Fane 12-250TC vs FC152 (15-300TC)

Joined 2009
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I just made some boxes for the Fane 12-250TC, and after running some sweeps and hooking up a regular minidsp 2x4, tried running them in a bit and do some listening to see what's the difference between these things.

The room I tried the 12"s in had some issues, but after applying 6 bands of EQ I was able to get fairly even response, and while remaining within limits of power supply, amps, minidsp and the drivers themselves, I get nice even response and can play around 105db from low-ish bass region and up at ca 1.5 meters.

The boxes are about 120liter BR/TL pending on definition, I applied a 35hz 48db/oct BW HP filter to keep the drivers safe.
I put some melamine foam and metal grilles in front of the drivers. I will probably ponder a bit the amount and placement of foam, as I feel there are some minor improvements to be made.

Here is a sweep using a somewhat agressive "house curve" (that I actually decided to remove afterwards, no measurements sans "house curve" sorry!), sweeps are roughly 0-10-25-40 degrees in a rather noisy enviroment (close to road).

Sounds great, a tiny bit hot at 0degrees like the 15", so far I prefer the 15" overall, tiny difference.

Will be back with more later on. Maybe more measurements in a week.


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I just made some boxes for the Fane 12-250TC, and after running some sweeps and hooking up a regular minidsp 2x4, tried running them in a bit and do some listening to see what's the difference between these things.

The room I tried the 12"s in had some issues, but after applying 6 bands of EQ I was able to get fairly even response, and while remaining within limits of power supply, amps, minidsp and the drivers themselves, I get nice even response and can play around 105db from low-ish bass region and up at ca 1.5 meters.

The boxes are about 120liter BR/TL pending on definition, I applied a 35hz 48db/oct BW HP filter to keep the drivers safe.
I put some melamine foam and metal grilles in front of the drivers. I will probably ponder a bit the amount and placement of foam, as I feel there are some minor improvements to be made.

Here is a sweep using a somewhat agressive "house curve" (that I actually decided to remove afterwards, no measurements sans "house curve" sorry!), sweeps are roughly 0-10-25-40 degrees in a rather noisy enviroment (close to road).

Sounds great, a tiny bit hot at 0degrees like the 15", so far I prefer the 15" overall, tiny difference.

Will be back with more later on. Maybe more measurements in a week.
Please can you post some pictures from the enclosure?:)
I recently bought some 12-250TC drivers and building a small monitor solution with dimensions ca 60*40*30cm. Will be interresting to compare with my previous Fane 15" fullrange project. Im expecting little low end in this small cabinet though so probably need a sub.

Very interested in seeing pics of your new design.
Joined 2009
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Here's some pictures and info, do note that the rough sketch was something I scrambled down quickly has a slightly longer port than the built version, which has a 24cm port just like the enclosed hornresp sim.

I wanted to actively use the "party hump" to make it seem more impressive, and the lower-than-driver fs to cut down on excursion below 40hz, safeguarding the poor thing a bit.

Also, a picture of the sunrise in Kintamani, close to the speakers home. It's in the volcano basin, overviewing Batur lake. There are hot springs and stuff on the closest side of the lake.

I hereby declare the name of this design: The Bali-Box
A lot of sound for little money, and relatively compact design.


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Joined 2009
Paid Member
They don't sound "too bad" but not really smooth either.
Using just the EQ in 1st post, it's much smoother and non-fatigueing.
Can listen stupid loud for a long time without actually conceiving how loud it really is.
Opening your mouth to say something helps.

Like previously mentioned, I'll try make some more measurements maybe monday or tuesday.
I am a couple hours drive away from the speakers now, at the beach.
And I can actually say that we are staying/sleeping at the beach.
My daughters are having fun.


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They don't sound "too bad" but not really smooth either.
Using just the EQ in 1st post, it's much smoother and non-fatigueing.
Can listen stupid loud for a long time without actually conceiving how loud it really is.
Opening your mouth to say something helps.

Like previously mentioned, I'll try make some more measurements maybe monday or tuesday.
I am a couple hours drive away from the speakers now, at the beach.
And I can actually say that we are staying/sleeping at the beach.
My daughters are having fun.

This is exactly what I'm experiencing in my pair of 12-250TC !!
Some EQ and you're good to go.
Good to see you've got it all up and running, what a stunning place to sit out and listen to your new build.
Re foam, what other layouts have you tried so far?

So far I've only tried bigger square vs smaller square.
After looking, listening and thinking a bit, I think maybe 4cm deep tapered 2x2 foam spike in the middle might be good. Or perhaps just a tiny bit of foam on the dustcap.

The FC152 seems more capable in regards to higher spl, I think this is the biggest difference between them. Also has just a tiny bit more "impact", and it seems a tiny bit better off axis.
Very equal drivers all in all.

If you got the real estate - go for the 15".
If you have limited space, get the 12".
If you think a 120 liter box is ridiculously huge, then you're missing out on some serious value for money.
I understand the theory behind it.
Still think there is some potential for optimalization.

At any rate, I did not have time to further explore this. And I'm now back in Norway.
In the end I was more than happy enough using only the grills and a modicum of eq, I have a lot of measurements on my laptop, will have a look at posting some info later.
Allright, here's what I ended up with, it's very close to halfspace running max volume.
1 speaker only, distance 1.5m and roughly 5degrees off axis, a little eq and 30hz 8th order BW HP.
It's not the smoothest frequency response I measured, but it's the one I liked best.
I don't believe in pretty numbers so the graphs are meant to portray the wiggles and distortion at max volume IE at their worst, if you want pretty graphs I can do that, I just do not like "pretty".

With the final dsp settings it sounds squeaky clean and the distortion is very well controlled until I pushed it very hard, I found the distortion in the bass region just sounds like fun at full tilt, it's mostly 2nd and 3rd order and even though it clearly distorts at max volume it's just warm and smooth. Like a mini bass boost thing going on.

If there's any interest, I can post some vids on youtube where I walk around and film them when running full tilt. Have not really checked the vids yet, but I expect mic distortion when it's up close.

The speakers sound great at any level, and when pushed hard it's just fun!

If I look at the lines etc, I'd rate them a fairly honest 107db each +/- mostly 3 db with a few outliers, at max volume 1.5m distance, not bad for a cheap single driver in a 130 liter box?


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Here is the "best" FR curve under pressure. My biggest gripe with this was the distortion peak at 1.18 something khz, and the slight peak centered around 750hz was a bit more annoying here, even though it's the same in the other measurement.
Better to have some dips and sound slightly on the "mellow" side IMO.

After all this stuff with the 12-250TC running hard measurements, I think pushing the FC152 hard and looking for issues there will be interesting.
My personal listening impression is that the FC152 sounds significantly better off axis than the 12-250TC.


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