of free certificate authorities, with Let's Encrypt being the best known (and the one I use).
  • It's not really a pain to use one. If you're capable of running your own website, then adding HTTPS support is relatively trivial. It's all automated, so it's just a few minutes of setup and then it works forever.
  • HTTPS actually helps to protect users. It stops serious attacks like The Great Cannon, or ISPs injecting adverts.


My personal web presence is just to host my webmail and ftp servers... why does Google want me to mess around and force me to use htpps and an encryption certificate.

Forget it. They are overreaching. Skrew that. My "users" are smart enough... I mean, me and a few friends to whom I may send links to the ftp server (which works with its own encryption).

I believe that the day they buried ftp, mail, etc... under html they made a huge mistake.

We site is very simple, it works for me and I don't need no stinking IT people to tell me how to deploy it.
Joined 2009
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What it's telling you is that the site has not implemented what THEY want... to use https and some kind of a site info "certificate"... which is a PITA to incorporate, you gotta pay THEM money and really tells the user little. It's just control by the browser people and the Gov.
Dude! Seriously? What are you on about?

Enabling HTTPS is a free and simple, usually one-click, process one most (all?) web hosts. Of course, if you choose to run your own server things may be different, but that is a choice that you get to make and all choices have consequences.

I certainly consider encryption (HTTPS) mandatory for any eCommerce site. Whether it should be required on all websites can be debated, but I honestly don't see any drawbacks of requiring HTTPS except for those who - for whatever reason - choose no to adopt the newer safer standards.

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PS I am not a Windows user although I have briefly used WinISD via wine.
There is your issue.

It contains the same old T/S theory and includes the later correction
factors added to the theory.
Also has sum check for finding T/S parameter errors.

Unfortunately it is a very good program.
Doesnt matter if its 20 years old.
The theory used by all programs is = 50 years old

Actually older but basically standardized to a decent point
in the 70's

Anyhoo you just click the link and install it.
Same old thing for 20 years now.
Takes about 5 mins to get .5 to .7 cabinet Q
for a speaker.
All you need, then the process moves forward.
Hi, haven't used winisd in long time, VituixCAD enclosure tool is much more usable. Here manual entry for quick look.
Indeed because port end correction in WinIsd is for ports with non sharing walls.

So if people need length for 2 or 3 walls being shared
Then yes I use Virtuix Cad all the time for correction factors above .850
Since .850 is as high as WinIsd goes.
And more than fine for flared or non flared ports not sharing walls