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YARRA Preamplifier Custom Case at Modushop

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
This has got to be one of the best cases for a DIY project that I have ever seen. Sure there are fancier ones made of burled hardwoods and sprinkled with gold leaf etc. But this one is practical, no non-sense, clean, modern looking as if it was a commercial product. I have to say, JPS64 really did a great job on this one.

Thanks so much, JP!





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Received my case today too! A few bends in the covers but nothing I can't tap out with a little block of wood and a small hammer. :smash:

Excited to see how quickly these all come together. I still have to order my BOM so I may be on the back end of all the builds. Good luck everyone!
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