What is wrong with TPA3255?

Pin 1 indicator is what counts, not labeling. That's why i don't use labeling at all.

The AD8599 is stated to be unity gain stable, but give it a try and solder 1n in place of 22p to see it changes. Well, if they're unstable in this configuration it should be sufficient to just touch the caps leads. Do you know what ceramics yours are made from? I'd only trust NP0/C0G there. Those "oldisch" leaded cercaps might be Y5V is old stock, which is a NONO here.


my not fried board-opamsp changed to ad8599

status: left channel loud noise -R channel not soo loud and more lower frequency noise.
he r-channel opamp has still the "oldisch" ceramic caps 22pf and if i send a signal i get it but with noise behind.?

as doc wrote i try the 1n F at the noisy channel - left channel has the original caps smd 22pf and the changed 1nF -if i send a signal its very low level and the pink noise is still there - so practically not really a difference


thanks, chris

sorry but actually i have not enough time for audio...but i try to proceed with my

"AMP light"

i did the cabeling. i still keep the idea that i want to change the tpa boards so i kee the big connectors. to go ahead with my "favorite" board i need more time for comparing some ideas...no time now

until the 28th of September i have to !.....= introduction of my amp to friends:D

any other suggestion if experts look at the pics?


my working board is setup like this:

TL02 opamp, changed input caps and the regulator setup, decoupling doctor´s magic caps ;):D

output filter 7µH epcos --> real 7,6µH + 0,680MF TDk caps --> real 0,698µF + CBTL real 0,93µF

this setup is for 4ohms speakers.

on the a very good and neutral speaker = DISCO M (4ohm, 5 ohm) =

the red one:
Die DISCO M - ein hochstwertiger Kompaktlautsprecher | felbi.at | Website von Thorsten Felbinger
i found my amp very hard whiz, fizzle sounding :(

i changed the CBTL to 0,33 each and its much better :)

anybody the same experience?
Desolder the opamps and ground both TPA inputs with the coupling caps in place. if noise is gone, it comes from the frontend. If noise is still there, you fried the input stage in the TPA which usually happens with more than 9V on each input pin.

as expected the TPA3255 is damaged.

pic 1 shortcut as doc mentioned - hopefully correct done;)
massiv noise at left channel - right channel generates a switch off the amp while i am but a speaker in parallel to the 8ohms load.:(

pic 2 power consumption is starting with 14Watt and stop at 7,7Watt:(...normal is about 31V - 4 Watt

....so a new chip cost about 11 euros..and i do not know what is additionaly damaged.....complete board costs 44euro..


  • TPA3255_ input shorted_still noise.jpg
    TPA3255_ input shorted_still noise.jpg
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  • TPA3255 defect_to high current without signal.jpg
    TPA3255 defect_to high current without signal.jpg
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I agree about the necessity for high quality power rails - have you provided external regulation for the TPA3255's signal processing rail voltage? I suspect if you do, it'll leave the NC400 behind. My own board improved immensely from just adding additional caps to that rail, regulation I've yet to try as it requires some trickery to override the internal reg.

Thank you very much for this very very good hint

Following your writings I just placed an external 12V power supply beside my TPA3251evm board and fed the 12V at the pin after removing the jumper J32. Very nice sound improvement. Soundstage, resolution and highs are profiting from this simple modification. I used a spare power supply I build for an other project : R-Core transformer + Reference STUDER900 power supply board with a cooling plate | eBay adjusted to 12V + 1000µF FM + 3xFKP1 0.1µF.

I was no completely convinced by this amp, but now I'm very satisfied by the great improvement.
Head to head in stock mode, the 3e sound is better than the EVM.

The EVM has the extra 2 x 4700uFD which 3e has left out. Opting
to pass the buck to the power supply.

The 3E has a better sounding "dynamic" NJM4580 over the dated
"soft" sounding NE5532 on the EVM. Both are under $1!

I too plan to bypass the 12V supplies on both the 3e and the EVM.
Simple on the EVM (J32 as mentionned) and almost as easy with the 3e (U6).
The 7812 can be removed replaced by a wide band discrete regulator.

Additionally, the better sounding SMPS500 and 600 from Connex
that I have been using have an additional +/-15VDC output which
can be regulated to replace the 12VDC on the 3255.
Guys, I can't get rid of noise. I can hear it from distance of 1m played on 90dB/2.83V speakers. I did my own design based on EVM. Power Supply is Meanwell HRS-150-36. Front end opamps are LME49720 which have their own LM2940 voltage regulator. TPA3251 got another LM2940. They are all supplied by 15V from LM5010 (just like EVM). Input coupling capacitors for TPA are Wima 4.7uF/50V. Without opamps, input shorted to ground trough capacitors the noise is almost the same, I would say very little less. It is capable of delivering more than 50W per chanel to 8ohm load without problems. Music plays, but its not as clean as my old LM3886 amp. Noise is much lower if I use PFFB, but still high (heard from 10-15cm). I currently didn't populate the board with PFFB components. 2 prototypes were made, both behave the same.
Any suggestion is very appreciated.
Schematic Schematic_TPA32xx-v2_20181001163724.pdf - Google Drive
Thanks very much for feeding back your findings on the PSU upgrade. If you're game for another step up try fixing a 1000uF/16V low ESR electrolytic across C41 (1uF ceramic) which is the decoupler for AVDD (pin14).

I will try this as soon as possible. the best match I have here is polymer panasonic 16sepf1000 12mOhm or electrolytic panasonic FM 1000 50V 16mOhm. Although electrolytic is giant compared to polymer, I have tendency to prefer those. Or may be I place 2 sepf in parallel = 6mOhm.

Difficult for me to imagine another improvement in clarity after external 12V PSU upgrade. So good sound already.
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Guys, I can't get rid of noise. I can hear it from distance of 1m played on 90dB/2.83V speakers. I did my own design based on EVM. Power Supply is Meanwell HRS-150-36. Front end opamps are LME49720 which have their own LM2940 voltage regulator. TPA3251 got another LM2940. They are all supplied by 15V from LM5010 (just like EVM). Input coupling capacitors for TPA are Wima 4.7uF/50V. Without opamps, input shorted to ground trough capacitors the noise is almost the same, I would say very little less. It is capable of delivering more than 50W per chanel to 8ohm load without problems. Music plays, but its not as clean as my old LM3886 amp. Noise is much lower if I use PFFB, but still high (heard from 10-15cm). I currently didn't populate the board with PFFB components. 2 prototypes were made, both behave the same.
Any suggestion is very appreciated.
Schematic Schematic_TPA32xx-v2_20181001163724.pdf - Google Drive
TPA3251 normally outputs 60uVrms noise. Which is about 95dB below 2.83Vrms. With 90dB/W at 1m distance you should expect -5dBA acoustic noise level - definitely far below the hearing threshold.
So I assume your noise level is some 20~30dB above the expectation - maybe there is some pcb-layout problem.
TPA3251 normally outputs 60uVrms noise. Which is about 95dB below 2.83Vrms. With 90dB/W at 1m distance you should expect -5dBA acoustic noise level - definitely far below the hearing threshold.
So I assume your noise level is some 20~30dB above the expectation - maybe there is some pcb-layout problem.

Well, thats quite hard to resolve. Just to check if onboard power supply is OK, I made one on the other PCB, with LM317, but it was the same. Tried capacitance multiplier, but without success.
Also AVDD blocking capacitor (suggesterd up to 1000uF) did not influence the noise.
If its a PCB layout problem, I must have made a HUGE mistake to get results that bad. I followed EVM layout for the output and power part.
I just placed an external 12V power supply beside my TPA3251evm board and fed the 12V at the pin after removing the jumper J32. Very nice sound improvement.
R-Core transformer + Reference STUDER900 power supply board
Ah, so upgrading the 12V rail does make a difference!
I will be interested to hear from greinedo if adding a big cap to AVDD achieves even more improvement.
But I must say that's quite a serious power supply, and with its own transformer, will require extra space in your chosen enclosure.

the better sounding SMPS500 and 600 from Connex that I have been using have an additional +/-15VDC output which can be regulated to replace the 12VDC on the 3255.
Yes, that's an interesting approach, too.

In a similar vein, would anyone care to comment on the suitability of this product -
LT30451 + LT8608 Low Noise RF Audio DAC ADC Linear Power Module-in Replacement Parts & Accessories from Consumer Electronics on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group
It's a combination buck pre-regulator (LT8608) + LDO final regulator (LT3045-1). Only the LT3045-1 needs to be adjusted for voltage, because it controls the upstream LT8608 to provide optimal pre-regulation voltage value, via a feedback connection.
This seems an elegant solution to me, since it can be fed from the primary DC supply, and thus appears to be a more sophisticated version of what the TPA325x EVM already provides, conveniently avoiding the need for a completely separate 12V power supply.(?)
I will be interested to hear from greinedo if adding a big cap to AVDD achieves even more improvement.

I will try something this weekend. I already identified that it will challenge my limited soldering skills. On TPA3251evm, tiny C41 is on top, under the heatsink, so difficult. Placing a cap on bottom side, between AVDD via and ground seems more possible.

But I realized in the meantime that a big cap there will stress the internal AVDD regulator during startup phase (inrush current). Is there any risk damaging something with time ? There is no indication in documentation except 1µF on AVDD and "is important to note that the linear regulators integrated in the device have only been designed to support the current requirements of the internal circuitry, and should not be used to power any additional external circuitry". My poor knowledge here cannot help me to evaluate if there is a risk. Thus every opinion is welcome.