Modulus 86 or Fremen Edition

Here (My_Ref) the relay is used as a time delay for output offset isolation. Every time the amp is powered.
This takes a second or two. A crowbar would not work for this function.
Why not? I can't see any reason preventing to do the same with a crowbar.

As I explained in some detail in a previous comment, it's just a matter of the "logic" controlling it, and where you pick-up its "input" signal. Currently it is taken from the amp out, and of course that will not work. But in the "my_Ref" design there are resistors in series with the chip outputs, so all you need to do is to check for DC before those resistors instead of after them...
Thank you Sir

The LM3886 configured as a current pump has a nasty turn on transient. It spikes to almost rail voltage. Even with a 0.47 or now a 0.33 ohm resistor in series the smoke will be let out of the chip during regular use.
It is not designed to operate at unity voltage gain.
The amp needs to see an open circuit on power up, then the speaker load after a few seconds.
But the LM3886 does have a protective circui build in. Think National referred to it as SPIKE.
How many times did you try to turn it on with output shorted..? (answer: never, there is the relay +delay applied..)
And the fact that the system endures accidental short circuits, does not mean provoking it mindlessly would be a good practice.
So the system looks like, from your point: a crowbar at output; a disconnect at both rails (strictly synchronized) before or after bypass caps (for each rail)
A short circuit on input

Oh yeah

Ciao, George
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Unfortunately that doesn't improve the situation when the relay opens. The inductive kickback from the speaker causes arcing. Best case that destroys the switch contacts and the current stops. Worst case it'll keep arcing. In that case the relay won't protect your speaker against a high DC voltage on the output of the amp.

Have a look: Speaker DC protection with relays
